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Messages - Boat Sinker

Pages: 1 ... 7 [8] 9 ... 56
yeah this has been mentioned in the passed. a vip slot is existant but not in use. perhaps that can be used for respected. frank kinda has a point of making the respected anonymous by not using it. but i would say i would like to add the respected slot

« on: June 17, 2010, 12:26:45 PM »
BUMPer cars

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:20:35 PM »
February 04, 2010

me also that isn't accurate that is register date Ive played on servers sense mid last year.

for future when i haz mor postz.

 i dont have the power to know what date you started playing on the servers. -.-

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:19:23 PM »
I didn't even make it.
Oh wellz cookie anyone ? :D

ur actually in it what u talkin about

Boneyard / Re: Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 16, 2010, 01:33:06 PM »
I was playing in ZS when a mingebag happened to flood the elevator chamber in Mountains of the Afterlife. I started asking who did it after people were complaining, and two people told me who it was, so I votebanned him. But, apparently, those two people who told me who it was happened to be trolls but it was too late by the time I found out. So somebody got unfairly banned for an hour. But Magic 60minute banned me, deemed my voteban as "General Idioticy" and demoted me from respected.

Why should I have respected back? It was the only unfair ban I've made in the two months I've been respected, and my first one at that. I believe in second chances, and I banned somebody using false information given to me.

I'm sorry, and I'd like Magic to see this thread.

rule of thumb: dont initaite a vote just because some people you dont know said so. if you know them very well, then go ahead (like a known respected).

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 16, 2010, 01:20:49 PM »
You sure have a lot of time on your hands don't you lol.

naw i dont wear a watch

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: Suggestions?
« on: June 16, 2010, 01:18:15 PM »
As I mentioned in my welcome/respected thread, I am a mange/anime artist. The only real thing I lack is good ideas of what to draw, so if anyone wants to give me recommendations or suggestions on what to draw that'd be great.

Also, I'll try to get some of my scanned drawings in ASAP so u can see my stuff. :P

draw my avatar

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 16, 2010, 01:17:01 PM »
Sweet i made the kool list :)

Plus karma for you :P

just barely made it lol

General Chat / Re: I'm Truly Surprised...
« on: June 16, 2010, 01:15:56 PM »

General Chat / Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 16, 2010, 01:10:02 PM »
This list contains admins or players [almost all them] that are popular and very active on the forums . if you're not on here, ill decide if i will put you on it or not.

how do you get on the list? - you should have a decent amount of posts, be an admin, or have been playing on the servers for quite a while
LIST - oldest to newest

if you have over 250 posts post your date joined. you can find this on your profile page. if i catch you giving false information you will be removed

recently added: Cable330

NEWLY ADDED: x???x April 27, 2010

Coolzedad june 13, 2008
banana hat june 16, 2008
Ruben august 25, 2008
Xrain September 2, 2008
Minic October 10, 2008


Mingebagger February 28, 2009
Frank march 28, 2009
Yomogimochi april 3, 2009
sanders june 27, 2009
Artik banana june 30, 2009
Magic july 16, 2009
sakade july 27, 2009
Tomcat july 28, 2009
Cable330 august 5, 2009
peetah august 25, 2009
masterryu august 30, 2009
boat sinker September 1, 2009
warStriker September 21, 2009
Commander eddy September 23, 2009
Sabbathfreak911 october 11, 2009
tiger guy october 16, 2009
jimonions October 18, 2009
Carphunter963 october 26, 2009
mr.franklin November 2, 2009
Pinocchio November 26, 2009


Krasher january 8, 2010
Don January 28, 2010
commander moon (choucho) February 3, 2010
mastgrr February 10, 2010
brotherBlade February 22, 2010
uberlord/Kenny February 23, 2010
khill415 february 25, 2010
me4488 february 28, 2010
x???x April 27, 2010
Shawn may 2, 2010

General Chat / Re: - Steam ID Database -
« on: June 16, 2010, 12:31:09 PM »

.:RND`=- Boat Sinker STEAM_0:1:23916656

General Chat / Re: Review on updated flood
« on: June 16, 2010, 12:20:03 PM »
yeah guys you should be happy with the updates cuz i am. a whole new server idea would be to make props a shitload cheaper so everyone can just have fun!

General Chat / Re: Review on updated flood
« on: June 16, 2010, 12:17:33 PM »
I see flaws...

1$/min? Lol you gotta be joking thats just going to cause more problems.... People hardly build boats as it because getting money is a bitch..... and now you drop it.... anyone that doesn't have like $50,000 isn't going to build a boat at all.... its not going to reduce money rounding, It's going to make it happen alot more now....

Wow theres goes the whole build a boat for the poor so we can atleast have a match once or twice... No ones going to do it now.... Because there not able to delete there shit for money back...

Only fix i can really think that would make everyone happy is just make the props cost way less... we all know the only good prop to build with is the Pepsi machines and they cost $600 and you need atleast 4 just for a good boat that doesn't flip so you need to spend $2,400 for a boat just so its can float properly.....

And how about adding in second place and third place prize? This will encourage more people to build boats to stay alive... instead of knowing the other guy in the corner with over $100,000 is going to make one huge boat and kill us all so theres no point in trying... with this there will be a point in trying, trying to get second place that is :P

i said or meant 1$ per second

General Chat / Re: - Steam ID Database -
« on: June 16, 2010, 12:16:53 PM »

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