I don't remember everything 100% clearly, but I was online at the time that this happened, and it did not strike me as a ghosting event. Russian is on most of the time I join, and I've never seen him cheat or do much RDMing, although that is not to say he's never RDMd, because I think most of the people on the server have at one point or another, even I have when killing a 40 karma minge who was just trying to RDM everyone else, just so we could keep playing without him trolling us. But, I kick FPS's ass all the time, so if he ever ghosts, it's never around me. He's also a very good player, he's very good at deceiving when he's a traitor, and I've even seen him bait traitors he had evidence against, into following him into ambushes.
I saw the screen shots, but it doesn't strike me as any more than RDM at worse case scenario. I play often enough to see people get into scuffs with eachother ALL THE TIME, I've seen plenty of regs do it. I won't give out names, because it's a game, and when the RDM occasionally happens, people laugh it off. I don't support RDM, but I also don't want good members of the community banned when I enjoy playing with them! Because in the end, TTT is a social game, that cannot be played effectively without good people. And FPS, in my experience, is a good player.
I also happen to think Axule is a good player, so don't get me wrong for posting in here in favor of FPS, I'd rather see both sides come to a win, and be able to come back into the game again.
Russian has always been more vocal about anti-RDM and ghosting than I've seen anyone else on the server do in the past couple months, he strikes me as a true lover of the game and wants the gameplay to be just as fair and fun as myself or anyone else with the right ideas would, I would imagine.