Yes, I was name Siht Tsaot that time. I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing.... Enjoy the ban :thumbsdown:How convenient, and wow you seem to be genuinely enjoying this.
Yes, I was name Siht Tsaot that time. I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing. Next round, I took my place at the "statue thingy" where I'm not seen obviously there. Then just saw you killed guy infront of me and I chased you. No, I was not mad that I killed you since I muted you that time, so I thought you were a traitor. As for other people, like Hotgreen, you wait for their opinion but YOU DID RDM. For me, Enjoy the ban :thumbsdown:
Step 1: Go in disguise
Toast I do not trust that you did not know of C4 my friend, you were one of the people up stairs moving when me and Null were screaming C4. I saw you on elevator when it went back up so you my friend are a :troll: and after that you also said STFU russian and null.
For me, null deserves a 1D ban, nothing more.
also toast should had tell null about him making a report... it is somewhere in the report section.
ALSOO that i am just reading the last reply, please try to not offend(like calling troll) other players because everytime there is a shitstorm there is someone that... well i don't really know how to explain that so just try to be nice because shitstorms aren't nice.
For me, null deserves a 1D ban, nothing more.
also toast should had tell null about him making a report... it is somewhere in the report section.
ALSOO that i am just reading the last reply, please try to not offend(like calling troll) other players because everytime there is a shitstorm there is someone that... well i don't really know how to explain that so just try to be nice because shitstorms aren't nice.
I men't that if he is being a troll then he should screenshot or demo, I wasn't calling him anything, just saying that if he were to minge/troll then Russian should screenshot it
so you my friend are a :troll:
Toast I do not trust that you did not know of C4 my friend, you were one of the people up stairs moving when me and Null were screaming C4. I saw you on elevator when it went back up so you my friend are a :troll: and after that you also said STFU russian and null.
Step 1: Go in disguise
Step 2: Catch him being a minge/troll
Step 3: Screenshot or demo
Step 4: Report him and get him demoted/banned
Step 5: Be hero of the motherland and drink lots of vodka my friend
1. AprovedYes, yes, yes.
2. Aproved
3. Aproved
4. Definate Aproved
5. We go drink some vodka my friend join me :dukenukem:
Step 1: Go in disguise
Step 2: Catch him being a minge/troll
Step 3: Screenshot or demo
Step 4: Report him and get him demoted/banned
Step 5: Be hero of the motherland and drink lots of vodka my friend
Yes, yes, yes.
ONTOPIC: I'm not saying the ban was unjustified but he was provoked to RDM
If you are so serious about that happening just take a break and go outside rather then bringing yourself down to their level.
Did I ever say the ban was wrong? I said that he was provoked to RDM, not that it was the right thing to do. You think I'm comming off as defending him don't you? He was provoked to RDM the whole server, not once did I say it was the right thing to do.
ALSO, EVEN if other people are breaking the rules doesn't mean you can too. You got caught for it, so you got banned. Simple as that. If you want the others to get punished, report them too.
You did mass RDM and revenge RDM. If this toast and those others were spamming the elevator, you're suppose to report them.
Exactly but I know for sure I am innocent and just playing. I know I was up there but I also know I never pressed that button during that round since I'm not a fan of the basement in whitehouse.
I thought this was that snow map....Whitehouse can't even be spammed...Lol.
If it WAS whitehouse, you have a very big window for jumping off of it.
As for the snow one, you have about 1-2 seconds to get out.
Don't think there's a map called YES YES YESNot yet anyways
...Toast, please try to make something I can understand Dx
Which map was it exactly? Don't think there's a map called YES YES YES
Not yet anyways
I too was confused here. How could have they not get off that elevator? Why did the traitors not get away since T's can see C4's at the map and how long 'till it explodes; Instead they decide to play within C4 range.
