.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Promotions (Read Only) => Regular => Unapproved => Topic started by: BOB on August 18, 2011, 08:18:19 PM
herro mah names BOB and this is mah application! il stop talking weird now...
In game name:
Steam ID
Time Online:
during holidays and such around 3 pm to whenever the server closes (pacific time) and during school probably around 3pm to 11pm or so
Servers (in order from most played to least)
Zombie Survival
Stranded Survival mode
Winter Survival
14 (dont hate!)
Date of the Birth
March 13th
Games (On Steam)
Portal 1
Sven coop
Canada, BC
favourite quotes to say in-game (i decided to put this in because i can)
but will it blend?
Why I should be reg.
well, i play A LOT of zombie survival and it would be cool to be able to vote and have people recognise me! i know a few ppl on rNd from guest playing, but having a yellow colored guest thing gets annoying because yellow to me is a really annoying color (dont know why but it just is to me) and it always catches my eye, distracting me from in-game actions. i also want to be reg. because i want to make friends on here and no-one respects the guest n00bs! (jk)
Contributions to rNd
HAHAHA wait your serious? no im jk, i like to help people who are new to Gmod (it does bug me when they dont read the little tips on the right of their screen) and to the zombie survival server (again, i probably have to tell about 10 people a DAY to press F3 to change class, but whatever) and thats really it...il probably do more in the future though, and i hope to please all players who play rNd servers! you guys are the best!
if you want to contact me for stuff and such then add me as a friend on steam (stupidd26) and we can chat! or you can email me at zblacklock@hotmail.com, please dont spam me! I hope this app is accepted and have a nice day everyone! also one last note, i did also play on here about a year ago, but then i had a computer failzorz and i lost gmod for awhile :( so i got it back and now im playin again! for good this time! (i hope XD) so ya, vote how you like, im not on very many of the random servers as i usually play the zombie survival server and voting :thumbsup: would b awesome guys, i just wanna have fun and (imitates 10 year old 'gamer') AND POWN SUM HAX0R NUBEZ!!!11!!!!one!!!!! (i don't know why i put that in there)
DATE: aug 25 2011
:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
your so nice :troll:
jk! :D
You're not going to be hated for your age, Trust me.
I turned 14 on the 3rd.
Anyways meng, can't vote because I've never played with you.
You're not going to be hated for your age, Trust me.
I turned 14 on the 3rd.
Anyways meng, can't vote because I've never played with you.
neither has the guy who voted me down twice XD
neither has the guy who voted me down twice XD
Hes probably voting on your application then?
Just throwing this out there but,
Maybe your failure of an application from before influenced his vote.
FooFoo's just a FooFoo.
FooFoo's just a FooFoo.
Playing with a person for an hour or so doesn't show all of them anyways.
Just the way you have acted turns me off.
You're not showing yourself in a reg-material manner.
