Author Topic: Null's appeal to anybody concerned  (Read 365 times)

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Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2011, 08:54:33 PM »
First of all, that map has a teleporter in the basement which you can ALSO go through. The elevator has cooldown for pressing the button of about 4 seconds giving you a slight chance to get out or catch their name.

ALSO, I never rdm'd you.

Rdm is RANDOM DEATH MATCH, I started crow barring you because someone had shot a barrel next to us with a pistol and guess what, YOU had one out. You put it away and said "oh Hotgreen, why did you crowbar that barrel?" and tried to get people to suspect me. I had a reason to attempt to kill you and I didn't even manage to. That was thhe only time I ever even ATTEMPTED to kill you.

EDIT: LOLWAIT, THAT WAS THE OTHER GUY. LOLOL. You do realize it was wolfpac who shot the barrel...I told you that about 4 times, and you are still trying to frame me? Check the logs bud.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I do not know whether This toast or what the other guy were doing but when you start accusing for something that wasn't even the truth, that's when I'll step in.

ALSO, EVEN if other people are breaking the rules doesn't mean you can too. You got caught for it, so you got banned. Simple as that. If you want the others to get punished, report them too.

You did mass RDM and revenge RDM. If this toast and those others were spamming the elevator, you're suppose to report them.

Yes, yes, yes.

ONTOPIC: I'm not saying the ban was unjustified but he was provoked to RDM

Revenge RDM is not allowed, no matter what.

If you are so serious about that happening just take a break and go outside rather then bringing yourself down to their level.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 08:59:49 PM by Hotgreensoldier »
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2011, 09:01:11 PM »

If you are so serious about that happening just take a break and go outside rather then bringing yourself down to their level.

Did I ever say the ban was wrong? I said that he was provoked to RDM, not that it was the right thing to do. You think I'm comming off as defending him don't you? He was provoked to RDM the whole server, not once did I say it was the right thing to do.

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2011, 09:02:14 PM »
Did I ever say the ban was wrong? I said that he was provoked to RDM, not that it was the right thing to do. You think I'm comming off as defending him don't you? He was provoked to RDM the whole server, not once did I say it was the right thing to do.

I'm not saying that.

I'm just saying that he SHOULDN'T even be provoked to RDM, if he is, then he should just take a break and cool off.
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2011, 09:02:30 PM »

ALSO, EVEN if other people are breaking the rules doesn't mean you can too. You got caught for it, so you got banned. Simple as that. If you want the others to get punished, report them too.

You did mass RDM and revenge RDM. If this toast and those others were spamming the elevator, you're suppose to report them.

Exactly but I know for sure I am innocent and just playing. I know I was up there but I also know I never pressed that button during that round since I'm not a fan of the basement in whitehouse.

Thanks Cryptokid!

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2011, 09:03:44 PM »
Exactly but I know for sure I am innocent and just playing. I know I was up there but I also know I never pressed that button during that round since I'm not a fan of the basement in whitehouse.


I thought this was that snow map....Whitehouse can't even be spammed...Lol.

If it WAS whitehouse, you have a very big window for jumping off of it.

As for the snow one, you have about 1-2 seconds to get out.
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2011, 09:07:02 PM »

I thought this was that snow map....Whitehouse can't even be spammed...Lol.

If it WAS whitehouse, you have a very big window for jumping off of it.

As for the snow one, you have about 1-2 seconds to get out.


Thanks Cryptokid!

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2011, 09:08:17 PM »

...Toast, please try to make something I can understand Dx

Which map was it exactly? Don't think there's a map called YES YES YES
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

Offline Goat

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2011, 09:10:09 PM »
Don't think there's a map called YES YES YES
Not yet anyways

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2011, 09:12:09 PM »
...Toast, please try to make something I can understand Dx

Which map was it exactly? Don't think there's a map called YES YES YES

I too was confused here. How could have they not get off that elevator? Why did the traitors not get away since T's can see C4's at the map and how long 'till it explodes; Instead they decide to play within C4 range.

Thanks Cryptokid!

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2011, 09:12:32 PM »
Not yet anyways

Could you PLEASe keep this on-topic?

This is serious guys, and I swear if one of you puts a pic of "*** IS SRS BUISNESS" I will shove a sock down your throat  :nu:

Null, please respond.

I too was confused here. How could have they not get off that elevator? Why did the traitors not get away since T's can see C4's at the map and how long 'till it explodes; Instead they decide to play within C4 range.

So it WAS Whitehouse? Also, I would like to know too. Traitors have a good minute to get away from where c4 is before it goes off.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 09:14:08 PM by Hotgreensoldier »
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants


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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2011, 09:13:16 PM »
EDIT: LOLWAIT, THAT WAS THE OTHER GUY. LOLOL. You do realize it was wolfpac who shot the barrel...I told you that about 4 times, and you are still trying to frame me? Check the logs bud.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Is this the 'problem' your speaking of that you apparently had with me the other day? Ok. Well other people were saying that they heard a crowbar just before the explosion. It wasn't just me blaming you. You were the only one who said he heard a pistol. And you admit to randomly crowbar-ing staggz. This wasn't pre-round. This also wasn't more than 10 seconds after the round started.

you're suppose to report them.
Yes ok. Now will you please tell me which one of you up there was hitting the button so it can be reported?

