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Messages - sleepersoft

Pages: [1] 2 ... 4
Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Underdone suggestion
« on: June 02, 2010, 10:46:15 PM »
If we get this i wanna get in on coding weps and shit
why not start right now? :P heres an example structure on ranged weapons

Code: [Select]
local Item = QuickCreateItemTable(BaseWeapon, "weapon_ranged_junkrifle", "Junky Rifle", "Crafted with the junkiest materials around.", "icons/weapon_sniper1")
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Weapons/w_annabelle.mdl", Vector(-12.4, 1.9, 1.4), Angle(10, -176, -7.4))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/healthvial.mdl", Vector(-1.4, 1, -7.9), Angle(83.6, -2, 180))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Items/battery.mdl", Vector(-0.1, -0.8, -2.8), Angle(95.7, 178.7, -178.7))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/props_c17/utilityconnecter006.mdl", Vector(1.2, -11.3, 1), Angle(-0.7, -93, 6))
Item = AddStats(Item, 22, 0.02, 2, 25) --(35)
Item = AddSound(Item, "weapons/ar1/ar1_dist2.wav", "weapons/crossbow/reload1.wav")
Item.Weight = 2
Item.Level = 5
Item.SellPrice = 450
Item.HoldType = "smg"
Item.AmmoType = "ar2"

as well as an example of mele:

Code: [Select]
local Item = QuickCreateItemTable(BaseWeapon, "weapon_melee_skullmace", "Skull Mace", "Smack people with a skull :D", "icons/weapon_axe")
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS.mdl", Vector(1, -0.6, 20.2), Angle(-161.3, -71.6, -166.6))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS_spine.mdl", Vector(-0.3, 1.7, -9.5), Angle(-3.3, 89, -10))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS_spine.mdl", Vector(0.1, 0.1, 18.6), Angle(-2, 94.3, 180))
Item = AddStats(Item, 22, 1)
Item = AddSound(Item, "weapons/iceaxe/iceaxe_swing1.wav")
Item.Level = 4
Item.Weight = 1
Item.SellPrice = 235

any questions please ask :D

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Underdone suggestion
« on: June 01, 2010, 08:58:18 PM »
Diffrently need more stuff to do I've already beat every quest...
make some quest suggestions here!!! i can easily make them!

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Underdone suggestion
« on: May 31, 2010, 12:03:20 PM »
here is the structure of how quests are:
Code: [Select]
local Quest = {}
Quest.Name = "quest_oil"
Quest.PrintName = "Oil Drum"
Quest.Story = "I require some oil from a Oil Drum, return to me the oil i need and i will make it worth your while."
Quest.TurnInStory = "Very good here is a gift that i think will be of some use to you."
Quest.Level = 1
Quest.ObtainItems = {}
Quest.ObtainItems["quest_oil"] = 1
Quest.GainedExp = 30
Quest.GainedItems = {}
Quest.GainedItems["armor_helm_junkhelmet"] = 1

local Quest = {}
Quest.Name = "quest_killzombies"
Quest.PrintName = "Kill zombie"
Quest.Story = "Zombies a always attacking newcommers here. Say, tell you what, you kill a couple of them things and I will give you some cash for it."
Quest.TurnInStory = "Nice job, I like the way you handled those zombies lets do this more often."
Quest.Level = 5
Quest.Kill = {}
Quest.Kill["zombie"] = 8
Quest.GainedExp = 50
Quest.GainedItems = {}
Quest.GainedItems["money"] = 70

i encourage everyone to make their own quests, based on their difficulty of what is necessary to do for the quest should reflect the level requirement.

 i like yours krasher what do you think of this? instead of quest_oil to have it
blackpowder, explosivespin, and fuel. fuel is made by refining methanol, black powder could be made from charcoal, and pin out of tincan using the wrench and pliers. someone earlier made a note that the doing wood distillation over and over was for nothing, well now we can let it have a purpose. also as a a reward you'd get a book on how to learn to craft grenades. where youll need fuel, blackpowder, tincan, explosivespin, and pliers and wrench. i can have the lvl requirement be 20, you think that'd be fair?