No offence but I do not think you are 14 >_<
But anyways; :thumbsdown:
-Never seen you in-game before
-This application is kind of poor/lack of effort
-Your application's title: "BOB's application of awesome"
-Too much joking around in your application > implied you are just joking around about being regular
Why not:
-Though it looks like you ARE a nice and friendly guy
No offence but I do not think you are 14 >_<
But anyways; :thumbsdown:
-Never seen you in-game before
-This application is kind of poor/lack of effort
-Your application's title: "BOB's application of awesome"
-Too much joking around in your application > implied you are just joking around about being regular
Why not:
-Though it looks like you ARE a nice and friendly guy
alright first of all, i am 14, i dont know why we havent seen each other b4 bcuz im almost always on, i was just using the reg example, i havent done an app b4 srsly dude, im sorry if it looks poor/lack of effort but hey, its just an APPILICATION not a resume for a job and about the title, i was feeling weerd, and finally the reason i joke around is cuz i like to have fun, not cuz im joking around about being a reg... and foofoo, i dont even REMEMBER you, when did we play? it may have been at one of my times the other day, alot of shi* was going on and i was just pissed that day, sorry, and that wont happen again, besides waffle and foo, you guys cant just vote down immediately bcuz you playd for like 10 minutes with me or something, im just here to have fun, i DO regularly attend the server so i just thought: "hey! maybe i should apply for reg!" so ya, thats my reply 2 u guys
alright first of all, i am 14, i dont know why we havent seen each other b4 bcuz im almost always on, i was just using the reg example, i havent done an app b4 srsly dude, im sorry if it looks poor/lack of effort but hey, its just an APPILICATION not a resume for a job and about the title, i was feeling weerd, and finally the reason i joke around is cuz i like to have fun, not cuz im joking around about being a reg... and foofoo, i dont even REMEMBER you, when did we play? it may have been at one of my times the other day, alot of shi* was going on and i was just pissed that day, sorry, and that wont happen again, besides waffle and foo, you guys cant just vote down immediately bcuz you playd for like 10 minutes with me or something, im just here to have fun, i DO regularly attend the server so i just thought: "hey! maybe i should apply for reg!" so ya, thats my reply 2 u guys
Actually we can vote down if we have our own opinions/reasons...
Also; every application looks way better if we can actually understand what you're saying.
Actually we can vote down if we have our own opinions/reasons...
Also; every application looks way better if we can actually understand what you're saying.
first of all i know you CAN but its not that cool...and second, il clean up the app a bit, i was in a rush so i couldnt do it SOOPER NOVA AWESOME and also i added the date cuz i forgot.
Captain obvious reporting in! You forgot to add a date to your application.
Anyone's allowed to post their opinions whether you or any other person find them to be fair or not.
The application boards are meant for people to post eachothers' opinions on the players, to help decide who to promote and who to deny. The communities votes do help a lot, and though they might not seem fair, they're allowed to say what they want so long as it's not going against and forum rules.
Also, maybe you guys haven't seen him much because of difference in time zones?
Anyone's allowed to post their opinions whether you or any other person find them to be fair or not.
The application boards are meant for people to post eachothers' opinions on the players, to help decide who to promote and who to deny. The communities votes do help a lot, and though they might not seem fair, they're allowed to say what they want so long as it's not going against and forum rules.
Also, maybe you guys haven't seen him much because of difference in time zones?
i know its just annoying when some random person you dont know votes no, a few of the people on the zombie server said they were doing to vote up, i think they forgot or something, anyways the time zone thing is probably right, waffle i cleaned up the app a little and i want to know if u might reconsider your vote? no worries if no tho
Captain obvious reporting in! You forgot to add a date to your application.
ya, i added that a second ago, thanks!
ya, i added that a second ago, thanks!
You have to add it to the application subject bar.
I'd also like to remind you, a few random people -1'ing you shouldn't be a big deal. If people like and trust you in general you'll be promoted.
alright first of all, i am 14, i dont know why we havent seen each other b4 bcuz im almost always on, i was just using the reg example, i havent done an app b4 srsly dude, im sorry if it looks poor/lack of effort but hey, its just an APPILICATION not a resume for a job and about the title, i was feeling weerd, and finally the reason i joke around is cuz i like to have fun, not cuz im joking around about being a reg... and foofoo, i dont even REMEMBER you, when did we play? it may have been at one of my times the other day, alot of shi* was going on and i was just pissed that day, sorry, and that wont happen again, besides waffle and foo, you guys cant just vote down immediately bcuz you playd for like 10 minutes with me or something, im just here to have fun, i DO regularly attend the server so i just thought: "hey! maybe i should apply for reg!" so ya, thats my reply 2 u guys
never did I say I played with you..
I judged you as is
never did I say I played with you..
I judged you as is
Seemed like you implied it here.this.
Playing with a person for an hour or so doesn't show all of them anyways.
Just the way you have acted turns me off.
You're not showing yourself in a reg-material manner.