Anyway back on topic. I want to make this clear. I am not totally appealing the ban. I did revenge rdm. I admitted to that. I don't know why people have to keep pointing that out as if I'm lying about it or something. I just couldn't post in the actual thread about my ban because nobody ever told me it existed. And it's locked. All I'm saying is that I think 3 days is too long. And I don't understand why certain people are so upset about this one time incident with me, but seem to be indifferent regarding many many other situations.

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2011, 09:17:00 PM »
Is this the 'problem' your speaking of that you apparently had with me the other day? Ok. Well other people were saying that they heard a crowbar just before the explosion. It wasn't just me blaming you. You were the only one who said he heard a pistol. And you admit to randomly crowbar-ing staggz. This wasn't pre-round. This also wasn't more than 10 seconds after the round started.
 Yes ok. Now will you please tell me which one of you up there was hitting the button so it can be reported?

Anyway back on topic. I want to make this clear. I am not totally appealing the ban. I did revenge rdm. I admitted to that. I don't know why people have to keep pointing that out as if I'm lying about it or something. I just couldn't post in the actual thread about my ban because nobody ever told me it existed. And it's locked. All I'm saying is that I think 3 days is too long. And I don't understand why certain people are so upset about this one time incident with me, but seem to be indifferent regarding many many other situations.

Did I not just say that it wasn't RDM due to the fact I had a REASON to try to kill him?

If you did not get any proof of them doing it we cannot take any action. If you don't record it we won't be able to do anything about it, but others got proof of you.

The reason they are upset is because you are accusing others with no proof.

If you would have liked to make a appeal in which we would take some consideration, I know I would, it would have been just fine if you put something like this

"I was banned for three days due to the fact I Mass and Revenge RDM'd. This was my first offense and I am sorry. It will not happen again, it would be appreciated if some of you took this appeal into consideration of making my ban shorter or removing it altogether. Thank you for reading."

If you wanted to talk about how the others did stuff to you, talk to an admin.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 09:19:59 PM by Hotgreensoldier »
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2011, 09:18:33 PM »
Anyway back on topic. I want to make this clear. I am not totally appealing the ban. I did revenge rdm. I admitted to that. I don't know why people have to keep pointing that out as if I'm lying about it or something. I just couldn't post in the actual thread about my ban because nobody ever told me it existed. And it's locked. All I'm saying is that I think 3 days is too long. And I don't understand why certain people are so upset about this one time incident with me, but seem to be indifferent regarding many many other situations.

You know how to play.
You know the RDM rule yet you still broke it.
1st offense

>Yeah, maybe it could be possible to reduce.

Thanks Cryptokid!


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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2011, 09:19:28 PM »
Yes it was whitehouse. And as I explained already, there were a lot of people on the elevator. We all got on and went up to escape the c4. And before we could get off on top the gates came back up and we were on the way down again. I was behind everyone on the elevator, and before I could even consider getting off at the bottom it was on the way back up. Again, before anyone could get off at the top, it was going back down. (The gates trap you from getting off at the top) The moment the elevator reached the bottom the c4 exploded.
Besides I don't see how the point here has changed from "Someone was purposely spamming the button and laughing about it knowingly sending people to their deaths" to "wait what map was it? oh maybe people could have escaped". That is beside the point. Someone was purposely trying to RDM, and many other people had the ability to report who it was but refused to.

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: Null's appeal to anybody concerned
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2011, 09:22:02 PM »
Yes it was whitehouse. And as I explained already, there were a lot of people on the elevator. We all got on and went up to escape the c4. And before we could get off on top the gates came back up and we were on the way down again. I was behind everyone on the elevator, and before I could even consider getting off at the bottom it was on the way back up. Again, before anyone could get off at the top, it was going back down. (The gates trap you from getting off at the top) The moment the elevator reached the bottom the c4 exploded.
Besides I don't see how the point here has changed from "Someone was purposely spamming the button and laughing about it knowingly sending people to their deaths" to "wait what map was it? oh maybe people could have escaped". That is beside the point. Someone was purposely trying to RDM, and many other people had the ability to report who it was but refused to.

...You do realize you can EASILY jump over the gates on whitehouse...You have 2 seconds to walk off, and 5 seconds total to jump over the gates (including the original 2 seconds)

If it was the snowy map thingy it would have been a different story. You did not provide any information of what map it was before.

Scratch that

skimmed through the OP untill I got to the parts of him Rdming.

Yet again, if they were spamming the button, REPORT THEM. This does not exempt you from the rules.

Mass edit:

Let me get something straight, you aren't really trying to appeal but you are trying to tell everyone that OTHER players were breaking the rules....But you did not have any evidence so you used the appeal forum instead? You openely admitted you RDM'd and you got banned. You think it was a bit harsh that you got a 3day ban and think it should be shorter, but instead you try to accuse others. You REVENGE rdm'd along with mass RDM. That calls for about a 3day ban.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 09:27:33 PM by Hotgreensoldier »
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncる": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants