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Topics - Krasher

Pages: 1 [2] 3 ... 12
General Chat / Durr
« on: July 04, 2010, 04:25:25 AM »
Temp Leave

1 to 2 weeks

Projects planned to be finished by end of month have to be put on hold. (soz.)
E2 In-Game Tutorials put on hold.
Few sightings of Krasher for a while. (sad faic, I know ;U. lolz)

New Computer
Going Canoeing
Guitar Center (<3)
More Pingas

I get to do something other than lua for then next week or two. yayz.
Almost shat pants when Zip-Lined
iBuyPower is supplying me with Computer

General Chat / What is this I don't even
« on: June 28, 2010, 07:38:27 PM »
My grandfather had a heart attack today.

I have began too notice that I do not get sad about these things.

He was air lifted.

Everyone in my family went

I didn't want to go.

I feel like I am cold hearted,

But idgaf :I.

Boneyard / Report || .:RND`=- BlaCkdeViL
« on: June 26, 2010, 04:13:47 PM »
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26100213
Name: .:RND`=- BlaCkdeViL
Information: Continuously Minging after being told to stop multiple times
Server: Wirebuild
Details: Was spawning explosive barrels and using igniter to make them blow up and kill people, was doing it inside my football field, and was doing it to kill Shawn and the others.
Witnesses: Shawn, Pierce Jr.
When: Today, about 7:00 PM

General / XFire = Laggy Video Capture
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:59:50 PM »
K so I was running a test.

My FPS never drops below 60 - 70

While recording it is about 15 - 20


General Chat / NiggeRoll'd
« on: June 19, 2010, 12:25:39 PM »

Community News & Announcements / HLDJ || Re-Activated ||
« on: June 17, 2010, 04:24:15 AM »
I talked with coolzeldad, HLDJ now works on all RND servers.

Haf Fun


Music / The "Rate the song above your post." thread
« on: June 16, 2010, 04:30:32 AM »
1.) No double posts
2.) Must post a song
3.) Must rate the song above yours

Thread go

Mustard Pimp - Rubik

General Chat / - Steam ID Database -
« on: June 15, 2010, 08:08:41 AM »
This list will provide all the users I come in contact with and will be in alphabetical order.
This list is being made to ease things up.

Steam User ID's:

