« on: October 19, 2009, 01:29:38 AM »
first off you need one piece of evidence. second I've know banana for 3 years. this sounds nothing like banana except the insults. you gotta just laugh at the insulting jokes he makes. also there are no rules clearly depicted anywhere, if you could give me the name of the admin who made these rules I would happily speak to him and make the rules clearly depicted within the server its self. so we wont have these problems anymore. another thing that bothers me is the assumption that since your boat was the only one left, that banana had to have been on it, and he was the one who had to die,..., so its his fault... no, don't blame it all on banana,you were too stubborn to jump off yourself. you are half to blame. besides its not like banana is on there all the time, but judging how you word things i take it that you're a regular and would know that. also "I could have gave him the round but I was the one who made the boat, not him," since you're a regular you would know that you're boat still remains even if you die in that round. if he wasn't on a boat, HE"S NOT ON A BOAT. wheres the rule on that? don't assume. another thing is if people's respected was taken away have them post here too saying what happened and that they would like their respected back. another thing that kills me is: when you,..., as a "respected" player,..., who we trust you to have the ability to vote kick other players, respected and non respected, suddenly feel empowered enough to attempt to kick an admin, someone who runs the server, has higher authority than you, someone doing their job. that does not fly with me as an admin, and i believe that you should have your respected gone for this amount of time.let me put it this way for you, "when an admin is in a server, you ain't the sheriff in town."