Seem'd like you imply'd it here.
Well'd then I used'd a wrong'd choice of words heh'd.
Well'd then I used'd a wrong'd choice of words heh'd.
Should I not use apostrophes?
Should I not use apostrophes?
I did it.
I did it.
good my son
>mfw waffle telling people not to joke around
2 apps? Even after people told you to use the Modify button on your last app?
>mfw waffle telling people not to joke around
I'm always serious on Regular apps :darkbluepacmanghost:
I'm always serious on Regular apps :darkbluepacmanghost:
Then stop fucking putting blue flashing pacman ghosts
+/- 0, played with you, but not enough to make a decision.
Then stop fucking putting blue flashing pacman ghosts
+/- 0, played with you, but not enough to make a decision.
Uh...that was the first time I put it o_o...
2 apps? Even after people told you to use the Modify button on your last app?
first of all: im new to the forum and didnt see that button and i made this BEFORE i saw that reply, so sorry about that, and also i couldnt find the delete button :(
I'd also like to remind you, a few random people -1'ing you shouldn't be a big deal. If people like and trust you in general you'll be promoted.
...Please don't double post...
...Please don't double post...
i was just :) ing it
i was just :) ing it
couldve of modified your last post.
im SORRY okay! i keep forgetting about the modify button
You're not going to be hated for your age, Trust me.
I turned 14 on the 3rd.
Anyways meng, can't vote because I've never played with you.
Same, try to play on the TTT servers or maybe some TF2
herro mah names BOB and this is mah application! il stop talking weird now...
In game name:
Steam ID
Time Online:
during holidays and such around 3 pm to whenever the server closes (pacific time) and during school probably around 3pm to 11pm or so
Servers (in order from most played to least)
Zombie Survival
Stranded Survival mode
Winter Survival
14 (dont hate!)
Date of the Birth
March 13th
Games (On Steam)
Portal 1
Sven coop
Canada, BC
favourite quotes to say in-game (i decided to put this in because i can)
but will it blend?
Why I should be reg.
well, i play A LOT of zombie survival and it would be cool to be able to vote and have people recognise me! i know a few ppl on rNd from guest playing, but having a yellow colored guest thing gets annoying because yellow to me is a really annoying color (dont know why but it just is to me) and it always catches my eye, distracting me from in-game actions. i also want to be reg. because i want to make friends on here and no-one respects the guest n00bs! (jk)
Contributions to rNd
HAHAHA wait your serious? no im jk, i like to help people who are new to Gmod (it does bug me when they dont read the little tips on the right of their screen) and to the zombie survival server (again, i probably have to tell about 10 people a DAY to press F3 to change class, but whatever) and thats really it...il probably do more in the future though, and i hope to please all players who play rNd servers! you guys are the best!
if you want to contact me for stuff and such then add me as a friend on steam (stupidd26) and we can chat! or you can email me at zblacklock@hotmail.com, please dont spam me! I hope this app is accepted and have a nice day everyone! also one last note, i did also play on here about a year ago, but then i had a computer failzorz and i lost gmod for awhile :( so i got it back and now im playin again! for good this time! (i hope XD) so ya, vote how you like, im not on very many of the random servers as i usually play the zombie survival server and voting :thumbsup: would b awesome guys, i just wanna have fun and (imitates 10 year old 'gamer') AND POWN SUM HAX0R NUBEZ!!!11!!!!one!!!!! (i don't know why i put that in there)
DATE: aug 25 2011
Okay the part when you tell the games you own, it should display the games you bought, not mods. second of all im sorry but i dont think you put a lot of effort in this, you could have colered your app some.
Okay the part when you tell the games you own, it should display the games you bought, not mods. second of all im sorry but i dont think you put a lot of effort in this, you could have colered your app some.
