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Messages - sleepersoft

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Server Requests/Suggestions / Life support
« on: September 24, 2009, 11:44:35 AM »
here's an idea, everyone please tell me what your opinion is on this idea. Life Support, yes from Spacebuild. i know what you're thinking but bear with me here. i would personally like to see LS on the server for the purpose of making cars, boats and planes that run off of resources, i know what most of you are going to say "what makes it so different from easy engine?" well for 1 we can have wheels and thrusters that take different resources,I.E. NITRO!!! how cool would it be if your cars and planes had Nitro and went twice as fast. now i know some of you are finding the flaw of that people could abuse it to cause fusion explosions, but I personally would be willing to take out the generators that cause the explosions. so if anyone has any questions feel free.

i love this "minge" concept... you speak of a player as if he minges once he's a minge always... what you people don't notice is that its an "opinion" and not everyone's "opinion" is the same...  so one person who is a minge to another could not be a minge to someone else.... besides think about this we all minge sometimes. so that makes us all minges, so we all should be banned? besides why do you think that we have the vote ban system for? also some of you may not know this but this community was founded upon that one server alone, its what got all of us "founders"(so to speak) to be involved in the community. and lastly what makes you feel more privileged than the other players you want to keep out of the server?

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 19, 2009, 05:50:54 PM »

QFT. Seriously. I could've been on a roll pwning zombies and you go and kill everyone and end the game. That is everyone's point. That stuff is not cool bro.

I don't really hate you or anything, its just you have lost sight of the purpose of an admin. Its not to unbalance everything and give yourself para and rageban people. Its to keep order in the server. And by the way, I'm not talking about the baricade stuff where you were making stuff with like a million cades. That really doesnt influence the game one way or another  :-\


first off why are you even getting so involved in this. Accusing and accosting me? 2nd, you think of me as a bad admin cause its subliminally engraved in your subconscious mind. you listen to what everyone says about me and you take it to truth. and since you "think" I'm a bad admin you automatically think that i would just spawn a para and kill my human teammates and kill myself for no reason "to end the game". rather than thinking that i follow the rules of the game a little bit and kill zombies rather than humans as you so claim i do. which you've never seen me do but you assume i do cause I'm an abusive admin as people claim, and how many times have I even played with you in zs? how many times have you seen me kill humans (when I'm not a zombie and they didn't ask me to, and yes i do have to add this in cause you wont get what I'm saying otherwise and will try to turn my own words upon me) besides i don't care what you guys's opinion is of me, if you guys don't have fun when I'm in the server, LEAVE, and don't like how i admin, LEARN TO DEAL. besides why should I respect you as players if I don't get the respect as admin. I'm on there for you guys to ask for help and a faster resort to kick/ban players than the corrupt glitched votekick process you guys have without me. Besides I can alert Coolz if needs be, I have his number and live 7-9 houses away. You guys just don't utilize me, its like you fear me or something, I'm not gonna bite if any of you ask for help.

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 18, 2009, 09:47:40 PM »
hahahaha RAGE! you're right its not your fault we lost the key, but you did prevent us from finding it, that's the reason you were 5min banned. and yes i did give myself a para and killed everyone around me, but you should also "remember" that I suicided after, as i usually do every round if I'm last and if i have someone with me i usually NPC_grenade us. and side note I cant noclip, I can only tele to target

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 18, 2009, 06:41:29 PM »
I love how everything's my fault and I'm always the one to blame. also when has anyone ever hacked and had god mode? 2nd you didn't read what i typed explaining what we were doing, if you read you would know we're trying to show you all the secret room but we lost the key in the pit of fiery acid, and if you didn't notice the guy wasn't dying WITH ME!!!!! RIGHT NEXT TO ME IN THE SAME PIT! then i cant help you if you cant piece two things together besides, you didn't consult me asking if he is hacking and or to do something about it. and you cant say i wasn't there, I restarted the same map 3 times due to someone loosing the key. I wasn't gonna restart AGAIN a 4th time... that's just conceited. and since you messed with someone who had direct orders form me, I gave a 5 min ban. i did nothing to your respected. but its my fault cause I'm an abusive admin as you all say i am.

In reply to Sanders: I'm tired of it also. and please record it!!!! PLEASE so people can see how idiotic some of you are. and to show I tell everyone what goes on when and if i do.

Funny Stuffz / Admin Abuse?
« on: September 03, 2009, 08:50:32 PM »

Approved Respected Apps / Re: My intro
« on: September 01, 2009, 03:19:53 PM »
Welcome to the RND community you are now a respected member  :D

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Twisted dragon warrior says hello to random :)
« on: September 02, 2008, 01:16:19 PM »
how coolz was first to welcome you....

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