Hey guys, thanks for all the positive feedback on my map, yeah dont worry I know lighting is very important but im making that the last finishing touches when the hospital is actually built, but yeah im gonna add a megaton fuckload of detail and im gonna actually make it make sense, probably gonna put some custom textures (if i can) that will actually compile with the map so no missing textures for anyone, such as maybe a pepsi vending machine, and blah blah blah, im gonna fix the map's background a bit and a whole lot more, honestly guys this is the first map im actually FINISHING, ive made a lot but always quit lol. but dont worry I know my way around hammer a bit, I thought about adding some rain, but i wont unless you guys think it's a good idea, gonna fix textures since the door is retarded and the walls are all fucked up. and also lets see.. oh well cant think of anything else right now, but if you have any ideas (or just want to say how the truck spawn is an awesome idea) lemme know and ill see what i can do to put it in the map. and note: I haven't planned on putting any of those asshole hidden secret shit like you'll find on death maps.
If about 10-30 Players in server do all of them spawn in the truck?
That would be uber cramped and spawn glitches etc... lol!
Awesome idea though, maybe add a basement and make zombie spawn there?
Do the lighting
LASTBefore you start the lighting always make a backup...
Take time in Displacements,
Don't use the same texture more than enough times in one room >_>(Pleeeease)
Innovative environments (airplane, jungle, ocean... )
More interactions (elevators, machines...)
Better graphics
Better gameplay
Indoor ambiences
Outdoor ambiences
Realistic environments (single buildings, cities, country...)
Imaginary environments (space, fantastical...)
More cading spots but smaller (each human can try surviving alone)
Less cading spots but larger (choose this if you prefer cooperate with other humans)
Custom Content is always a BIGGIE!!Inspirational Images:

And of course:
http://www.noxiousnet.com/forums/index.php?topic=2373.0Hope you has fun making this and good luck from rANdOm