Krasher's How-To on Catching a Name Changer
in plain english
1.) Run into a name changer.
2.) Exchange looks.
Krasher: :l
Minge: l:
Krasher: :l
Minge: o:
Krasher: :O
Frank: >:{U3.) Type "status" into the console by pressing "~".
4.) Get A Screenshot/Mental image of the names.
5.) Repeat steps 3 & 4, Then go onto the next step.
6.) Quit the game.
~Note: Screeshots will be located in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\username\garrysmod\garrysmod\screenshots~7.) Go Here:,30.0.html8.) Make a new topic entitled, "Name Changer."
9.) Make Sure you have the pictures upload somewhere!
10.) Put the imgae links into the post using the following code:
, or simply by pressing the picture of 'Mona Lisa' while making the post.
11.) Make sure to give a simple explanation of what was going on.
12.) Wait for an admin to ban the player.
13.) Make a "Happy Faic."
14.) Go on to play another day.
Simple, ;).
Sticky Please