Just wondering... why do we have so many zs_fort variations. It really irratates me when we play the same type of map for 5 rounds. same goes to the raunchy house series and the storm series. Why do we have so many of them

Maps that i want removed...
zs_juans_house_v4 (Due to oversized level proportians and multiple carpenter hammers and Melee weapons such as shovels)
zs_corruption_v3 (Due to the fact i need to redo it and having multiple complaints about the grass FPS lag)
zs_nacht_der_untoten (Good idea... Bad map. No where enough props to cade, Boards have Unusual amount of health and generally zombies ragequit)
zs_pacman (No... just no... a big headache for generally everyone)
zs_youarethevirusinsidejoe (Op for humans)
And when can a map vote be implemented? or will it encourage the voting of overused maps? at least make it so we can see what map is coming next.