I'm not so big on throwing people into the pits of hell and telling them to rot for all eternity (since it makes more sense to rehabilitate 'problems' than let the problems fester on their own in a cell), but at the least I hope Zimmerman goes home at night and realizes that he pretty much ended someone's life, even if that someone was hopped up on PCP-Xtreme.
Also, this is one case out of how many murders/misdemeanors that occur daily? That Media Monster.
Back on topic, I couldn't exactly run up to someone I don't even know, pull the trigger, and sit there content that I did my 'duty' as the king of neighborhood watch. Yeah.
Maybe that's just me. But, I guess people also make mistakes. Yet I'd like to think that making mistakes = learning from them... I'd like to hope Zimmerman doesn't just run up to another individual because he looks shady, and then whip out a firearm after the individual has the least bit of reason to get defensive. Citizen's arrest, I saw you jaywalking. The price is your kneecaps.
Unless Zimmerman becomes an officer or some form of persons with certified legal authority, then he'd really have the right to interrogate someone, and they'd have to listen. To a degree. You can't exactly arrest someone for not doing the hokey-pokey just, 'cause.
Like, I wouldn't care if the kid was any kind of race. Even if Zimmerman was Black or Asian or what have you, it's still the image of a grown man pursuing a whacked-out youth and putting him down with a single shot after said minor (revealed to be unarmed after being found dead) chose fight instead of flight because Zimmerman was following him. That little bit bothers me, as I certainly don't want to live in a neighborhood like that.
If the kid was on drugs, the kid could be sitting in rehab... but again, people make mistakes, and I doubt many people have that kind of mental clarity/foresight if they think the person they're pursuing is going to pull off the greatest B&E ever. Heat of the moment, you get a rush and before you know it you've shot someone.
It sucks, and it happened, and I have no idea why it seems as if it can be waved off if Treyvon is still dead, and is not miraculously going to be there tomorrow because this never happened and we forgive everyone ever... A good example for those wanting to go on a shooting spree or murder that special someone.
Self defense, a bit of a one-sided fight, not many witnesses, someone died. I guess either they really drop the case, or slap him on the wrist. Maybe it's a matter of time and energy.
Not being hung in town square, that I'm glad about. No slaps on the wrist for accidental murder, and having the world's most eccentric face afterwards without any sign of remorse for what
seemed like straight-up shooting someone following suspicions based mostly on assumptions (if not a tiny bit of gung-ho adrenaline)...
I wasn't there, but now I'm not so sure
what I'm supposed to be reading about that should make me care/believe
anything besides the fact that someone is now dead, and that there
doesn't seem to be any valid "You stole from the cookie jar, sit in the corner for 3 minutes and apologize later" besides death threats (which in of themselves seem kind of
unnecessary if Zimmerman
is sitting in his house, not being able to come to terms with what his death threats call "MURDER DEATH KILL").
I don't want to come to the conclusion that I can straight up walk into a factory, gun down several people, and not be chastised for it because I suspected they were packaging illegal wares... and all I have to say in order to go about my daily life is:
"They're dead and not packaging anything anymore. There is no longer a potential threat, and all the hypothetical what-ifs have been squandered. I did what I had to, even though I could have just alerted the authorities who wouldn't have shot several people".

He's either relieved he's not going to jail for what I could really see as excessive self-defense (an accident that got out of hand), or happy about watching another human being flop still on the pavement.
Or neither, he could be thinking about lolcats, or I could just be a tiny bit up in arms about murdering people and doing the Harlem Shake afterwards .-.
For the love of TL;DR (concise and to the point instead of several spoilers, as well as the sake of clarity):
I don't like the way authority and responsibilities are being handled, and I don't like that while Zimmerman isn't being hung in Times Square (I'm grateful we're not doing that asdf anymore) he's still able to go around proclaiming that he's killed a man 'out of self defense' without being slapped on the wrist (I can believe it was an accident perpetuated by adrenaline or some lack of thought/heroism ho!)...
And through all that, the man is
fucking smiling while in
court. In
court, where they will
read to you,
directly, what you've been accused of, and being that Zimmerman was there- nay, he was in fact the reason a bullet entered a random individual, he gets to sit there and relive that moment, to know that he was the reason someone is dead regardless of if they were a 'good' or 'bad' guy. To possibly mull over the fact that, regardless of if Treyvon was trying to deter Zimmerman from following him, such actions were met with
lethal action (maybe Treyvon was trying to strangle Zimmerman, I wasn't there. But I'm more than certain Zimmerman could have easily trumped Martin physically than resort to the be-all-end-all).
He's in court, wherein you are being tried for a crime, and people are
watching you. With what few witnesses are
there, who may occasionally make eye contact with you. Zimmerman was there to follow Treyvon, shoot him, and stick around while he died (I can believe that maybe Zimmerman was like "What did I just do?", or have shut down after shooting Treyvon resulting in no EMS call... I would). To deny that would be akin to saying that Zimmerman never followed or encountered Martin (in excess of) self defense, nor did he have a gun on him. Nor is he king of neighborhood watch, nor is any of this real.
Yet, he's smiling. Even if Zimmerman was another race as well as Treyvon.... he's... smiling. Only, now he can go do what he pleases. There isn't any trace of blood on his hands, and that other person never existed.
Santa who?
What's that, you've run over an old lady? That's alright, she was getting old, and you're an important brain surgeon who needed to take a shortcut through a residential sidewalk to save someone's life.
Anders Behring Breivik broke down into tears. Media induced? Who knows. I just still see a man smiling after taking authority into his own hands, and willfully instigating something that he was encouraged not to (by someone who's job, and the lives of others, depend on their decision making skills), and not having ensured that it could have ended better/had even started at all, resulting in the death of another fellow human being (but is it ever humanly possible to ensure everything is perfect?).
I just hope that's not a genuine smile indicating pleasure or satisfaction. I would very much like you to not kick my child in the head because it pleases you, please.