".:RND`=- ArTIk*BaNAnA ¦R¦" STEAM_0:1:25964216
".:RND`=- Krasher -=" STEAM_0:0:30499187
".:RND`=- Prox_LT" STEAM_0:0:29024379
".:RND`=- TheRo4ch" STEAM_0:0:33069848
".:RND`=- Tiger Guy" STEAM_0:0:26777285
".:RND`=- myppl8" STEAM_0:1:30157286
"/[SCP]Frihinpahn" STEAM_0:1:22207319
"19alex93(RuS)" STEAM_0:0:17708712
"1337 Haxor" STEAM_0:1:23357709
"<Deathdog7>" STEAM_0:1:28826127
"Acekiller" STEAM_0:0:26474527
"Alex[ITA]" STEAM_0:0:1334511527
"Bawb Dohl" STEAM_0:0:15985682
"ChineseCheeseHead-(Cpelton)" STEAM_0:1:24752413
"Cryptokid" STEAM_0:0:27428812
"Dave" STEAM_0:0:28443829
"DeathsongxD" STEAM_0:0:33097786
"Dr. Evil" STEAM_0:0:27459195
"DrOctagonapus" STEAM_0:1:32631921
"Fatman55" STEAM_0:0:31999426
"Fox McCloud" STEAM_0:0:23698646
"Frank" STEAM_0:1:32210144
"Garry's MOD LoL(PYC)" STEAM_0:0:31746523
"I'm the Traitor." STEAM_0:0:1458182626
"JacK=]" STEAM_0:0:29723726
"Juan Ambriz" STEAM_0:1:31439731
"Kill_N-Dark" STEAM_0:0:28025161
"MINI MOOSE" STEAM_0:1:29845077
"Marvel Man" STEAM_0:0:26203195
"Naughtykitty STEAM_0:1:27274807
"Necruly" STEAM_0:1:18090967
"Ninja black " STEAM_0:1:32796384
"Packaged Waffles" STEAM_0:0:6214918
"Phatride" STEAM_0:0:17149378
"Player" STEAM_0:0:676598027
"Ploof" STEAM_0:1:33063600
"Pro Black" STEAM_0:1:26752263
"RAMBO" STEAM_0:1:18617553
"ScantAjax God of Soap" STEAM_0:1:22046927
"SerVer[RUS]" STEAM_0:1:29059014
"Sgt. Pilcher" STEAM_0:0:6170559
"Shawn" STEAM_0:0:32055536
"Sheeps_Aholy" STEAM_0:0:19990172542"
"SpyBoat" STEAM_0:0:32723451
"St3aK" STEAM_0:1:24965950
"Strider" STEAM_0:0:500012
"THE ASSASIN" STEAM_0:1:32943591
"Tablecloth The2nd (Rannu)" STEAM_0:0:22566553
"The Warden" STEAM_0:1:27444484
"Wrector" STEAM_0:1:27068351
"XxpainxX" STEAM_0:0:28764896
"XxvampirelovexX" STEAM_0:1:27274807
"[ATG]best hollow >=3" STEAM_0:1:23440475
"[C�»|NG] driver667" STEAM_0:0:14376948
"[IG?] MATS" STEAM_0:1:27431483
"[IG��] MATS" STEAM_0:1:27431483
"[MK]gordan freeman" STEAM_0:1:25234722
"[MSTB]" STEAM_0:0:17586455
"[Ne»oN]Mizore" STEAM_0:1:2813179
"[SG-G] 3t3rn1ty" STEAM_0:1:29855815
"[ green]Rig" STEAM_0:1:15140570
"^3+^2ExE^3+^2Dragon^3boy" STEAM_0:0:28926325
"^4<^7Deathdog7^4>" STEAM_0:1:28826127
"^4[9^01^41]^6A Suicide Kitten" STEAM_0:0:12956117
"^9black^7devil" STEAM_0:1:26100213
"aikoliver" STEAM_0:1:29109661
"assassin-100" STEAM_0:1:31936320
"azchili" STEAM_0:1:6241324
"den-pimenov" STEAM_0:1:32790137
"e2m51" STEAM_0:1:17473393
"ledjohnny" STEAM_0:0:18259561
"oatmealmanhc" STEAM_0:0:28734719
"psixo905" STEAM_0:1:32993183
"sageofdarkness3" STEAM_0:1:32980460
"shaks" STEAM_0:0:3511636
"soulfighter44" STEAM_0:1:33092367
"terohunter" STEAM_0:1:18071577
"velts40" STEAM_0:1:22468590
"verbal_kint" STEAM_0:1:6813183
"xXN1GHTN1NJ4Xx" STEAM_0:0:15803800
"yyeessfrog" STEAM_0:0:25566887
"{S-S}Realist.TNT" STEAM_0:1:6487609
"{S-S}Surealist.TNT" STEAM_0:1:6487609
"|RDev| -=Jets=-" STEAM_0:0:32264237
"|RDev| Amazing Alex" STEAM_0:0:28876924
"|RDev| Magic"  STEAM_0:1:26723996
"»LB*« UberLord" STEAM_0:0:20303441
"»Pwnage«" STEAM_0:0:26085949
"☢CommanderEddy☢" STEAM_0:1:31767863

General Chat / Angry American Kid
« on: June 15, 2010, 05:16:38 AM »
He was playing TTT with us :3

Angry American Kid

Epic line:
"Guy: Krasher YOU SUCK"
"Me: no u"

Music / DJ Time with Krasher
« on: June 10, 2010, 01:25:00 AM »
Krasher's Channel - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Starts: 8pm GMT -5 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays

.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: krasher
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r ☃: Yes Coolz?
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: was thinkin
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: if you wanna
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: could do like dj time
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: every X day
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: for rnd or soemthin
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: run a video stream maybe idk
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: ya i mean w/e
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: lolz
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r ☃: yes lolz

General / Easy ways to die in Garry's Mod [Test]
« on: June 05, 2010, 07:27:32 PM »
Easy ways to die in Garry's Mod [Test]

Was just testing out Sony Vegas 9.0 :P

General Chat / -= New Zs Weapons =-
« on: June 04, 2010, 11:51:22 PM »
Beta Download for Weapon Testing:
Put it in your gamemodes folder ad run it in GMod. You start with the weps :P

Make suggestions!

While playing Prop hunt with coolz, Smasters suggested to me an AK-47 for zs. I said, "Coolz won't add it anyway."
Coolz replies, "I will look at it then add it to zs o.o"
So, lets get some weapon ideas made.


'Gib Shredder' AK-47 -- sf|.Smasters/Pinocchio

Pros: High damage, Accuracy

Cons: Heavy, Higher kill level to reach, Stationary style weapon

'Blazer' Flame-thrower -- Krasher

Pros: Fire

Cons: Can lolpwn cades, HEAVY

'Life-Ender' Mini-Gun -- Krasher

Pros: ^

Cons: HEEEEEEEAVY, As accurate as something really inaccurate lol

'Face-Melter' SPAS -- Krasher

Pros: High Damage, Semi-Auto(?)

Cons: Heavy-Normal, Shotgun accuracy

To Suggest!:
Weapon name:
Weapon real life name:

Music / My custom [Satisfaction -- Dubstep] remix.
« on: May 29, 2010, 10:23:35 PM »
This was done live, lol. Decided to then record it. So here it is:

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