I don't see how there was little effort put into the app, it's longer than 75% of the Regular applications, and they can still get approved. He included all the detail needed after some edits as well. So what if it doesn't have colour lol? If I make a really long application but don't slap it with a rainbow doesn't mean that it's little effort. Having a shorter app with colour is less effort, all you have to do is highlight and click the colour shit.
I don't see how there was little effort put into the app, it's longer than 75% of the Regular applications, and they can still get approved. He included all the detail needed after some edits as well. So what if it doesn't have colour lol? If I make a really long application but don't slap it with a rainbow doesn't mean that it's little effort. Having a shorter app with colour is less effort, all you have to do is highlight and click the colour shit.
Meh no offence or anything but most of his sentences included in this app are run-on sentences >_<
Meh no offence or anything but most of his sentences included in this app are run-on sentences >_<
I would link other shorter apps that got approved with poor grammar and in general English, but there's too many to list.
You're giving your opinions on the applicant, not the application itself. Any admin with the ability to lock and deny or approve the app can see the application. Posting comments on applications is for the sake of helping the admins chose to approve or deny, and to show if the person is generally liked and trusted, not if the printed application is to people's standards lol. (unless it's missing necessary information)
Sorry for derailed the app btw, just felt it should be said seeing as I see this all too often.
I would link other shorter apps that got approved with poor grammar and in general English, but there's too many to list.
You're giving your opinions on the applicant, not the application itself. Any admin with the ability to lock and deny or approve the app can see the application. Posting comments on applications is for the sake of helping the admins chose to approve or deny, and to show if the person is generally liked and trusted, not if the printed application is to people's standards lol. (unless it's missing necessary information)
Sorry for derailed the app btw, just felt it should be said seeing as I see this all too often.
thanks Sabb, and to everyone else, about the mods being in there, sorry, didnt know, and about the color, again im new to the forum, i didnt know you could add colour but mainly i just didnt look UP... :trollface:
>aug 25th
>only 21st
omg im a date fail! sry my comp was stupoid
EDIT: i think i fixed it...
omg im a date fail! sry my comp was stupoid
EDIT: i think i fixed it...
Yes it's fixed.
Anyways back on topic; does anybody else have their own opinions on bob...?
very immature..Was insulting newer players and other regs from what i witnessed for no reason ..... Propkills in stranded a few times.. ..
IMO needs to act more mature and possibly gain more skill in the games that he does play (RND)
very immature..Was insulting newer players and other regs from what i witnessed for no reason ..... Propkills in stranded a few times.. ..
IMO needs to act more mature and possibly gain more skill in the games that he does play (RND)
:troll: dont listen to him, i didnt do any of those things, octo just likes to troll me, i never insulted any newer players, there was ONE REG when i was playing with him, and that reg i like, and the propkill was an ACCIDENT OCTO i told u that b4...tho i DO admit to the skill thing, im not that good at zombies...also octo if u heard me insulting a guy named karma charger, go ahead acuse me of that, that guy is a DICK, but lets not get into that for this is the wrong forum topic for that...
:troll: dont listen to him, i didnt do any of those things, octo just likes to troll me, i never insulted any newer players, there was ONE REG when i was playing with him, and that reg i like, and the propkill was an ACCIDENT OCTO i told u that b4...tho i DO admit to the skill thing, im not that good at zombies...also octo if u heard me insulting a guy named karma charger, go ahead acuse me of that, that guy is a DICK, but lets not get into that for this is the wrong forum topic for that...
People CAN vote whatever they want based on experiences with you; you can't just go and deny EVERY thumbs down you get...
People CAN vote whatever they want based on experiences with you; you can't just go and deny EVERY thumbs down you get...
sry...but for octo, srsly hes been trolling me for awhile now, and i distinctively remember...a dammit wrong section in the forums...but anyways, sry about that, but octo IS a :troll:
bob the way your app looks is an insult but, your attitude online is how I'm gaging you so be thankful. :thumbsup:
Im sorry but can you please reapply in 1 week after you get to know other members