I feel like the server rankings need a bit more power now that all TTT servers are becoming more and more popular, so I want to suggest an idea that was implemented on a server I played on awhile ago.
So basically to apply for regular you had to have atleast 12 hours logged on the server and have positive feedback. You had to be extremely well trusted within the community. Regulars could start votes. The could vote kick and vote mute and everyone in the server could vote (everyone in the server to vote on it can be up for discussion). Obviously this also means a bit more strictness with promoting and demoting users.
VIPs can just auto kick or auto mute without any votes or anything. I don't remember the exact standards on MY server we had for applying for it, but it was more strict than regular. Regular would basically just be a back up plan for no VIPs being online.
This ranking system worked very well on the server and it thrived or a very long time but got shut down due to lack of funds. The ranking system was kept the same for the entire time I was playing.
This is why we don't got a votemute or something. Also i will rely on this to argument something else... the thing is VIPs knows the rules really good, but regulars can be biased and just go ahead and do what they think is good, without even thinking on the servers rules.
What i have been thinking the last days about this topic is... what is better?
a) Give away the power of votes to regulars, exposing the community to someone people who abuse it and make some players get a bad impression of the server
b)Don't have enough VIPs on-line, letting the server be a minge paradise, so the people who wants to play on the server goes away with the idea that the severs needs to be more strict and no one moderates them.
I know it isn't like a or b, but I'm saying the both extremes of the possible cases.
I think that if we make the process of getting regular a little bit harder, and code the system so when a VIP isn't on-line regulars can start votes, it would help to moderate the servers a little more.
Also adding VIPs insta kick would be a nice for a kind of warning or those cases which the broken rule isn't a big deal but still must be punished.