EDIT: LOLWAIT, THAT WAS THE OTHER GUY. LOLOL. You do realize it was wolfpac who shot the barrel...I told you that about 4 times, and you are still trying to frame me? Check the logs bud.Is this the 'problem' your speaking of that you apparently had with me the other day? Ok. Well other people were saying that they heard a crowbar just before the explosion. It wasn't just me blaming you. You were the only one who said he heard a pistol. And you admit to randomly crowbar-ing staggz. This wasn't pre-round. This also wasn't more than 10 seconds after the round started.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
you're suppose to report them.Yes ok. Now will you please tell me which one of you up there was hitting the button so it can be reported?
Is this the 'problem' your speaking of that you apparently had with me the other day? Ok. Well other people were saying that they heard a crowbar just before the explosion. It wasn't just me blaming you. You were the only one who said he heard a pistol. And you admit to randomly crowbar-ing staggz. This wasn't pre-round. This also wasn't more than 10 seconds after the round started.
Yes ok. Now will you please tell me which one of you up there was hitting the button so it can be reported?
Anyway back on topic. I want to make this clear. I am not totally appealing the ban. I did revenge rdm. I admitted to that. I don't know why people have to keep pointing that out as if I'm lying about it or something. I just couldn't post in the actual thread about my ban because nobody ever told me it existed. And it's locked. All I'm saying is that I think 3 days is too long. And I don't understand why certain people are so upset about this one time incident with me, but seem to be indifferent regarding many many other situations.
Anyway back on topic. I want to make this clear. I am not totally appealing the ban. I did revenge rdm. I admitted to that. I don't know why people have to keep pointing that out as if I'm lying about it or something. I just couldn't post in the actual thread about my ban because nobody ever told me it existed. And it's locked. All I'm saying is that I think 3 days is too long. And I don't understand why certain people are so upset about this one time incident with me, but seem to be indifferent regarding many many other situations.
Yes it was whitehouse. And as I explained already, there were a lot of people on the elevator. We all got on and went up to escape the c4. And before we could get off on top the gates came back up and we were on the way down again. I was behind everyone on the elevator, and before I could even consider getting off at the bottom it was on the way back up. Again, before anyone could get off at the top, it was going back down. (The gates trap you from getting off at the top) The moment the elevator reached the bottom the c4 exploded.
Besides I don't see how the point here has changed from "Someone was purposely spamming the button and laughing about it knowingly sending people to their deaths" to "wait what map was it? oh maybe people could have escaped". That is beside the point. Someone was purposely trying to RDM, and many other people had the ability to report who it was but refused to.
Yes it was whitehouse. And as I explained already, there were a lot of people on the elevator. We all got on and went up to escape the c4. And before we could get off on top the gates came back up and we were on the way down again. I was behind everyone on the elevator, and before I could even consider getting off at the bottom it was on the way back up. Again, before anyone could get off at the top, it was going back down. (The gates trap you from getting off at the top) The moment the elevator reached the bottom the c4 exploded.
Besides I don't see how the point here has changed from "Someone was purposely spamming the button and laughing about it knowingly sending people to their deaths" to "wait what map was it? oh maybe people could have escaped". That is beside the point. Someone was purposely trying to RDM, and many other people had the ability to report who it was but refused to.
For me the objective of this thread was to make your ban shorter, and i belive like it is your first time and bla bla 1 day sounds good, but now it looks like you are trying to get someone banned.Wait what? Yes if I could somehow get the proof I needed to report the person who rdm'd all the people there, I totally would file a report. But why would that have any bearing on your opinion of me? Are you saying it's ok for me to be banned, but not for me to get someone else banned for the exact same reason?
Hotgreensoldier I don't understand how your last 3 posts are contributing to the topic. For starters, if it is so easy to jump over the gate, how come nobody on the elevator was able to escape even though almost all tried? And secondly, how is that even relevant?
You keep repeating "Report it report it" Yes I would love to. So please tell me who was up there doing it.
Oh... were you not even there?
Then why were you posting in the thread about my ban? And what were these "problems" you mentioned?
Why are you even involved?
