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Topics - Krasher

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 ... 12
Mapping / zs_Military_Complex_v3 [Better looking!]
« on: May 28, 2010, 02:33:36 PM »
-= Military Complex [Visual-Base Mod] =-

Current time spent on map improvements: 10 minutes

Map by: StartedBullet

    Things I wish to Fix/Improve in:
  • Boring-ness
  • Human Camp Spots
  • Visuals
  • Vents remade for awesome faices
  • env_cubemaps
  • Lighting
  • More rooms
  • Replay Factor
  • Zagnip
  • Pingaz

Any other suggestions must be taken now or forever forgotten.

-= Screenshots =-


Community Admin Apps / -=Kräsher's Forum Moderator Application=-
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:59:33 PM »

Edit (May 24, 2010.):
Added my Forum mod app, I hope to FIX what some have done in the past o.o. Best Regards, Krasher

Before Voting!
Please read the application before you vote! I am sorry if you do not like reading, but you may skim and scan through if you please. Or just say "WTF NUU" and do whatever lol...

Hello!, Welcome to my Forum Mod Application. My name is Brad, people call me Kräsher!

Personal Info
Brad, Kräsher
Age: (1/pi)*(Integral from -infinity to infinity) (1/(1+x^2) dx + pi^2/(summation from n = 1 to infinity of 1/n^2) + lim(as x --->3) ( (x^2 - 9)/(x-3) ) + (d^5/dx^5)(x^5/5!) + 1

(w00t, :D, btw 14. :0.)

|RDev|  » Kräsh∑r «

Steam ID:

- Simply click the picture to view my steam user profile.

What I want
To Get the Forum Moderator position for the rANdOm Community, and make the community a safe place for all users. Solve world hunger, give out cookies to orphans, free puppies, help the elderly, and stuph.

Contributions to rANdOm
- I am Co-Developer on the PPEP Team (Click here to view thread.)
- I am lead lua coder on the ProjectZelda Team. (Click here to view thread.)
- Cookies

- Forum Management.
- Forum Moderation.
- Been with RND for sometime now.
- Adv. Admin Skills.
- Real Life Experience handling arguments, fights, and little kids raging.
- Giving Actual Warnings.
- Being able to share a laugh.
- Understanding Each individuals problems
- Getting down to earth and understanding what they are saying.
- Stopping excessive minging without having to ban or kick the player, because I can tell them how much they would hate a ban hammer.
- Staying on the Forums, almost 24/7.
- Being an active user of said forum.
- Showing players the ropes to the game.
- Not being a douchebag when people spam me when I come online.
- Providing the users of rANdOm with anything they might ask me for.
- Helping and showing about 34 players how they could get respected on rANdOm.
- Giving boats to the poor people in flood, and providing my MP5 ;).
- Being already known as an authoritative figure, many already see me as admin.
- Having recommendation from current administrators.
- Having maybe the most professional application on rANdOm.
- Can Script lua, been doing so for 4 years.
- Can code a little C++, not much.
- Mapping for the Servers.
- Not Lying in his administration application.
- Has a sense of humor.
- Community Mapper (I make maps for the game servers.)
- lua Coder (Good Friend to have ;).)
- E2 Mastermind (Ask any of my friends from wire. I know what I am doing xD.)
- I also help with E2!
- Never Been Reported.
- No complaints against me :D!
- h4xing E2


Roll: Gmod Administrator

Further Info: I administrate for the Stryker-Force Garry's Mod Server.

Roll: Moderator

Further Info: Forum Moderator, but I gave up my position as I didn't care much about them, but I still have it xP.


Middle School
- I am currently in the ninth grade.
Examples of classes:
  Honors Algebra II
  Honors Reading
  Honors Science
  Honors English II

Coding Languages
Visual Basic
Visual C++
Expression 2
Krash+ (Working on my own :D)

I like Rammstein, I also make music (Ex. Dubstep, Trance, Hardstyle.)

Why should I give you a +1?
Because of all the things I look to do. Ex. Help everyone, settle arguments, respond to respected apps faster, keep Flood minge free, and Help out all the other admins.

