Im ready to take full responsibility for revenge rdm of Orel. I do wish to explain as to why he rdmed us all and made us lose karma. It took me the whole day to get it back to 1000 and so did other people. Any who I am willing to take full responsibility for shooting Orel and yes it did make me go down to his level after he made a lot of people lose karma. So over all I am ready to take the punishment for revenge rdm :link:
Anyway it is not up to us to decide but the admins :book:
What makes me believe you are ghosting is that you only seemed to kill Orel when he was T, along with Whagman. Other than that, Orel was left alive and afk.
Much respect Russian It's not just the revenge rdm in question right now but in the account of ghosting I'm not sure. :thumbsup:
You do know like other people rdmed him as well which is why it is so confusing. :santahat:I understand that, but this isn't about them, this is about you. I just find it weird you would take the risk of losing your 1000 karma that you had twice on Orel. It could be pure luck he was T both those times, but then again, who knows
I understand that, but this isn't about them, this is about you. I just find it weird you would take the risk of losing your 1000 karma that you had twice on Orel. It could be pure luck he was T both those times, but then again, who knows
I was actually lucky you should have seen me today I went down to 10 karma gasp I know :o cause of a few people rdming each other :-[
Except the times when I walk like a drunk man on a map with narrow ledges :)) that is when I am not so lucky :))
Luck or not, I'm sticking with my gut.
I think so. I already encountered him ghosting with me, he asks if I'm T or not, and he also told me he'd ghost someone after his ban, he said it was a secret but NOOOOOO, i had to tell. And I had a feeling that he'd ghost someone else, AGAIN AND AGAIN after his ban for ghosting, but I decide it to be a Perma-ban. so I'll :thumbsup: thank you.
Um do I even know you ??? are you talking about Whagman ?!?!
Whagman is involved with this though, and since he has asked Cactus, why not you too?
Cause I don't talk to Whagman yes I do have him on my list as far as I know who wouldn't he is a funny guy some times ^-^. I also talk in game pretty much all the time unless I report people to Deacon or EDI through steam chat that is about the only time I do so.
Well, same with this report, there is no way we know the truth.
Just got to go on what we have and work with it.
I became T with Condom, so I started recording to see if I could catch some proof of him and Boxster ghosting, though I'm not entirely sure about that.
Anyways, half-way through maybe, Russian called me and Condom out saying there was a body outside hanging. I never saw a body, and Condom and I wern't anywhere near it. (
EDIT> Take note that Whagman isn't involved with this proof. Possible Russian could be ghosting with others or even hacking. Whichever
Seriously If you have definitive proof post it please. Otherwise this should be marked target rdm. On the other hand russian all you did was call them out at that time and you didn't give reason for calling out so it is questionable. :idk:
should be banned always try to make me banned make me lose karma by rdming low karma players and ghosting
RDMed me when i was T on start of the round
Looks like this is going to remain untill proof is given to the greater of charges. Unless axule changes the charges your facing or you admit to ghosting whether you did it or not, this won't be going away.
Let this be the last comment.
Anyway I do not accept any accusations of ghosting but I am outright willing to take the punishment for revenge rdm. So can an admin please approve this thread and give me the designated punishment for revenge rdm. Again I want to state I had reasons to do it as to the fact of what Orel has been doing to the game for me and other players.
Awfully quick to try and get this thread closed with you getting the lesser punishment. Seems like you've got something to hide if you ask me.
Im not trying to get it closed I accepted the revenge rdm 1 week ago or more. I have nothing to hide I follow the rules always you can ask people like Deacon,Teeny,Minic and a few other VIPs that I constantly report rule breakers to.
Anyway I appreciate your presence on the report but I have to go make more reports.
By the way Axule remember a while back you were certain that DerTontaiLama was using T-hax. The same DerTontaiLama you had perma-banned for hacks that he didn't have.
The point of this post is that you went out of you're way to perma-ban an innocent man for hacks he didn't have. So are you just gonna my bad it like you did in DerTontaiLama's appeal if you're wrong again.
If he quits, then no harm done.
He can use his psycolgical bullshit to call people out cause he plays 20 hours a day and knows the way people act.
I do not think I am going to quit if you mean quit as in leave the server, I am keeping the server clean by getting rule breakers banned daily. There is a lot more work to be done in this community and I am going to contribute every bit I can.
By the way Axule remember a while back you were certain that DerTontaiLama was using T-hax. The same DerTontaiLama you had perma-banned for hacks that he didn't have.
The point of this post is that you went out of you're way to perma-ban an innocent man for hacks he didn't have. So are you just gonna my bad it like you did in DerTontaiLama's appeal if you're wrong again.
runnin the jails is when you are the alpha male of the jail, or your in the top group, and you decide who gets raped.
Axule you do know that you and mife have both been recorded ghosting with me right and I chose not to report you is because I actually respect you and someone else beat me to the punch on reporting mife? Regardless the fact that this is going to be a fight between two respected reg's that strive to better the server I just gotta say this has become bullshit. First It's ghosting then hax now you're back to ghosting seriously.
By the way Axule remember a while back you were certain that DerTontaiLama was using T-hax. The same DerTontaiLama you had perma-banned for hacks that he didn't have.
The point of this post is that you went out of you're way to perma-ban an innocent man for hacks he didn't have. So are you just gonna my bad it like you did in DerTontaiLama's appeal if you're wrong again.
About a month ago blue link.
Ok hang on there you telling me Axule banned an innocent guy for hacks he didn't have just because he felt like it ??? or am I wrong ?
We did talk about this.
Right now I'm at school, so I can't type much.
I'm going to check the report again to be sure, but I believe he did attack innocents once or twice, which is weird when you have T hacks.
If it looks good to me, I'll support this.
I used to play with him long before and he was perfectly fine, I don't see why he would have changed now.
After looking at the report again, I'm surprised it even got accepted for something as major as a perma. The only real proof of him rdming a T was the first screeenshot. The other one, there was a chance he could have seen the T kill me.
Anyways, like Gamefreak said, I even do this as well. Once you play with the same people for awhile, you get to know their ways and habits.
Axule you do know that you and mife have both been recorded ghosting with me right and I chose not to report you because I actually respect you? Regardless the fact that this is going to be a fight between two respected reg's that strive to better the server I just gotta say this has become bullshit. First It's ghosting then hax now you're back to ghosting seriously.
Out of everyone who's been reported, FPS, you are the nicest and calmest one I ever saw. O_O
I/we appreciate how you also admit you revenge RDM and is not denying it like other people.
However, rules are rules. Ghosting is absolutely not allowed here on the server and it seems you know the consequences of ghosting. I've also see that you ghost quite often judging by the fact everybody's been saying past experiences.. Don't ghost because it will ruin everybody's fun and time on the server. This also includes avenge RDMing.
:thumbsup:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Dark Pacifist, -1ing all of Axules posts from 2 months ago won't get you any were.
Axule is probably one of the most trustworthy "newfags" (hes only about 3 months old so I guess he's a newfag?), he has really shown his potentional by being one of the Regulars who Report. He has had so many successful reports that he has earned quite a reputation for himself.
So for him to take his time to make a well thought out report on someone for ghosting is crazy. Because of that reputation he has for being a trustworthy member, I think this report is solid. (like my opinion matters)
so you can get hella street rep and start runnin the jails.