Were you there? Then please tell all of us who was spamming the button so we can report it. We both agree on that fact, it needs to be reported.
Otherwise. I' don't want to sound rude, but your posts are not contributing to the discussion.
This isn't about you at all.
Wait what? Yes if I could somehow get the proof I needed to report the person who rdm'd all the people there, I totally would file a report. But why would that have any bearing on your opinion of me? Are you saying it's ok for me to be banned, but not for me to get someone else banned for the exact same reason?
Wait what? Yes if I could somehow get the proof I needed to report the person who rdm'd all the people there, I totally would file a report. But why would that have any bearing on your opinion of me? Are you saying it's ok for me to be banned, but not for me to get someone else banned for the exact same reason?
Lol....Especially when you included me in the OP.Yes I mentioned how you posted in the first thread that I never knew about. And how you said "We had problems with this guy". And you still haven't explained the alleged problems you had with me.
You provided a invalid appeal argument in my eyes and included false info about me doing something so I stepped in and said something.Your opinion is yours. I don't believe my appeal argument (that the ban is too long for the offense) is invalid. The info I included about you is not false. Unfortunately I was not recording. But there was a round where you caused a barrel to explode and it killed me and I was traitor. What you brought up was an entirely different round.
This isn't about me but that doesn't mean I can't say anything.Yes just please stay on topic.
Oh, since you don't have proof we can't do anything about it then. But you KEEP trying to get them involved even though you yourself were not responsible enough to get proof.Now I wasn't 'responsible' because I was trapped on an elevator where 99% of the time I could not see who was upstairs, let alone who was at the controls? Because I didn't think "Hey maybe I should start recording this right now". Its not like the end-of-round log would show who was pressing a button. All I did was ask you who did it. Its clear that the answer will not ever be known. So this particular subject is moot (who did it, and that it would be nice to be able to report it). Please stop bringing it up.
i don't say it is fair that the guy who spammed the buton doesn't get any punishment, but i do belive that if you don't even know who it was you shouldn't kinda derail your own appeal.What the hell man? Its hotgreen that keeps bringing it up. But your right. I'm done talking about that. I only wish people who weren't even involved would stop doing whatever they can to argue with me -_-
Yes I mentioned how you posted in the first thread that I never knew about. And how you said "We had problems with this guy". And you still haven't explained the alleged problems you had with me.
Your opinion is yours. I don't believe my appeal argument (that the ban is too long for the offense) is invalid. The info I included about you is not false. Unfortunately I was not recording. But there was a round where you caused a barrel to explode and it killed me and I was traitor. What you brought up was an entirely different round.
Yes just please stay on topic.
Now I wasn't 'responsible' because I was trapped on an elevator where 99% of the time I could not see who was upstairs, let alone who was at the controls? Because I didn't think "Hey maybe I should start recording this right now". Its not like the end-of-round log would show who was pressing a button. All I did was ask you who did it. Its clear that the answer will not ever be known. So this particular subject is moot (who did it, and that it would be nice to be able to report it). Please stop bringing it up.
What the hell man? Its hotgreen that keeps bringing it up. But your right. I'm done talking about that. I only wish people who weren't even involved would stop doing whatever they can to argue with me -_-
I never destroyed a single barrel. I was only accused of exploding one that ONLY round.I'm not even going to continue with that argument.
So why are we still arguing about this?Yes please drop it. I already explained twice that I started this thread because I was not allowed to post in the original and nobody ever told me about it. And I am appealing the length, not the ban.
And you claimed to have problems with me the other day. I still would like to know what you were talking about.
When the round had ended you kept saying "Hotgreen, why did you explode the barrel and make me lose my T round?" in a negative tone.That doesn't even make sense. I wasn't T that round, and I lived through the explosion to suspect you. That round, Me and a few others suspected you of doing something that you didn't do. Just as you suspected me of doing something I didn't do. That does not amount to ... "We had some problems with this guy yesterday".