Do you think this will be easy?
This will be no easy task. The RND Community is growing larger everyday. And as an admin I must watch over the entire community. But I hope that having done this before will make it easier.

Would you Minge?
[sarcasm]That is a really smart idea don't you think -.-.[/sarcasm]

Whatever Else
Yeah, getting admin is what I am after, but if coolzeldad decides not to do it, I am fine with it. And thank all of you for the great support and feedback!

If I was to achieve the admin status I would not go out an start messing with everyone because I got admin. I have been admin before, and I know how to do it well. I must admit that when someone is breaking a rule enough to be kicked or banned, I like to give another chance. Just to see if they might change their ways. I really like helping people out with things, for some reason it makes me feel useful :P.

Things I look to improve (Might Be in order of some sort)
- Playability of RND
- Community Size
- Settling disputes alot faster
- Helping more people in a less amount of time :D

Steam Games
I own legitimate games.
- Garry's Mod
- Half-Life 2
- Half-Life 2: Episode 1
- Half-Life 2: Episode 2
- Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
- Half-Life 2: Riot Act
- Counter Strike: Source
- Team Fortress 2
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Portal
- Insurgency
- Synergy
- Zombie Panic: Source

References Available Upon Request (Click Username to View Account)
- Striker
- Frank
- Magic
- Pryvisee
- Brother Blade
- bigboymar
- PhrozenFox
- Peetah
- acceleon
- Boat Sinker
- Mr. Peebles
- Razor
- emilhem
- Royal Jester
- ArTIk*BaNAnA
- Tiger Guy
- Seductive`
- Churros
- Cesar
- Jets
- UberLord
- Universe
- =-MλsTer GT-=
- sf.|SMasters9106
- jim-onions
- Gary
- CommanderEddy

Similar Posts (Click Link to View)
- Frank's Admin Application
- Striker's Admin Application
- Xexxat's Admin Application
- Jim-Onions' Admin Application
- Sanders' Admin Application

Re-Directs To Other Posts (Click Link to View)
    My Stuff


    Programming / *Gmod* Lua - SUPER TUTORIAL!!
    « on: May 22, 2010, 07:07:21 PM »
    Garry's Mod - Lua

    A simple hello program.

    Code: [Select]
    print( "Hello BIATCH" )

    Btw, I am going to assume you know some basic Lua.

    -=Basic GMod Lua Functions=-
    GM:PlayerInitialSpawn( ply ) -- Allows you to edit the players spawn.
    GM:PlayerLoadout( ply ) -- The players initial loadout (Ex. Weapons).

    ply:SetHealth( <number> ) -- Easy enough to understand am I right?
    ply:SetMaxSpeed( <lowernumber>, <highernumber> ) -- First number is the players normal walk speed, second is the players sprint (shift) speed.
    ply:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "Message Here" ) -- Displays a message written in the string.
    ply:IsAdmin() -- Is the player admin?
    ply:IsPlayer() -- Is the motherfucker a player?

    Section 1: SWEPS!
    Description: Weapon Scripts.

    Funny Stuffz / Krasher, the winner of all games.
    « on: May 20, 2010, 02:29:35 PM »
    .:~RND`=- Devie ♥ entered chat.
    .:~RND`=- ArTIk*BaNAnA ¦RA¦: shit
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: ass
    V: newfag below
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: So devie
    .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: lul
    .:~RND`=- ArTIk*BaNAnA ¦RA¦: lol
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: Brazilian?
    V: fag above
    V: and below

    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: lolwut
    .:~RND`=- ArTIk*BaNAnA ¦RA¦: meh triangle is better
    V: specially above
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: BRAZILIAN
    .:RND`=- DoeniDon [SUI]: faggot above & below
    .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: krashers bratwurst is big
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: :D
    .:~RND`=- ArTIk*BaNAnA ¦RA¦: TRIANGLE
    V: fag above!
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: lolpwnt Krasherz bratwurst
    V: fag above
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: sausage
    .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: it's always huge
    .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: LOL coolz
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: OMFG
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: COOLZ
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r |AHN|: AGREED


    Funny Stuffz / Trollolo
    « on: May 18, 2010, 10:31:07 AM »

    General Chat / TTT Prop Kill Removal (Your Choice, bro.)
    « on: May 17, 2010, 07:29:38 PM »
    K, so, the Script for generally & formally disabling the ability to prop kill is seeming to work fairly well

    I need to ask you guys something..

