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Topics - Krasher

Pages: 1 ... 6 [7] 8 ... 12
General Chat / Making Of fm_dropin
« on: February 27, 2010, 02:18:22 PM »
Krasher's Channel - live streaming video powered by Livestream

itsnot on I am beta testin

I am making a map right now :b

General / Internet Browser
« on: February 27, 2010, 03:34:13 AM »
Whats the Best by Opinion?

I am using Opera right now, I just changed from chrome, slight increase :P.

General Chat / I might leave RND..
« on: February 27, 2010, 12:51:13 AM »
Too many pingaz and pingaz,

Not Enough Pingaz, Needs Moar Pingarz

Blah Blah Pingas
admin zs noobs pingas

lol pingas blah

Community Admin Apps / Krasher's Admin Application.
« on: February 27, 2010, 12:40:27 AM »
I don't know what to do with this app.

I just think I don't need it.

General Chat / Should I?
« on: February 26, 2010, 09:01:48 PM »
Should I make a new admin application?

I already know that if I do I will have lots more +1 then what I did, but I don't know if I should wait to make another or just go ad do it.

btw the old one means nothing now..

General Chat / I'm Back!
« on: February 26, 2010, 08:49:47 PM »

Chat Part:
Idk, tell me how much you love me.

General Chat / O' So Sexy
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:06:43 AM »

Yes I haz it.. There was a Guitar Center here and I haaxed my wallet and bought it :D.

Chat Part:
Whine and be jealous of my o' so sexy shizz

General Chat / Temp Leave.
« on: February 24, 2010, 06:06:01 AM »
I will be gone from today until sometime Saturday or Sunday. I will be on the forums, just in a non-gmod state.

See joo soon..

General Chat / Die Antwoord..
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:39:40 PM »
Wait Wut --Krasher

Redirect to this: Rite Cheer

Oh and the name was just incase, for this

Die Antwoord - Zef Side.

I know right, that video has to be more win then anything.

anyway back to the plan B :D

Community News & Announcements / "More Admins" Petition
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:52:49 PM »
Frank: Dood, if there was a petition I would signz eet. xD
Krasher: lol, why not make one ??
Frank: idk do it lul xP.

Click Here to View The Petition..

Funny Stuffz / Yes, we MEAN it.
« on: February 22, 2010, 03:25:00 PM »
-Fancisco says:
 That's the answer for all the troubles in rANdOm.
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 I just said it.
 What did Luben do to get to be a Super Admin?
 He did Stuff.
 What did MINIC, do to get to Super Admin?
 Stuff. He did a lot of it.
 What did James and Robert do, to, indeed, get admin?
 They all, with no exceptions, have done Stuff.
 What we need, to reach our goals, are just as simple as doing Stuff.
 And this, this talk, is a Must-Go in the Funny Stuff section of the forum.
 That's how we will achieve the status we so much want.
 I only got one doubt.
 Brad, Bradley Reese, from Kentucky.
 Are YOU, ready to begin this extremely hard and dangerous adventure?
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 Ok, thanks.
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 No, a winner is me.
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 I've made this all up.
 But you can be a winner too.
-Bradley says:
 I've made all this up.
 to the matrix
-Fancisco says:
 All you have to do, is post this in the Forum's Funny Stuff section.
-Bradley says:
 Yea, shure
-Fancisco says:
 With the name:"Yes, we MEAN it."
-Bradley says:
-Fancisco says:
 Post everything.
 Everything, until this line.

General Chat / wtf is he talking about? (?)
« on: February 22, 2010, 02:21:19 PM »
:D If you do not know how to be cool then don't read this post, this means don't troll about this post and its uselessness. Go find something better to do you troll. :D And remember, you may decide on what you think I am talking about...

This, shall be the high-point of our efforts.

Oh! Ho Ho Ho! On the contrary minges will bring a great joy to us! I will love to see their faces when the inevitable takes place!

Oh yes, it shall be fun.

This would just be slaughter. Graceful endings brought to devilish hounds

Peaceful remorse to solemn sorrows

as you thought it wouldn't happen

it would all be gone.

A Beautiful Onslaught of fagots..

Something greater, something... random

Hmm, I thought about it. And our best solution is patience.

the choice is not ours, it is yours..

To Much, too Soon?
Not Enough, Never Done..

P.S. I already know what you think I am talking about, please think before you post
hint hint**

Mapping / zs_randomrace
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:42:26 PM »
Once again inspired by the Deathmaps, But This one is ALOT more of a Deathrun type map, pretty muh one big strip of land, 2 legs, and idk some zombehs?

This will be made right after I am done with zs_runlikehell.

General Chat / Thoughts.. On ZS Mapping
« on: February 20, 2010, 06:19:19 PM »
You know those deathmaps that everyone hates?
Why Not Have Just One More?!

- Death-run feel (Not like a kill fest)
- Hidden Weapons (Very Special Ones too :D)
- Hiding Places out the ass
- Frank's Mega Super Hidey Hole
- Red Lights and darkness give it the feel of zombehs
- Hidden Rooms

Chat Part:
Request A Feature in the map!
Remember: This is a one time only chance to ask for certain things put into the map!

Mapping / zs_runlikehell *Beta 6*
« on: February 20, 2010, 04:58:31 PM »
WARNING: BETA MAP 6 IS A FUCKLOAD OF A FILESIZE!!! BE PREPARED FOR 24.75 MB OF DOWNLOADING!!! This was becuase of the lightmap scales on some of the things, they are uneeded, and I will soon remove them in beta 7

    I got the idea from the death maps, xD

    Anyway, it is called zs_runlikehell for a reason, the humans spawn where the zombies spawn. And there are breakable walls EVERYWHERE (But they are uber hidden) that you must use to find a good hiding spot, as ou have a set amount of time before the zombie outbreak. There are traps, pitfalls, slingshots, walls, and a LOT of zombehs to be afraid of

    Whoever wishes to help and has Source SDK post below saying you wish to help!

Better Than Screenshots, I have a
Click Here To download the Beta testing map!

Please Post Any Bugs Found In Beta 6 Below!

Change-log from v1 to v5 (NOT TO VERSION 6!!):
  • 1000% Scarier
  • Added a hidden ammo room at the start area
  • Fire!
  • Seekwut Areas!
  • Physics Props Added!
  • Soundscape!
  • Effects!

  • Bug In the Hidden Roof Room entrance
  • Frank's Uber Mega Hidden Room Entrance Fix
  • Final Secret Room Bug Fixes
  • Wall Bug Fixes
  • Unused Things
  • Frank's Uber Mega Hidden Room Secret Entrance Fix

OMFG ALREADY ON BETA 5!!! At this Rate I say the final release will be after beta 10. :P

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