Even after I told told you 2-3 times you still kept saying it.
Also, as for the barrel thing, why exactly will you not continue the argument? If you have nothing to hide them go out and say it.
Yes, I was name Siht Tsaot that time. I was not aware that there was c4 and someone spamming the elevator since I was watching TV more than playing. Next round, I took my place at the "statue thingy" where I'm not seen obviously there. Then just saw you killed guy infront of me and I chased you. No, I was not mad that I killed you since I muted you that time, so I thought you were a traitor. As for other people, like Hotgreen, you wait for their opinion but YOU DID RDM. For me, Enjoy the ban :thumbsdown:IMO, I do not think null deserved this ban. There are other players doing more than just RDMing and seeing as theres no other reports on null, or if I go in-game I see or hear a player complaining about null. I think hes a good player and just let his frustration overcome him causing him kill players in TTT. Even if I was somewhat new and read that "nobody cares about rdm" i would have done the same.
In my opinion, 3 days is to long for what he did.
How much did he rdm, once or twice?
Yes, what he did was wrong and he knew it, but 3 days? really?
a day or two AT MOST would have been fair.
IMO, I do not think null deserved this ban. There are other players doing more than just RDMing and seeing as theres no other reports on null, or if I go in-game I see or hear a player complaining about null. I think hes a good player and just let his frustration overcome him causing him kill players in TTT. Even if I was somewhat new and read that "nobody cares about rdm" i would have done the same.
Idk if the ban stays it shound't be 3 days.
Actually, from his stats, it showed that he's been in this server for a total of 70+ hoursHmm I guess I overestimated. I just saw that I've been playing gmod for over 200 hours and figured most of it was in this server. Anyway he did say 'somewhat' new. Relativity and all that. I think the point Terry was trying to make is that the punishment doesn't fit the crime in his opinion. Consider the fact that by your own research you can verify I have been in the server at least 70 hours, and this is the only incident. At all other times, I keep my karma at, or close to, 1000.
Oh wow... Why do I get banned from zombie survival and everything else as well? I've never even connected to the other servers before. :( I'm not going to kill zombies in an unwarranted fashion.
It has been proven you have committed an offense.Alright. And thank you for taking the time to read through this thoroughly.
Three days seems reasonable to make the ban have a purpose.
I don't think talking about it warrants a reduction.
Meh...3 days is normal...
You should have seen mine :O
1 week or more.
It has been proven you have committed an offense.
Three days seems reasonable to make the ban have a purpose.
I don't think talking about it warrants a reduction.
Alright, all of this makes me want to facepalm.
If I'm right, you are hoffman...
You weren't banned just for rdm'ing, If I recall. You acted like a total douchebag/ass to everyone, and I think even more. A link to the report would be appreciated, if anyone has it.
I agree on the fact a three day ban makes it have a purpose, but Null made a well written appeal. He did admit what rules infringements he commited, and I admire that. I think that he should have a 1 day ban, just as a warning, and if he keeps rdm'ing, we could ban him again for a specific time, depending on the circumstances of the events that happened. I know, Null, that you were annoyed by the players on the server, but as many persons already stated, we cannot do anything without proof, we are sorry for that.
As for everyone else who would be posting in this thread, if you have nothing useful to say or debate about the ban, then don't post, such as lolking did. Not only is this a useless post, but it doesn't help us determine whether the ban should be shortened or not. And finally, why Dark Pacifist are you +1'ing everyone who postes? People are simply providing arguments about Null's ban.
I hope this helped clarify some stuff up.,7679.msg113487.html#msg113487 (,7679.msg113487.html#msg113487)
There we go.
"after several months and I used my microphone and Civil Protection then started trolling me all the sudden ,chat spamming and target rdming me.Tehdude ,Gmod101 TheRo4ch and several players in the server (I forgot their names), had witnessed "Civil Protection" RDMing and Chat spamming"
You were also chat spamming and trolling. That's what warranted you a 1 week ban.