Author Topic: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting  (Read 572 times)

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Offline Wafflepiezz

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2011, 10:17:00 PM »
Out of everyone who's been reported, FPS, you are the nicest and calmest one I ever saw. O_O
I/we appreciate how you also admit you revenge RDM and is not denying it like other people.

However, rules are rules. Ghosting is absolutely not allowed here on the server and it seems you know the consequences of ghosting. I've also see that you ghost quite often judging by the fact everybody's been saying past experiences.. Don't ghost because it will ruin everybody's fun and time on the server. This also includes avenge RDMing.


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« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 10:20:34 PM by Wafflepiezz »

Offline F.P.S Russian

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #61 on: October 13, 2011, 10:31:12 PM »
Out of everyone who's been reported, FPS, you are the nicest and calmest one I ever saw. O_O
I/we appreciate how you also admit you revenge RDM and is not denying it like other people.

However, rules are rules. Ghosting is absolutely not allowed here on the server and it seems you know the consequences of ghosting. I've also see that you ghost quite often judging by the fact everybody's been saying past experiences.. Don't ghost because it will ruin everybody's fun and time on the server. This also includes avenge RDMing.


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I'm just confused how it is ghosting if you play 16+ hours a day and you know how people behave if they are T  ???  Also thank you I for the nice comment and I am a quiet chilled guy  8). I do admit to my mistake for rdming Orel and the reason was given as well to why,  there is already a mass amounts of reports on him about it.  Also if I know the consequences of ghosting then would I do it I am not crazy to hang myself and my reputation, just to get some kills and as  I stated before I have been known to report rule breakers daily to VIPs and admins. This is why this whole thing just doesn't make any sense for me  ???

I never ghosted and never planing on it I made plenty of reports on ghosters during my time on the RND server.

Revenge rdm was only on Orel and it was the only time I ever revenge rdmed during my time on the RND server.

So much confusion happening here  :(
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 11:01:25 PM by F.P.S Russian »

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2011, 11:00:34 PM »
I can tell you right now russian isn't ghosting, the guy doesn't to that, he respects the rules, he never get's angry at anyone, and for people who think he is RDM'ing or Ghosting, Russian is smart enough to put 2 and 2 together to notice who the T is.Now as i heard Axule you always had something against Russian, so get some better proff, so far what you'v put bearly shows anything(Plus on 1 damage log it shows im getting RDM'd by Blind), get a video or something more convincing of russian ghosting or RDM'ing because so far this shows nothing  :thumbsdown:

Offline Necruly

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #63 on: October 13, 2011, 11:21:21 PM »
Russian did accept he revenge rdmed and he should get punished for that.
But there is not enough proof which says Russian is ghosting. And if you ask me, i would say Russian would never ghost.  :thumbsdown:
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Moo: it uses derpmode
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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #64 on: October 13, 2011, 11:31:18 PM »
I don't remember everything 100% clearly, but I was online at the time that this happened, and it did not strike me as a ghosting event. Russian is on most of the time I join, and I've never seen him cheat or do much RDMing, although that is not to say he's never RDMd, because I think most of the people on the server have at one point or another, even I have when killing a 40 karma minge who was just trying to RDM everyone else, just so we could keep playing without him trolling us. But, I kick FPS's ass all the time, so if he ever ghosts, it's never around me. He's also a very good player, he's very good at deceiving when he's a traitor, and I've even seen him bait traitors he had evidence against, into following him into ambushes.

I saw the screen shots, but it doesn't strike me as any more than RDM at worse case scenario. I play often enough to see people get into scuffs with eachother ALL THE TIME, I've seen plenty of regs do it. I won't give out names, because it's a game, and when the RDM occasionally happens, people laugh it off. I don't support RDM, but I also don't want good members of the community banned when I enjoy playing with them! Because in the end, TTT is a social game, that cannot be played effectively without good people. And FPS, in my experience, is a good player.

I also happen to think Axule is a good player, so don't get me wrong for posting in here in favor of FPS, I'd rather see both sides come to a win, and be able to come back into the game again.

Russian has always been more vocal about anti-RDM and ghosting than I've seen anyone else on the server do in the past couple months, he strikes me as a true lover of the game and wants the gameplay to be just as fair and fun as myself or anyone else with the right ideas would, I would imagine.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 11:47:43 PM by Kringl »

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2011, 12:19:28 AM »
If this thread is not locked with a decision made by the time I wake up in the morning I'm going to shoot myself.

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2011, 05:26:49 PM »
Dark Pacifist, -1ing all of Axules posts from 2 months ago won't get you any were.
Axule is probably one of the most trustworthy "newfags" (hes only about 3 months old so I guess he's a newfag?), he has really shown his potentional by being one of the Regulars who Report. He has had so many successful reports that he has earned quite a reputation for himself.
So for him to take his time to make a well thought out report on someone for ghosting is crazy. Because of that reputation he has for being a trustworthy member, I think this report is solid. (like my opinion matters)

Offline Dale Feles

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2011, 06:44:17 PM »
Dark Pacifist, -1ing all of Axules posts from 2 months ago won't get you any were.
Axule is probably one of the most trustworthy "newfags" (hes only about 3 months old so I guess he's a newfag?), he has really shown his potentional by being one of the Regulars who Report. He has had so many successful reports that he has earned quite a reputation for himself.
So for him to take his time to make a well thought out report on someone for ghosting is crazy. Because of that reputation he has for being a trustworthy member, I think this report is solid. (like my opinion matters)

As for the report, As FPS Russian admitted he target rdmed, then yes he should get a short ban for that. But as others stated, there is not enough proof that tells us Russian has been ghosting.

Thank you Marie for the sprite.

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: TheDrunknStalin (F.P.S. Russian) + Whagman Ghosting
« Reply #68 on: October 15, 2011, 05:12:07 PM »
so you can get hella street rep and start runnin the jails.

What exactly was the point of this and the last post?
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants