I DIDNT APPLY WHAT I SAID TO THE HOTGREEN, HOTGREEN JUST DEMOTED ME BECAUSE HE THOUGHT I WAS TALKING BEIND HIS BACK,the dick part, i said because everyone else was on the topic, but i dont see u demoting them nor anything, about how i play, thats how i always play, hotgreen u should know, ur always seen me play when ur regular, and u never said a thing till now, why now? so its okay last time but not now? what is this i dont even know wtf going on! NO SECOND CHANCE, NO WARNING, NOTHING, SHOT ME STRAIGHT ON, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, unfair yes kinda, was i rude, yes i was, couldnt u tell me about it b4 u demoted me, not demote me and warn me, theres no point in warning me if u did that, u find some way to do so,u even have to call a admin to do so, i was just playing TTT like i always do, some dude pushes me of, and u call foul play on me! what kinda of person are u hotgreen, you changed so much, im not even sure ur hotgreensoldier anymore, its like phase u go through, once ur vip u not the same, u changed....ALOT, no its not easy to get regular, i had to wait, get everyone to know me, they did and they thought i was okay, now u took that away from me