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Underdone suggestion
« on: May 31, 2010, 11:16:16 AM »
well the gamemode is a beta release,  meaning its an unfinished release so of course there will be flaws, and as far as i know other server communities are developing it, not the original owner and they're using it for their server only, so their updates aren't something we can easily obtain let alone ask for and expect to recieve... besides its not like we cant code it ourselves...  @Krasher, theres no need for a seperate thread all quest suggestions and ideas can be posted here, it would be a pain trying to keep up with more than one post for one project. many things usually gets double posted anyways.Quests are easy to code in. so all suggestions can be posted here and ill implement them onto the beta server.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Underdone suggestion
« on: May 31, 2010, 12:15:17 AM »
Future possible additions to underdone

this gamemode has soo much possibility :DDD

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Underdone suggestion
« on: May 30, 2010, 10:55:58 AM »
hey all, to have this on the RND community i need more votes... i want you guys to tell others about the gamemode, to have them try it out and vote! :D more votes needed  to convince coolz to host this.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Underdone suggestion
« on: May 27, 2010, 09:13:19 PM »
new (MMO)RPG, called Underdone, would you like to see this gamemode on the RND server? if you would like to test it out i have a poorly made server up, . please dl map before you join,
for those who dont have a account you can find the map here @
all quests, items, levels, spawns, and icons are all editable and can easily be changed or added.
i personally am intersted and can see this gamemode developing into a hit in the community,
please post your comments, criticism, etc, pertaining to the Underdone gamemode.
much thanks -Sleepersoft
P.S. Ep2 is required... :\

image references



Wanted ideas/concepts for:
-items (this includes; consumables, tools, weapon parts, etc.)
-recipes (such as part crafting [could be for weapons], food cooking, science[for example charcoal concentration to make gunpowder] etc... im open to all suggestions)
-quests (what kind of lavish tasks you would like to try to kill yourself over to complete)
-weapon looks ( all i need is pics of concept weapons[both melee and ranged] you would like to have your character hold, for example: pics like a regular Annabell with nocollided props  on the gun to give it a cool look yet realistic. [props like utility connectors on the barrel, maybe a milk carton at the stock with a soda can as the magazine clip and glass bottle at the tip to make a silenced gun]

Boneyard / Re: Anyone else feel our ZS server is ruined?
« on: April 22, 2010, 12:09:54 PM »

What I see in Sleeper's death___ maps:

1. Blocky sh*t brushes
2. horribly placed uh, everything?
3. stupid roomfulls of ammoboxes for retard minges who waste their bullets on headcrabs
4. dumb traps which always result in death, are usually impossible to see, and are a real b*tch when playing zs
5. grenades in every map? what? Last time I checked, grenades were given at 20 kills, not 0.
6. 'secrets', which aren't secretive at all since the info spreads faster than bacteria, and the 'secrets', which are always dumb, can be ruined by one minge who steps in the wrong place
7. hallways of doom? Why would you ever give humans a long hallway, IN ADDITION to infinite ammo, health, armor, props, weapons, etc?
8. YOU USE THE SAME CONTENT IN DIFFERENT MAPS? If you have ANY experience as a mapper, this is a mortal sin, you copied and pasted ENTIRE MAPS on Houses_sse, and added what, 10 brushes? ugh
9. Another thing with mapping experience, can you only make brushes and trigger_hurts? Playing these maps makes me die a little each time on the inside.
10. Finally, all of these dumb maps look like they took no more than 6 minutes to make.

"complaints -> whine and be ignored"

LAWL @ THIS KIDS POSTS # (only came on forums to rage about the deathmaps)

heres my rebuttal:

