I stopped posting on the AB a month or two ago, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. What I'm referring to is that, unless I've missed something, almost all of your arguments have been assertions. I'm not saying they're either right or wrong, but I am saying they're unsupported.
They're kind of supported by the entire thread and my quoting but okay...
Here Snivy completely ignores my wall ox text and points out that I used a bad example, in his opinion, rather than arguing my actual points:
Thing is it's not criticism people are complaining about... it's people letting go and being outright dicks to every breathing member because there will be no punishments.
Also...I just said I don't want it fully removed too, even though if you go in there 3/4 of all threads have some insult about me in some way. And I don't even go on the anonyboards either, unless someone points something out to me, where I'm pretty sure Franks a somewhat frequent user of the board...
See thing is, the board is just centred around hating other members currently, and whether you care or not, a lot of people do and it's CONSTANTLY complained about for in what my opinion is good reason... So, a lot of people are upset about what all of the people are doing on the anony boards and a lot offended. So just leave it there, because they can simply not look at it if they don't want to see it?
That's like if people were posting extremely racist content of some sort, supporting the killing of everyone but X race, and then people complaining about it here, but your argument being "If you don't like it, don't go on the board". Clearly, if people were posting content like that, something would be done. And I think that's a good example as well, as I know you're going to argue that... seeing as it may be a bit more extreme than what's currently going on, but it's the same situation where a lot of users are offended and annoyed but no one's really breaking any severe rules such as posting links to viruses and such; or illegal content that could threaten shutting down the site.
Tiger, I would actually prefer anything like that to be on these forums because then conflicts could actually get solved, where if it's on the anonyboard people drop back to preschool and fling insults at each other just to piss everyone off. Here, people are more inclined to have an actual discussion.
> Give an example
> Claim it's a good example
> Proceed to explain why it's a horrible example
Here, Don completely ignores what I'm trying to explain and jumps to the usual conclusion that I'm simply dismissing arguments by saying people don't like me and it doesn't matter:
You can see why I thought you were talking about this thread not the anonyboards...
And I haven't said I've never done a single wrong, I'm saying that in this situation I haven't, not that no one should have anything to complain about with me. Half the shit isn't even from my actions however, people such as you, Snivy, and Gamefreak as far as I know, simply don't like me and love to complain about me and how I talk. I can't really care any less.
EDIT:This sure looks like a serious thread to me. Just semi-off topic.
Not to mention, I did try to bring the discussion to PM's, but it clearly got brought back up into this thread and several others.
Lol okay.
This isn't worth my time, I'd rather talk with my nail clipper. At least that one can actually grasp the human language and doesn't dismiss any and all things against him as "you don't like me you don't matter I don't care xD".
And then of course just the post above where Don said that I'm again not worth his time, not explaining anything, only trying to insult me and ignore what I say, which is now edited with Don quoting me and not explaining why he thinks I'm an idiot yet again, though obviously for thinking what I said is obviously wrong, which it isn't. Happens in every single argument.
And last, the stuff I'm actually talking about from AB which I can admit to having done wrong is mostly fairly old now I suppose, so I don't doubt you posted at least some of it and I don't really care if you did. I don't really find anything wrong with some of the things posted about me at all.
And this is why we can't have serious threads.

I have a habit of doing that... I don't know why.