But I kinda do think that he should have been Punished. yah know he did kill him
I think Zimmerman should've at least been penalized, I mean he killed a minor.
Still though, as said, he did still kill someone. His lack of remorse towards the situation is a bit unnerving, whether self defense or not, he did kill someone unarmed, and he doesn't seem very moved by it. I think he should have gotten something, even if it's not getting locked up.
So many people on Facebook with terrible grammar are crying about it and saying that Zimmerman should be killed.In the end, Zimmerman got screwed over anyway because he's up in America's shitlist with Casey Anthony and the Westboro church family.
It's hilarious.
He's already being punished with death threats, just imagine yourself being threaten by thousands of people. Zimmerman will probably have to be in hiding for the rest of his life because of this.
So many people on Facebook with terrible grammar are crying about it and saying that Zimmerman should be killed.
It's hilarious.
He's already being punished with death threats, just imagine yourself being threaten by thousands of people. Zimmerman will probably have to be in hiding for the rest of his life because of this.
If there were say, a rapid or otherwise dangerous animal in your back yard, you call the police, and you're told specifically to do nothing unless it poses an immediate threat and attacks. So being the smug ass you are, you instead put on a gleeful smile, grab a gun and decide to go out and shoot the animal.Off point: Is it bad that I actually would do that?
Off point: Is it bad that I actually would do that?Depends on what animal it is.
I haven't followed this case very well. Can someone give me a rundown of what happened?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Goetz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Goetz) - A similar case you guys might be interested in.I dont know if race was a factor to Zimmerman, nor if the drugs were a factor. But the problem many people have is that he got away without any real legal repercussions for something that was at the very least, partly his fault. There was a lot of doubt as to how ZImmerman was actually beaten. He said his head was bashed repeatedly against the ground, yet his injuries were minimal. Its pretty clear to me at least, he exaggerated in order to further his plea. Martin did injure him, there is no doubt about that. But the appropriate response was hardly to kill him. Not only that, but the way Zimmerman was seemingly pleased and proud of what he did, certainly makes it seem as if it were a race issue, or that hes a psychopath (Yeah, the proper definition here. Thats unusual). A good number of people are also bothered by the tiny jury of six. They have every reason to be bothered, really.
I would have probably done the same thing in that sort of situation (If I was being beaten).
The fuss being made about race is complete crap. The fact that the victim had drugs in his system is his own fault, though Zimmerman's doubts in the police probably led him to take action himself, which he shouldn't have done. Martin did attack first (Well that's what I've heard about the issue)
Whether Zimmerman got a short sentence or not doesn't really matter to me. Both are to be blamed. People really shouldn't be wasting everyone's time rioting over it. It's all ridiculous.
I dont know if race was a factor to Zimmerman, nor if the drugs were a factor. But the problem many people have is that he got away without any real legal repercussions for something that was at the very least, partly his fault. There was a lot of doubt as to how ZImmerman was actually beaten. He said his head was bashed repeatedly against the ground, yet his injuries were minimal.
err, I don't think his injuries were minimal. It goes to show that you can't randomly beat the shit out of strangers and expect nothing to happen in return.A bloody nose and a few fairly minor abrasions on the head do not really indicate someone smashing your head into the cement with all their force multiple times with the intent of killing you. Martin deserved to be locked away, for sure. Hes no exemplary citizen. But the question is if he should have been killed for it. An attack need not turn into a death.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A bloody nose and a few fairly minor abrasions on the head do not really indicate someone smashing your head into the cement with all their force multiple times with the intent of killing you. Martin deserved to be locked away, for sure. Hes no exemplary citizen. But the question is if he should have been killed for it. An attack need not turn into a death.In a situation like that, when you are getting beat up you don't think as you would normally, usually one has to think very fast and the adrenaline rush makes it even harder to not act impulsively. It's not that I'm saying that this completely justifies the officer's actions but it should definitely be considered.
