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Messages - Boat Sinker

Pages: 1 ... 6 [7] 8 ... 56
General Chat / Brain hurt
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:47:50 PM »
people are changin their names and i see ubermeunches with names i dont know. like that baseball guy and other shiz.



General Chat / Re: Small Earth Quake
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:27:50 PM »
I just had a small Earth Quake (Ontario Canada) ._..
Creeped me out a little cause it happened right after I played a scary game LOL.

yeah quebec had n earthquake. i felt it too lol. i was on my laptop and my chair started shaking a bit lol.i was confused.

Boneyard / Re: Unfair 5-minute ban
« on: June 23, 2010, 11:40:29 AM »
\/                                                             \/

*DEAD* RAMBO: fuck
M A C K X Z S: stop
The Pie: its not me dumbass
The Pie: theres someone ontop of the box
M A C K X Z S: stop pressing E
Nico killer: pija
RAMBO: im not being a fukin zombie im leavin
markedonekia: its  beau
Player tigerclaw999 has joined the game
Dr. ۣۜCrДzý kiζζД: OMFG
RND Ronny: D:
RND Ronny: Rambo nuuu!
RAMBO: i jumpoed 2ft and i died can a admin redeem me?////
M A C K X Z S: wait it to close
[SolidVote] The Pie initiated vote 'Kick player M A C K X Z S?'
[SolidVote] The Pie voted yes.
darkness49578: let us in
[SolidVote] RAMBO voted no.
[SolidVote] CRAZY-HEAD-CRAB-MAN!?!?>:D voted yes.
[SolidVote] Dr. ۣۜCrДzý kiζζД voted yes.
[SolidVote] M A C K X Z S voted no.
[SolidVote] Nico killer voted yes.
[SolidVote] RND Ronny voted no.
[SolidVote] saRs voted yes.
[SolidVote] Evil Dentists voted yes.
markedonekia: f11 :D
[SolidVote] »Fake»Face» voted yes.
[SolidVote] [UG,A] Dimensions voted no.
[SolidVote] The Quadzpha voted yes.
[SolidVote] Necruly voted no.
[SolidVote] markedonekia voted yes.
[SolidVote] darkness49578 voted no.
[SolidVote] GeneralSTÅRGÅTE voted yes.
[SolidVote] Loxy the Cuddly Foxy voted no.
Dr. ۣۜCrДzý kiζζД: lol
M A C K X Z S: no man
[SolidVote] shooterko voted yes.
Necruly: no
[SolidVote] Beau voted yes.
darkness49578: let me in!
M A C K X Z S: ahh this is bad
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Kicked by vote. You'll have to wait for 5 minutes..
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Kicked by vote. You'll have to wait for 5 minutes..

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

TRANSLATION: We we're playing on zs_fort and someone was spamming the use button on the pistol ammo crate. So, I went ontop of it to stop it, since standing on it makes it impossible to open. BUT, a respected member got angry and RAGEKICKED me. Name's The Pie. He didn't even give me a warning. He just banned me right away. The others voted YES "for the lulz". So i got banned.

5 minute ban? QQ

Server Requests/Suggestions / Add another member status 800-1500.
« on: June 20, 2010, 07:24:45 AM »
there are over 15 ubermenches. we need to break it down a bit more.

if idea gets used; the next member status will be called_________. people who have 800-1500 posts.

give me name ideas.

mine: veteran, oldfag, falafle-raptor

General Chat / Re: Post your age here!
« on: June 20, 2010, 07:16:44 AM »

Funny Stuffz / Re: It's funny because its true.
« on: June 19, 2010, 01:00:09 PM »

lmao so true. and it sucks even more cuz sometimes ur game crashes when u minimize.

General Chat / Re: Banz
« on: June 19, 2010, 12:57:16 PM »
holy shit my volume was max, and i just see this black guy dancing with chicken

Boneyard / Re: Moo is a minge
« on: June 19, 2010, 09:31:09 AM »
moo doesnt abuse admin. ppl are saying that drunken combine is annoying so im pretty sure he told  u to stop playing with it

Artwork/Graphics / Re: Photoshop Effects
« on: June 19, 2010, 09:27:20 AM »
You should give me a stock photo, I could work mah magicz

i spent a whole year in photgraphy class using photoshop. try not to distort the pic so dam much

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 19, 2010, 09:24:06 AM »
been har for teh 6 months, I am not teh newfagz


Music / Re: The "Rate the song above your post." thread
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:40:03 PM »
^Not my kind of music, but it was alright. 6/10
System Of A Down - Ego Brain

not my kind of music. being generous i have to give it a 4/10

U2-Desire-Official Video With Lyrics

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:33:04 PM »
Hey, I go on the forums lots of times and I play on the rnd servers, so... do i get added too?

youre getting there. give yourself a bit more time

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:32:19 PM »
Just so you know, lots of the people there start playing RND servers before the dates you have written (including me =O).

i was gonna add in the OP that i dont give a crap if u say "oh i had an account before", so i started earlier, but i ddint. and im gettig those kind of comments lol. not picking on u just some ppl are saying that.

Boneyard / Re: Ban Request
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:31:31 PM »
o ye ive seen him on before. and yes he is a ragdoll whore

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