It's been great that our admins and programmers have updated things in flood.
what has been done?
1-rules tab removed on q menu. now located when you type in !servers in chat
2-mp5 damage brought down from 7 to 4
3-para damage increased from 4 to 5.
4-selling props during round removed.
5-$1 per second made. 5000 for winning round. (previous $5 per second and 500 for winning round)
** - crappy update
*** - ok update
**** - good update
*****- excellent update

i think its good that the horrible rules given were removed. it would of been better if they were still located on the q menu so newbies can locate it, but eh... ***
i think this is the best update up with the removal of the sell command. 4 damage for mp5 suits it perfectly. considering that you have the opportunity that you can win 5k for winning the round, that makes the damage of the mp5 more bearing. *****
the damage on the para going from 4 to 5 is not much of an improvement. if you still compare it with the mp5, it still is weaker by alot. not to mention it costs 100k. this can be improved by either bringing price down or further increasing damage [to 7 in my opinion]. i think price should stay at 100k because it gives players something to work at, a goal. ***
no more selling things during round! this mad the game play more realistic and better. you do sacrifice the ability to sell props that are not used or are being shot at by people on your boat, but it makes the gameplay more realistic. *****
im a bit confused what to say about this. the rich are able to make loads of money, but the poor would normally get poorer. the poor would not be able to make any money. there is an option where you could increase 1$ per second to a higher number, but then it gives players too much money, so i dont know what to say...
my final decision on this would be to make it $3 per second and 2000 for winning. there are too many rich people in the server, so the capping 5000 to 2000 would be good. the 5$/second to 3$/second would prevent money rounding. also people have an opportunity to make back a lot of money by winnign the round. ****
players are allowed to enjoy flood better now that props are not destroyed instantly by the mp5, and have a much greater initaitive to make their own boats due to the 5k winning bonus.