I know you're just starting to play again....so bear with me, i'm not trying to be a douche.
We have new players, and very few of them know the rules. They constantly do things, mainly little things that you cannot do anything about, and these little things add up to a poor gaming experience. Since VIPs have to go and find evidence and it has to be actually worthy of a report
I'll agree with you to an extent as in if you want to get someone permanently banned then yes you need the proof, but even in game i don't think Admins should be just kicking/banning because they "think" someone is hacking/breaking the rules without even watching them for a bit to make sure it wasn't some sort of "dumb luck" We all had it where we just pwned so many people with head shots but it wasn't "hacks" it was just luck. So when it comes to kicking/banning in-game Admin and VIPs IMHO do the same thing when deciding to kick someone. The only deference is Admins can insta kick/ban.
The only thing we might need more of is people who can review ban reports. but we don't really need more Admins to do that maybe some trustworthy people to decide if its worth a ban or not and they mark in the thread so whenever anyone with access to sourceban sees it they just have to ban without even reading or looking at the thread so it saves time.