1, its called a THEME. and also the environment is easily to surprise ppl if its the same texture, both traps and rewards.
2,horribly placed as in you didn't expect it to be there and i surprised you with a trap? thats the point "dip"
3, what ppl do with their ammunition should be a criticism on my map. i gave them the opportunity and what they do with it is their own free will
4, ... ... really? :o.... i TRAP you fall in would result in DEATH? NAAAW!!!! :D :laugh: ::) and what did you expect for me to do? expose every trap so no one would fall into it? im sure you laugh when noobs fall for them but when you fall for it its different? shut up and quit whinning
5, grenades are a "REWARD" if you can make it to the secret room, its a "REWARD". the one by zombie spawn, well if you're brave enough and can get some before the noobs spam "use" on it and or get eaten by the zombies that spawn...
6,secrets get passed and and revelaed, thats what happens, nothing i can do about it, ppl find the secrets by decompiling my maps. its not like i can change the map often to keep ppl supprized... thats why i made others.
7, long hallways before a trap so they can actually defend while one person at a time goes also so the ones who crossed could defend the last to cross, my maps are made for you to work as a team. giving you camping spots along the way for you to barricade up if you so desire. and again i say "REWARD" for making ti to the end as a last stand.
8, first off about this line... why did you bring up a map thats not related to my deathmap series which this forum post is about. besides i picked the top 3 maps that ppl told me they really liked and i added them together. plain..and simple.. and people loved it reguardless of it being theft. you dont have to hide it youre calling me a theif. its not like im looking for fame i never did, i made it to have fun and as a change cause the server had shitty maps when it first started. and i created the 1me_deathtrap because it was a fun counterstrike1.6 map i made where at the very top i made an elevator that would shoot up and the whole map below would blow up killing everyone but the lone survivor making that team win. the concept was different for zs so i asked my friends for an idea for a secret room, coolz gave me the idea for an apartment as the secret room. thats the reason its in every map, its a dedication to coolz. and is much enjoyed by other players too. encouraging me to make it into a series.
9, well... im not gonna make things elaborate if it doesn't need to be... would you? reguardless of trigger_hurts being simple, it takes less room and does exactly what i need it to do. it gets the job done.plain and simple. besides i have no use for skyboxes because its all indoors. and if you knew how my later maps are done i have a full system of triggers, passes, and filters. also on zs_houses i have playerclips. so dont you criticize that i don't know how. besides if its soo painful for you to play, dont play. find another server. my maps are on noother server but RND. its a Perk, or so i thought of it as until the rdn community members are started disrespecting and degrading my maps and slapping me in the face as they do it.
10, i appreciate your compliment that i could do a full map in 6 mins, but you know what, im giving you a challenge, you make a map that can hold the 1st or 2nd place on the rnd servers... no if ands or buts, either you do it OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!  i want you to see how much work and thought goes into making a map. cause i can tell you have yet to make one. you don't respect the work regardless of how much time you so "think" was put into it...

criticism and comments welcome :P

Mapping / Re: Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 17, 2010, 02:23:33 PM »

Mapping / Re: Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:38:12 PM »
so far i have everything laid out except the lighting and certain thing i always end up thinking of adding along the way... sooo 85% done? shouldnt take too long but having a job makes it hard to work on such project as this...

Mapping / Re: Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 14, 2010, 01:08:21 AM »
hey,  this map is 100% new. nothing like my regular doom looking ones, this one requires css and hl2... theres no traps but alot of cading spots.

Mapping / Re: Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 10, 2010, 04:37:32 PM »
sorry but i think this might be a bad idea, lets say you get randomly picked for a zombie and the humans get to the vehicle, most likely all the zombies would rage quit, even if you become a fast zombie you probably couldn't hit the person driving. If you do, make it a really hard spot to get to,a bit more challenging  than your deathlab map (version 2 i think)
i tested it and its useless when the chems class come out... a headon collision with a chem made my health go down to 53. and the vehicle isnt that easy to get to...

Mapping / Re: Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 10, 2010, 11:13:43 AM »

Mapping / Re: Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:28:17 AM »
yes i would like some suggestions, im pretty much set on not having any traps in this map, so just like what you would like to see in this map. no limits!  :P  also i have a question for you guys, would you like (just for the lulz) a vehicle in the map, that you can drive around and run over zombies?

Mapping / Sleepersoft's last map.
« on: March 03, 2010, 02:11:52 PM »
Hello all, I've been working on my last map,   :-[  this map is breaking away from my normal 1me_death___ maps but it will be having the same 1me_death___ prefix. to some of you who this pertains to, yes i am making it from scratch. the name of the map is going to be either 1me_deathscience or 1me_deathresearch, I haven't yet made a decision. I will post some pics momentarily,  but very few to keep you, my fans, in suspense... yes there are no traps, but i will have my signature ammo room and will hide my other signatures such as the lightsaber, dynamite and "Hula".  if you have any other questions comments and/or concerns... please feel free to ask them here.

I'm posting only 2 images because i don't have much done its splotty cause im laying down my concepts first before my perfection

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