Author Topic: How do I convince my stubborn mom?  (Read 736 times)

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2011, 08:28:39 AM »
Cake Face, DrOctagonnapus, no.

A good parent shouldn't have to lay a hand on their child.

A good parent is patient with their kid(s) and knows how to handle a situation without physically harming them or putting fear in them...
The whole putting fear in them part I really don't like, because it sounds more like trying to intimidate which creates a lot of resentment.

There's ways other than physically harming a child or putting your responsibilities and issues on someone else to deal with... (DrOctagonnapus)
Children learn not to do things when there are punishments for what they do. Physically harming them and scaring them is not the best way to do it, it's the quickest, easiest, and least responsible way.

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2011, 09:39:39 AM »
As your right it isnt right to abuse a child but FEAR is the only thing that keeps people in line. If they didnt worry about police they would steal and murder all the time. The fear of jail keeps people in line.. The fear of a parents reaction keeps children in line. I guess you didnt grow up in the south? Texas/florida its ok to hit your children but there is a fine line between punishments and abuse.. Its not ok to ABUSE a child but wacking them a few times on the butt with a belt goes a long way.

But if you dont like the violence thing refer to what i said last post.

Contact your local child services office.. They have the connections to get her help.. It does work. Google search Child Services <STATE> give them a call.. explain whats going on... I got picked on ALOT as a kid.  it got to the point i just said fuck it one day and started kicking some ass.. best believe i got my ass kicked half the time but i stood up for myself. You need to stand up for yourself. Show her who the older sibling is and respect. She will continue to walk all over you untill you lay down the rules.. Your pretty much putting your tail between your legs and giving her the power she is trying to get by fucking with you in all these ways. CALL CHILD SERVICES.
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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2011, 09:46:35 AM »
::: If there is no fear... What is stopping her from doing whatever she wants... Hence there forth your problems. She has no least stand up for yourself.. Or are you going to let her beat you up?:::

Not to insult.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 03:33:46 PM by DrOctagonnapus »
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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2011, 11:37:27 AM »
To be honest, I read the first line of the first post and the second post and TL;DR'd.

So, lets go over a few things here.
Starting with the fact that you -1 me for a difference of opinion.

I didn't insult you, or at least intend to, so -1'ing my posts just because I have a different point of view than you is simply juvenile.
So, really, you're probably too ignorant to listen to what I say and try to understand anything, based off the previous sentence, so I don't know why I'm arguing with you. But oh well. Might as well get my opinion across to other people.

Now lets talk about the fact that you seem not to know how to treat women...
Whether it's your sibling or not, physically abuse a girl like you're making it sound like you do, you're an automatic douche bag. Like, that's probably the most docuhey thing out there. (don't take this as I don't think women can't offend themselves or some shit)

And about the fear shit.
It's stupid.
Just stupid.

Basically I'll just repeat what I said in the previous post, because clearly you didn't get it.

A GOOD PARENT doesn't HAVE to necessarily inflict fear on their children...
Trying to get your children to fear you is only going to create a fuckload of resentment against you.
I'm also just using the parenting shit as an example. So don't take everything I say literally.

But anyways, proper parenting (or in your case... taking care of your sibling(s) and responsibility?) doesn't involve the parents trying to scare the shit out of their kids so they do what you want them to do.
You can still stand your ground and shit, but you don't have to do it by scaring them... it's an irresponsible, stupid, weak way of taking care of them. Like I said, you can still stand your ground and have a discipline child by using your brain and making punishments and still making it in another way somewhat unpleasant for the kid if they don't obey or some shit.

And even physical harm and fear won't always work.
The reason I hate people that think shit like that and act in such a way is because my father did shit like that, and he was a complete idiot, so he would try to scare the shit out of me and my brother and intimidate us, sometimes using physical force (can't think of a better way to say it) to try to get us to shut up or w/e the reason was, and in the end, it didn't work one tiny bit. Shit eventually happened between him and I before he was kicked out of the house, and now I haven't seen him or made any communication with him in over 3 years.

So you can understand why I have such a strong opinion on that kind of reasoning and justifications.

I'll also have you know, my mom has raised me most of my life (including while my father lived with us), and she's never laid a hand on me, and has never tried inflicting fear or what ever other stupid shit, and I think I came up pretty good.

Also, I'll repeat yet again, hopefully you'll read and make sense of what I say this time, PUSHING YOUR PROBLEMS ONTO OTHER PEOPLE ALSO DOES NOT HELP YOU ANY (child services). It only creates resentment between the two, and eventually it will not get the results you want in most cases.


