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Author Topic: Regular/VIP  (Read 1067 times)

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Offline pyrosheep

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« on: September 23, 2012, 06:14:37 PM »
I feel like the server rankings need a bit more power now that all TTT servers are becoming more and more popular, so I want to suggest an idea that was implemented on a server I played on awhile ago.

So basically to apply for regular you had to have atleast 12 hours logged on the server and have positive feedback. You had to be extremely well trusted within the community. Regulars could start votes. The could vote kick and vote mute and everyone in the server could vote (everyone in the server to vote on it can be up for discussion). Obviously this also means a bit more strictness with promoting and demoting users.

VIPs can just auto kick or auto mute without any votes or anything. I don't remember the exact standards on MY server we had for applying for it, but it was more strict than regular. Regular would basically just be a back up plan for no VIPs being online.

This ranking system worked very well on the server and it thrived or a very long time but got shut down due to lack of funds. The ranking system was kept the same for the entire time I was playing.
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atleast in real life i have abs and i fuck any girl i see at a bar , youre all fucking gaming losers.

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2012, 06:27:32 PM »
I don't mean to sound negative, but this is just not a good idea in my opinion. Regular is a rank given to just that, regular members, VIP and Admin are very respected and trusted ranks. Besides I don't see why we need to change the ranks, just apply for VIP if you want those privileges, if you can't earn it yet, then you are obviously not ready in the eyes of others. I personally think someone would only suggest this because they'd rather have more power at a lower rank, then have to work to get a higher rank. :\ I can just see it getting greatly misused.
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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2012, 06:34:02 PM »
I don't mean to sound negative, but this is just not a good idea in my opinion. Regular is a rank given to just that, regular members, VIP and Admin are very respected and trusted ranks. Besides I don't see why we need to change the ranks, just apply for VIP if you want those privileges, if you can't earn it yet, then you are obviously not ready in the eyes of others. I personally think someone would only suggest this because they'd rather have more power at a lower rank, then have to work to get a higher rank. :\ I can just see it getting greatly misused.
Well I do agree and disagree, pyrosheep does bring a good point with all of these YouTubers playing it, I would suggest keeping the power of Regs and adding like a second tier Reg, Of course, VIP and this "second tier Reg" would be a lot harder to get; however it would prevent more VIP's coming and ripping their hair out by the stupidity of the RDMers and their excuses, either that or get more VIPs.

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2012, 06:39:38 PM »
How about we ban everyone. That should solve every problem.

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2012, 06:40:32 PM »
Sounds like someone was lurking my thread. ;)  It would be nice for something like this.

I don't mean to sound negative, but this is just not a good idea in my opinion. Regular is a rank given to just that, regular members, VIP and Admin are very respected and trusted ranks. Besides I don't see why we need to change the ranks, just apply for VIP if you want those privileges, if you can't earn it yet, then you are obviously not ready in the eyes of others. I personally think someone would only suggest this because they'd rather have more power at a lower rank, then have to work to get a higher rank. :\ I can just see it getting greatly misused.

"Besides I don't see why we need to change the ranks, just apply for VIP if you want those privileges, if you can't earn it yet, then you are obviously not ready in the eyes of others."

The problem with this is the fact that some VIPs play so little. It's why my app for VIP was rejected because VIPs didn't play therefore they didn't know me very well. So it was pretty unfair to me... The whole reason I attempted to get VIP was because so many regulars told me I should try to get it and I wanted to help stop all the RDMing and such. Yet it completely bombed and it wasn't my fault at all..

In my opinion, I think regulars should AT LEAST get a small say for VIP applications.(Maybe make each regular say count as half a vote? or something?) Regulars play more then the VIPs afterall so I think they should get a say if the person is worthy of such power, for all the VIPs know maybe the person going for VIP only acts good when VIPs are around.

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Offline pyrosheep

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2012, 07:00:40 PM »
I don't mean to sound negative, but this is just not a good idea in my opinion. Regular is a rank given to just that, regular members, VIP and Admin are very respected and trusted ranks. Besides I don't see why we need to change the ranks, just apply for VIP if you want those privileges, if you can't earn it yet, then you are obviously not ready in the eyes of others. I personally think someone would only suggest this because they'd rather have more power at a lower rank, then have to work to get a higher rank. :\ I can just see it getting greatly misused.
This is under the suggestions board so negativity is expected.
I think that since VIP is harder to get meaning less people have it, regulars should have something to use against people breaking the rules when there isn't anyone else but regs and guests on the server at the time. And trust me, I'm not suggesting this for more power at a lower rank. I'm still a guest. I just thought it was implemented very well into the server and working very well into the server I played on.
Quote from: Death M.D.
atleast in real life i have abs and i fuck any girl i see at a bar , youre all fucking gaming losers.

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2012, 07:01:40 PM »
How about we ban everyone. That should solve every problem.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 07:08:36 PM by Yoshi »

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2012, 07:56:40 PM »
I don't mean to sound negative, but this is just not a good idea in my opinion. Regular is a rank given to just that, regular members, VIP and Admin are very respected and trusted ranks. Besides I don't see why we need to change the ranks, just apply for VIP if you want those privileges, if you can't earn it yet, then you are obviously not ready in the eyes of others. I personally think someone would only suggest this because they'd rather have more power at a lower rank, then have to work to get a higher rank. :\ I can just see it getting greatly misused.