In a situation like that, when you are getting beat up you don't think as you would normally, usually one has to think very fast and the adrenaline rush makes it even harder to not act impulsively. It's not that I'm saying that this completely justifies the officer's actions but it should definitely be considered.If it were simply fight/flight response to being attacked like that, there would be no doubt of innocence of a crime, as there was no intent nor neglect. My seeing of this is that there was evidently more to it then fight/flight. He seemed happy about the situation. Like a psychopath, he had no remorse. Personally, thats my biggest issue with the case.
If it were simply fight/flight response to being attacked like that, there would be no doubt of innocence of a crime, as there was no intent nor neglect. My seeing of this is that there was evidently more to it then fight/flight. He seemed happy about the situation. Like a psychopath, he had no remorse. Personally, thats my biggest issue with the case.You can't simmer the zimmer.
You can't simmer the zimmer.
ohgod I just had to
You can't simmer the zimmer.
ohgod I just had to
A quick Google told me on average there are ,in the US, 40 murders a day. Most of which are probably not justifiable. This one is debatable on whether it was justified to shoot him. I feel that maaaaaaayyyyybe we should care more about the other 39 daily murder victims. Instead of this "incident" shit happens yo. And people should move past the shit.
The reason the Zimmerman Trial has attracted so much attention is because it demonstrates the flaws in the Stand Your Ground Law and highlights race issues.The more likely reason this has attracted to much attention is because of the mainstream media involvement.
If you kill someone in a SYG state, and there's no witnesses, you could get away with it as 'self-defense'.
The more likely reason this has attracted to much attention is because of the mainstream media involvement.Yeah I meant something like why it's considered more important than the other murders, which yes, does usually bring the media attention.
Yeah I meant something like why it's considered more important than the other murders, which yes, does usually bring the media attention.I absolutely can't see how this case is more important then things that were mentioned in this video:
I actually heard about it through non-mainstream online news. Anyone watch TYT?
http://abcnews.go.com/US/george-zimmerman-emerged-hiding-truck-crash-rescue/story?id=19735432 (http://abcnews.go.com/US/george-zimmerman-emerged-hiding-truck-crash-rescue/story?id=19735432)I gave up reading the comments. 75% of it consisted as "HURR DURR STAGED".
Still think that the decision was wrong?
I absolutely can't see how this case is more important then things that were mentioned in this video:I'm going to admit that I know fairly little about this case though I do understand the base of it and haven't been reading this thread much but seriously Prox, it's not only Caucasians that can be racist wtf?...and yet those things never really got this much media attention as the Zimmerman case did.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The whole race thing is beyond stupid since Zimmerman isn't white, if I remember correctly the 30 minute video does go into further details about this.
I'm going to admit that I know fairly little about this case though I do understand the base of it and haven't been reading this thread much but seriously Prox, it's not only Caucasians that can be racist wtf?He's talking about the people calling Zimmerman a "fucking cracker" , "whitey", etc. and painting it as a white hate crime, even though there is a lot of evidence to the contrary.
He's talking about the people calling Zimmerman a "fucking cracker" , "whitey", etc. and painting it as a white hate crime, even though there is a lot of evidence to the contrary.I read it and it sounded to me like he was saying Zimmerman couldn't have been doing it as a hate crime because he's not white.
I'm going to admit that I know fairly little about this case though I do understand the base of it and haven't been reading this thread much but seriously Prox, it's not only Caucasians that can be racist wtf?>latino
I still don't see why they set the house on fire...I think you might be confusing Zimmerman with Christopher Dorner.
I think you might be confusing Zimmerman with Christopher Dorner.Oh, my bad, i was looking into the Zimmerman case, and i saw your vid, must have confused up things, anyway
Oh, my bad, i was looking into the Zimmerman case, and i saw your vid, must have confused up things, anyway
Can someone sum up the Zummerman case for me please.
Video related:If you want a sum up for the latest one, well, I think it is far too early for anyone to do so.
The TRUTH About George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuH_YuBtH40#ws)
Seeing as this is a re-upload and both, this and the original video has an overwhelming amount of likes which should indicate that the information is legit, the court decision was absolutely fair and just.
Original video which also has all sorts of information sources in the description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bF-Ax5E8EJc#at=632 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bF-Ax5E8EJc#at=632)
I highly recommend to watch the entire video, every second of it.