herro mah names BOB and this is mah application! il stop talking weird now...
In game name:
Steam ID
Time Online:
during holidays and such around 3 pm to whenever the server closes (pacific time) and during school probably around 3pm to 11pm or so
Servers (in order from most played to least)
Zombie Survival
Stranded Survival mode
Winter Survival
14 (dont hate!)
Date of the Birth
March 13th
Games (On Steam)
Portal 1
Sven coop
Canada, BC
favourite quotes to say in-game (i decided to put this in because i can)
but will it blend?
Why I should be reg.
well, i play A LOT of zombie survival and it would be cool to be able to vote and have people recognise me! i know a few ppl on rNd from guest playing, but having a yellow colored guest thing gets annoying because yellow to me is a really annoying color (dont know why but it just is to me) and it always catches my eye, distracting me from in-game actions. i also want to be reg. because i want to make friends on here and no-one respects the guest n00bs! (jk)
Contributions to rNd
HAHAHA wait your serious? no im jk, i like to help people who are new to Gmod (it does bug me when they dont read the little tips on the right of their screen) and to the zombie survival server (again, i probably have to tell about 10 people a DAY to press F3 to change class, but whatever) and thats really it...il probably do more in the future though, and i hope to please all players who play rNd servers! you guys are the best!
if you want to contact me for stuff and such then add me as a friend on steam (stupidd26) and we can chat! or you can email me at zblacklock@hotmail.com, please dont spam me! I hope this app is accepted and have a nice day everyone! also one last note, i did also play on here about a year ago, but then i had a computer failzorz and i lost gmod for awhile

so i got it back and now im playin again! for good this time! (i hope XD) so ya, vote how you like, im not on very many of the random servers as i usually play the zombie survival server and voting

would b awesome guys, i just wanna have fun and (imitates 10 year old 'gamer') AND POWN SUM HAX0R NUBEZ!!!11!!!!one!!!!! (i don't know why i put that in there)
DATE: aug 25 2011