Of course somebody with lower power would suggest having more power if that is what they sought.  [No shit, Sherock?]

As it is, Reg is pretty useless if no vips or admins are on at all, which is actualy fairly damn often.
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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2012, 08:10:03 PM »
I feel like the server rankings need a bit more power now that all TTT servers are becoming more and more popular, so I want to suggest an idea that was implemented on a server I played on awhile ago.

So basically to apply for regular you had to have atleast 12 hours logged on the server and have positive feedback. You had to be extremely well trusted within the community. Regulars could start votes. The could vote kick and vote mute and everyone in the server could vote (everyone in the server to vote on it can be up for discussion). Obviously this also means a bit more strictness with promoting and demoting users.

VIPs can just auto kick or auto mute without any votes or anything. I don't remember the exact standards on MY server we had for applying for it, but it was more strict than regular. Regular would basically just be a back up plan for no VIPs being online.

This ranking system worked very well on the server and it thrived or a very long time but got shut down due to lack of funds. The ranking system was kept the same for the entire time I was playing.


This is why we don't got a votemute or something. Also i will rely on this to argument something else... the thing is VIPs knows the rules really good, but regulars can be biased and just go ahead and do what they think is good, without even thinking on the servers rules.

What i have been thinking the last days about this topic is... what is better?

a) Give away the power of votes to regulars, exposing the community to someone people who abuse it and make some players get a bad impression of the server


b)Don't have enough VIPs on-line, letting the server be a minge paradise, so the people who wants to play on the server goes away with the idea that the severs needs to be more strict and no one moderates them.

I know it isn't like a or b, but I'm saying the both extremes of the possible cases.

I think that if we make the process of getting regular a little bit harder, and code the system so when a VIP isn't on-line regulars can start votes, it would help to moderate the servers a little more.

Also adding VIPs insta kick would be a nice for a kind of warning or those cases which the broken rule isn't a big deal but still must be punished.

S[hes] Br[ok]en

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2012, 08:14:17 PM »
It wouldn't be hard to add in a line for Regs to have a votekick with a 5-10 minute cooldown.

I say fuck it. Let's just see how that runs for about a week.

The worst that could happen is we get everyone being being retarded with their votes, in which case, we're changing it back anyways.

Best case scenario is only one or two questionable regs abuse it and we could keep the new powers, while just demote the couple that do abuse it.

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2012, 06:40:21 AM »
Just make the VIP easier to obtain. Seriously, to me it seems that everyone is too afraid to help someone who is incapable of being VIP get promoted, and I myself have had this attitude until now. Seriously, looking at the current requirements to get VIP and at the activity of ALL the VIPS and ADMINS in general I don't think that there are a much or any people who have the chances of getting VIP so people we have a problem. In fact, I think that the people who got the VIP could easily make good admins.
   Okay, let's say that Ϝuzsioᴎ makes an app. I can already imagine people either -1ing it or being not sure, but why? Why is this rank being looked at so damn strictly? It is completely unneeded, plus reporting a VIP isn't as hard as reporting ghosting or maybe even rdms in some cases and considering the current situation it is very unlikely it would do any harm.

   Also, to everyone, do not forget that VIPS CAN POST VIP APPLICATIONS, so fell free to send one anytime.

I'd also like to encourage some players to apply for the VIP, I'll list their names:
Captain Communism
Dark Pacifist
This Toast
This Cactus
Yellow Killer

These are the players who are capable and have the potential for this rank from my perspective, I may have forgotten some as well.

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2012, 09:23:42 AM »
everyone is too afraid to help someone who is incapable of being VIP get promoted


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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2012, 09:50:36 AM »

People are afraid of promoting someone who would abuse, if this makes any difference.

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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2012, 09:57:23 AM »
Just make the VIP easier to obtain. Seriously, to me it seems that everyone is too afraid to help someone who is incapable of being VIP get promoted, and I myself have had this attitude until now. Seriously, looking at the current requirements to get VIP and at the activity of ALL the VIPS and ADMINS in general I don't think that there are a much or any people who have the chances of getting VIP so people we have a problem. In fact, I think that the people who got the VIP could easily make good admins.
   Okay, let's say that Ϝuzsioᴎ makes an app. I can already imagine people either -1ing it or being not sure, but why? Why is this rank being looked at so damn strictly? It is completely unneeded, plus reporting a VIP isn't as hard as reporting ghosting or maybe even rdms in some cases and considering the current situation it is very unlikely it would do any harm.

   Also, to everyone, do not forget that VIPS CAN POST VIP APPLICATIONS, so fell free to send one anytime.

I'd also like to encourage some players to apply for the VIP, I'll list their names:
Captain Communism
Dark Pacifist
This Toast
This Cactus
Yellow Killer

These are the players who are capable and have the potential for this rank from my perspective, I may have forgotten some as well.

>dat feel when not on da list

Not sure who a few of those guys are (maybe they just don't play TTT all that much). But Kahuna doesn't want VIP sadly. Or is too lazy to sign up for it. Or both.  I know this because I always bug him about it lol.
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Re: Regular/VIP
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2012, 10:09:22 AM »
>dat feel when not on da list

Not sure who a few of those guys are (maybe they just don't play TTT all that much). But Kahuna doesn't want VIP sadly. Or is too lazy to sign up for it. Or both.  I know this because I always bug him about it lol.
Maybe its you who is the one who doesn't play enough