Purposely breaking cades: Not allowed.
I don't know... I mean, in general, maybe the rule should be to not purposefully break cades without a good reason.
Good reasons, strictly IMO:
- If another player made a cade that traps another team member
- If another player blocks teleport exits, spawn points, with cade kit boards, cades made from props, etc
- If you caded yourself in a room, but found out that to stay in would be suicidal - like if you caded in a room with a breakable roof, and then the fasties find out you're in there and start breaking the roof - you'd want to destroy the cade to get your ass outta there
- If a player intentionally cades a majority of players out of a specific area - only health, or ammo in the game, or in a map where a majority of the players have to go through a specific area to have a chance of survival, and that gets caded off by a player who wants to be a dickhead.
As for the traitor tester thingy, it's not considered rdm since most people (including me) will be willing to go into it if we aren't traitors....
I still don't see how people being willing to go into them or not makes being killed for not going in NOT RDM.
I mean, if the only reason they are being killed is because they refuse - not because they were found out by Is or Ds, not because were seen trying to, or killing, other Is or Ds, not because of evidence found using D tools, it sure sounds like target RDM to me since you only have proven suspicion and nothing else. Further, Ts and Is are both equally capable of consenting or refusing to be subject themselves to the T testers, which substantiates, in my opinion, that at most you may be able to prove is suspicion, and not enough to justify killing without straying into RDMing territory.... BUT this is just my opinion. Other people - especially VIPs, admin, etc, please chime in.
Speaking of which, I've lately heard people in game saying "If people go to [place X], I'll kill them" - dunno if ANYBODY has been actually following through on this, but it sure sounds like target RDMing to kill somebody just for entering a room, and I will be vigilant when I'm on TTT for this behavior.
EDIT: Got a point to make about ZS: SPAWN CAMPING. Sometimes it isn't too bad, but on maps like infected_hospital I think, or the hospital map where all the zombies spawn in one room with two bottlenecks if that isn't the name, it is IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY as zomb since the humans will not just camp outside both exits for zspawn, but camp INSIDE the spawn area itself.
Abandoned Facility is ANOTHER example [being in a game of ZS on that map as of writing this post edit].
SOMETHING needs to be done, as in recent weeks/months/whatever, it is becoming so bad that the camping results in kills in many cases as soon as you spawn, making playing IM-fucking-POSSIBLE.