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Topics - Krasher

Pages: 1 ... 11 [12]
General /
« on: January 17, 2010, 12:08:20 AM »

NO loss what so ever :D
good ping to :D

Instructions: Go here
get forum link
paste here

Funny Stuffz / I win
« on: January 16, 2010, 11:19:20 PM »
Well heres something i just noticed... thought you should see

look at the last posts for each

~Magic is in there tooz dont forget him!

Forum/Website Suggestions / Well her it goes
« on: January 16, 2010, 11:12:08 PM »
Could you make a german multilanguage section?
I can speak german :P
and people bug me on steam asking for german translations and such for the random forums x___x

Im just like
"Sorry, wir haben nicht ein Deutsch Abschnitt. Tut mir leid, es könnte ich für ein Deutsch Abschnitt coolzedad fragen. Aber bis dahin ..."
(Sorry, we do not have a German section. I'm sorry, could I ask coolzedad for a german section. But until then ...)

so could you consider one for my german friends? i have about 13 (not counting anyother germans that are lieing around)
(and I should be teh admin since i sprechen Deutsch!)

Community Admin Apps / Krasher's OLD Admin App
« on: January 16, 2010, 10:42:13 PM »
This post is old, lock it pl0x.

Oh and Click Here for the new one.

Funny Stuffz / What WOuld you do for $10,000 MORE dollars [{Poll}]
« on: January 16, 2010, 10:00:41 PM »
This one is a tad more painful ;)

So what would you do for 10,000 MORE dollars
Choose as many as you like...


General Chat / Langauge!
« on: January 16, 2010, 12:10:37 PM »
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I am learning german!
Well right now i JUST began, i already know a bunch of words

Rosetta Stone = German

Yep thats how, lol don't hate

I also plan on learning Russian so i can "consult" with the Russian people that keep riding our servers!


Noobs dun know me austrian

Funny Stuffz / Your Epic Shizz
« on: January 16, 2010, 12:23:35 AM »
What cool shiiz have you done in 2009?

Ridden' A Frigging Alligator:

Been on a Battleship:

My Brother Has to boys now, my nephews:
Im the one in the yellow

What about you guys?

General Chat / My New Account
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:53:37 PM »
i have made a new account for my own reasons
I will still be making maps for the servers :D
account name: djpartykrasher

since im a Dj and stuff

Mapping / Map making apply!
« on: January 12, 2010, 02:20:00 PM »
Wondering if this would be the place to make an apply for making maps for the servers 
I have made maps for blood servers default, and some maps for sa-gm, (or whatever cant remember been long time)

Ive made about 19 maps in total so far, only held back because im working on the facepunch Walt Disney World map with many others,
It would be an honor to donate my maps to the random community for playing :D

My best work so far has been for a blood servers defualt build map, it had 6 areas for player to build in, water, race, flatgrass, ocean, sky, and a construct area.
I have been making ALOT of revisions and it has come to be gm_freedom_v4
I would enjoy playing it on the server :D

I also plan on making my ZS map, zs_outbreak_v2 available for the random servers!, it is a very FUN map for Zombie survival, barricades are easy to make, zombie spawn in more places than one, and the players have a LARGE playing area for surviving, most of the buildings are accesible in v2, plan to make all of them, if source don't shit itself :P

New project is fl_megaflood_beta, LARGE MAP made to give players more freedom to explore the landscape i am going to provide, there are many secrets on megaflood, like the underwater submarine, and a very neat place for tah admins to chill, the grand tower above the whole map, where you can see everything thats going on below and you have control over the gate openings and lifts, these are also hidden somewhere on the main level ;P

SPOILER: One of the lifts and openings takes you to the private lake, a personal lake for you to hide in lul, but its very hard to do, being that you need to know where all the levers are, and the private spot fills up to the top every other round


//EDIT// I am now done with fl_megaflood_v1 and im willing to send it to people if they want to take an early look, and outbreaak is next!

Server Requests/Suggestions / New ZS Server
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:54:21 PM »
Really should consider a new ZS server
the one now lags bad becuase of so kay players
it really messes with the player
my ping was 987 and the server crashed
there was about 29 people on it
 or 35

Community Admin Apps / For tah adminz!
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:17:04 PM »
EDIT: Dont look at this one, please go to my new one here,1538.0.html

Server Requests/Suggestions / [Flood] Sugesstions by Party Krasher
« on: January 08, 2010, 02:07:59 AM »
Teaming, mingebaggers delight, they sit around and mingebag, then jump on YOUR boat...

 Suggestion 1 - Make a new feature so that if a minger gets on YOUR boat, they slowly start dieing like in the water

 Suggestion 2 - Give each boat owner a tazer (or stun stick) that deactivates use when they are off their boat, but if a minger jumps on your boat, you can use your tazinator to give them two options... GTFO, or die :P

 Suggestion 3 - Leave it alone, so that mingies can go on unpunished...

Approved Respected Apps / Hey its me from earlier
« on: January 07, 2010, 10:40:49 PM »
I have moved accounts to djpartykrasher
i edited tis post so i can get re-respected :P

Little Bio thing:

oh hai, my real name is Bradley Reese, In gmod i make all kinds of things with wire, in real life i DJ and make music!

Here is a link to my artist profile :
as you can see i dont have any songs, i will soon though ;P

As you can also see I am not completely addicted to the computer, and if you find me in gmod (which is what i am always on ;P) feel free o say 'Hai!'
Because that is going to make my day about 1.3x better :D

ETC: I make a type of music called Hardstyle/Gabber, i have a dog named Koda. I date the hottest girl ever, and I make music along side a professional Artist:

Video of one of the songs i helped with: HQRSE - I Think I Like it (Remix)
We make musics :3

About Random Servers: They are absolutely the best, and im not saying that just to get respected, the servers are filled with some of the coolest people you could meet, if these servers ever stopped, i think i would not play gmod anymore, no joke :P

That sums up my Little Bio thing :P

I love music, Angerfist, Art of fighters, HQRSE(mah bud ;D), and many other great hard techno and house artists

i have got beginner skills in c++ and some hardcore skills in wire mod

i am 13 years old :D

If you see me im probably building:

I absolutely love to help people with my wire skills :D, ex. you want a security door that closes when you are in it, i make you an auto turrent and security cameras that move and designate targets and shoot if they get to close :D

I like to build weapons and artillery, Like rail guns, lazors, cannons, nukes, lol bombs
i make people things when they suck at wire, so just ask me :P!

Here is some inside info:

Name: Party Krasher
SteamID: codex13, you will see me as Party Krasher
Friend(s): Cameron Smith, Alex Robinson :P
Favourite subject(s): Science, Programming, Astrology, Wire!
Age: 13
Birthday: 09.05.1996
Education: 8th Grade, I am in Algebra and Advanced Reading, I'm one of those 'gifted' kids. :P
Builds: MingeTraps, Auto Turrets, Stalkers, Teleporters, PC Mod Computers
Location: Kentucky, USA
How to contact me : Email at

Special Thanks:

Mingebagger - For the template  ;D
Everyone at Random - For being such great people!

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