Step one: Call for police
Step two: Wait for 15 minutes
Step three: Police comes, catch dumbass burgler
Step four: Done.
Step three: Burgler stab me in the stomach, I die
Step four: Police comes and find my body
Step five: More police investigate
Step six: Dumb police fail to find burgler
Step seven: Whole society becomes unstable cuz fail police
Step eight: Hong Kong is no longer a civilized city
Step nine: Global Stock Market crashes because the lost of HK
Step ten: Countries lose moneh
Step eleven: Moar riot
Step twelve: Moar countries involve
Step thirdteen: World War 3
Step fourteen: Nuclear warfare, destroy lotta countries
Step fifteen: Human extinct due to nukes
Step sixteen: Earth destroyed after ages
Step seventeen: Space shits gather, forming new planets
Step eighteen: Human appears on new planet
Step ninteen: Stone Age->*insert random periods here*-> Modern Age
Step twenty: More burgle
Step 21-38: repeats step 3-20 to infinity