    1.) Would you rather have it so you can still prop kill, but you will pay double the amount of karma you will normally lose, and the lower your karma the lower the mass of the prop (less damage.).
    (Karma reduction.)

    2.) Or Have me ultimately make is so you cannot at all prop kill, only being able to pick up ragdoll_physics and props will have a velocity filter on them.
    (Have fun not prop killing.)

    3.) Let me integrate concommand.Add so you can decide to have a prop battle with someone if they agree. Most likely a chat command like !prop <Name>. They will have to accept before the LUA script turns off the damage filter for them for a period of time. This will also involve a bit of option 1 and 2.
    (Have a choice to prop kill.)


    Option: 1, 2 or 3
    Yes/No: Yes (Or No.)
    Reason: ABC123

    Feel free to add ideas. Anything is Possible*
    Seriously Anything**

    *Some restrictions may apply.

    **Not Really

    General Chat / Phishing attempt, FAILED!
    « on: May 12, 2010, 03:47:37 PM »
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Your Awesome: Dude, Amazing offer from steam and NVIDIA. 3 FREE games of your choise just go to: and claim your games
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Nice
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Phishing Attempts are a fail
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: umad?
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: yes, It failed.
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Now go die in a hole.
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: No one needs you.
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: It is easy to tell that this is a phishing claim, simply look at the link.
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: And you will not respond making it MORE obvious
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: You sir, Fail beyond belief.
    .:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Now please end you miserable life before I have to do it for you.

    Programming / Help! ( "lua coders only" )
    « on: May 12, 2010, 11:53:11 AM »
    I have just recently began making another gamemode, Prop Arena, and I cannot seem to get the Gamemode to make the player drop his weapons and get what I want him to have.

    Current Code (Without TAB spacing):
    Code: [Select]
    function GM:PlayerLoadout( ply )
    ply:Give( "weapon_zm_carry" )


    Boneyard / Timezones
    « on: May 08, 2010, 01:58:39 AM »
    Disallow me sleep.

    Ohai SC

    First Up:

    From this:

    To this:

    (Progress =||================= 5%.)

    General Chat / Temp Leave :l
    « on: May 07, 2010, 01:41:02 PM »
    Un-Knowingly, I was just told we were going to South Carolina, we will be leaving in like 1 hour.

    Going for the weekend, brb on Sonntag I guess :/.


    General Chat / Servers WARNING!
    « on: May 01, 2010, 09:41:56 AM »
    Do not go to them!!!
    They carry lua viruses!!

    More info after I DDoS his host port and all his connections >:D

    General Chat / Found a Pic
    « on: April 25, 2010, 09:54:11 AM »

    Server Requests/Suggestions / ZS Mappers
    « on: April 20, 2010, 01:25:30 PM »
    ZS = Zombie Survival
    ZD = Zombie Deathmatch

    I had this idea today. Lemme Explain now.

    Normal ZS Maps:
    • Health Chargers
    • Lots of cade spots
    • Lots of cade props
    • Ammo Crates
    • Too Easy
    • Zombie Rape
    • Easily learn-able maps
    • Human Advantage

    New ZD Maps:
    • Less Cade Spots
    • Smaller Maps
    • More Detail
    • Realistic
    • No Health Chargers
    • More Advanced
    • Zombies have some type of advantage
    • Secrets Secrets Secrets
    • Weapon Rooms
    • Zombies slowly get the upper hand

    Lets do it guys, already making the first map, zd_laststand.

    An example of Zombies getting the upper hand is in zd_laststand. A wall begins to move at the very start, it fully opens at wave 8. This lets the zombies go into the base from all angles.

    General Chat / Now this is how WE play ZS.
    « on: April 19, 2010, 09:48:14 AM »
    I have began to play ZS, I now understand why it is awesome.

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