Author Topic: Change the TTT Karma System  (Read 397 times)

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Re: Change the TTT Karma System
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2011, 05:13:17 AM »
ok, bottom line of what i'm saying is, if someone RDM's you, breaks the rules and attacks you, why should you be punished? if its possible to prevent it, or minimise it, why not? why are you against it? it would only effect people who defend themselves against RDM, what il-effects would it have?

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Re: Change the TTT Karma System
« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2011, 05:43:56 AM »
ok, bottom line of what i'm saying is, if someone RDM's you, breaks the rules and attacks you, why should you be punished? if its possible to prevent it, or minimise it, why not? why are you against it? it would only effect people who defend themselves against RDM, what il-effects would it have?

it is not possible to prevent
it is a part of the game.
What I mean by that is:
Innocents will kill innocents based on false evidence. That is how people work.
Psychology is your friend in this game, trust me.

We're not against it.
but if I can figure out the difference between an rdmer and a traitor, I would assume you would also be able to.
I guess what i'm trying to say is

Learn to make smarter decisions.
People are so quick to assume that the person who shot them is a traitor. More than likely its someone with 400 karma that just joined thinking this is CSS, or someone who is a complete douche trying to get you to kill them because they know you will lose karma and get pissed off.
One of the best things you can do is let yourself die sometimes.

Always be aware of who you're with. If you ever get randomly headshotted and don't know who did it, you need to pay better attention to your surroundings.
Learn the players, since most of them are not new. Learn how they behave.

I am not trying to brag, but the only reason my karma dropped in a week is because I hit Jman with a chair.
The point of me saying that is that once you learn what to watch for, you won't end up with 500 karma.

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Re: Change the TTT Karma System
« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2011, 10:57:40 PM »
it is not possible to prevent
it is a part of the game.
What I mean by that is:
Innocents will kill innocents based on false evidence. That is how people work.
Psychology is your friend in this game, trust me.

We're not against it.
but if I can figure out the difference between an rdmer and a traitor, I would assume you would also be able to.
I guess what i'm trying to say is

Learn to make smarter decisions.
People are so quick to assume that the person who shot them is a traitor. More than likely its someone with 400 karma that just joined thinking this is CSS, or someone who is a complete douche trying to get you to kill them because they know you will lose karma and get pissed off.
One of the best things you can do is let yourself die sometimes.

Always be aware of who you're with. If you ever get randomly headshotted and don't know who did it, you need to pay better attention to your surroundings.
Learn the players, since most of them are not new. Learn how they behave.

I am not trying to brag, but the only reason my karma dropped in a week is because I hit Jman with a chair.
The point of me saying that is that once you learn what to watch for, you won't end up with 500 karma.

and then, just like that
we were playing trouble in dwarf fortress