wow I did post that didn't I...
Sorry I was a little "impaired" when I read through, getting messages that someone from here was on raging our staff about how we we're killing this server.
Back on topic though If their was a sort of ingame score contest it'd add a little flavor nothing overzelous but a motivator to play to be "#1" or something like that. I've read the pointshop idea way to many times and while I wouldn't do it just to save the headache from those who oppose it... it's got it's own merit as again it'd add something but not sure if it'd be beneficial.
As for removing TTT well tf2 is again popular just that it already has so many servers. My CS gungame idea could work but it'd frequently be empty. A cs:go server might be interesting but thats kinda fallen into tf2's paradox, survival was fun but the trees were killer, sandbox has promise still kinda. Dark RP might be the only thing that could ever kill this server...after all rp is a disease. deathrun might be fun but again likely empty often. zombiemaster would be sweet but kinda a niche now.zambie survival was fun but rarely had players and when it did they were dragged into ttt or left when they died. If only there was a hackers vs Admins gamemmode that would hit multiple audiences

... anygame that requires bots typically has a niche crowd. Dayz would be funny as hell especially if rbN did what he usually does.... *rants on and on about possible ideas then dies of old age*
I guess if we really wanna get rid of TTT here, finding out a game/gamemode that the majority actually like and would have time to play would be more beneficial rather than just the let's be rid of it cause it's empty when I join reason. I mean I was having fun in ttt until my idiot friend failed a forced rcon selfban and took us both down >_<