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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2011, 01:01:37 PM »
Along with Sabbath's speech/rant/essay:

Have you ever seen a parent's expression when they are beating their child? Is it ever sad, or ever distressed because of the fact that they must hurt their child in order to teach them a valuable lesson? No, it's always anger. How do I know? Being the asian child that I am, I was hit as an eight year old.

So let's face it. Parents, or Octagonapuses don't just hit children to teach them a lesson. Sure, they may argue so, but in reality, you're doing it out of blind rage. The 'teach the child a lesson' part, yeah, thats bullshit. It's a rationalization to justify the fact that they cannot control their childish temper so they lash it out in the form of an ass-beating.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 01:05:04 PM by Rocket50 »

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2011, 01:56:41 PM »

As with what Sabb/Rocket said, a GOOD parent never resorts to beating. Have you realized, most adults who commit crimes/beat their own children have been done so by their parents before? When I was young and my dad wanted me to shut up, he never said "IM GONNA WOOP YOUR ASS FUCK FACE" he simply told me to be quiet, and if I kept bugging him, he would raise his voice. He never laid a hand on me, and in my opinion, I think I've been raised well, thanks to my wonderful parents.

Thank you Marie for the sprite.

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2011, 02:02:48 PM »
So um Sabbath, what would be the nice, moralfag way to handle this situation?

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2011, 02:06:22 PM »
So um Sabbath, what would be the nice, moralfag way to handle this situation?

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That child is obviously spoiled, something the parents did before this incident. Physical punishment wouldnt be needed if the parents taught their child proper behavior earlier on.

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2011, 02:33:26 PM »
So um Sabbath, what would be the nice, moralfag way to handle this situation?

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You use a condom.

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2011, 02:34:33 PM »

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2011, 02:39:20 PM »

Lol, on a serious note, I would take the kid straight fucking home and put him in a timeout or some shit, and talk very firm with him to make him know what he did was wrong.
(there's a difference between talking firm and inducing fear in him)

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2011, 02:41:30 PM »
Lol, on a serious note, I would take the kid straight fucking home and put him in a timeout or some shit, and talk very firm with him to make him know what he did was wrong.
(there's a difference between talking firm and inducing fear in him)

...Hopefully you wont shop at the same store ever again.

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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2011, 03:23:27 PM »
As for -1 you. . Is because you -1 my opinion. Why not? and its not ok to beat your children flat out. None of you were raised in the south where Respect reigns.. Its wrong to hit a woman. But as a parents standpoint im sorry but bullying between siblings is outright wrong. Both are causing the problems and i can solve it right quick.. So the points i was raised on Children are to be seen not heard and no backtalking.. yes sir no sir yes maam no maam. Step out of line you get a belt. Dont insult/ downtalk me for answering your post with my opinion on children and how to raise them. i got my ass beat every day from as long as i can remember untill i was 12. then my father sent me on an airplane across the usa by myself. Ok? I was raised diffrent.. You asked a question. i gave an answer.. And as for respect of a woman.. I am pleased to tell you i have never stricken a women ever.. in my entire life.. If i did i would get my ass beat my my mother... she is 40 years old.. and im afraid of her.. And it gets me to think .. And as for "its not ok to beat your children when they do wrong.. " .. Go down south.. Go see the elders there.. Talk back to them if your thier kid or not they gonna smack the shit out of you....

Another point.. I got my ass beat when i did wrong.. Not just because .. but i did wrong and got beat for it.. Let me tell you i never did it again.

But then again before you troll me for my own opinion.. regardless of whatever you think.. You got it easy..
 Both parents military
Divorced at age 6
Beat every day untill 12.
Hit with glass cups and cut up and scarred
picked on at school. i couldnt take my shirt off for awhile because of the bruises and scars....
DO you even have the slightest idea of what that does to you at that young of an age?
Dont troll me because i belive in violence or call me a douchebag when you dont even know me k?
I dont strike females. But at a sibling standpoint at YOUR age. I dont see much wrong with it because.. She beats your ass and does whatever the hell she wants..

If she didnt do what you stated in your FIRST post. Obviously  the reply would have been diffrent. Im sorry but everyone i know belive in hitting your children when they DO WRONG. There is a huge fucking diffrence in Abusing your children and punishing your children.. What happens if you hit a cop? they beat your ass and send you to jail.. Same concept... Dont critisize me and call me names because my views are different than yours..

Like really your making me to be the bad guy here. When on a for real note you confronted me about my views... granted i responced in an aggressive way that doesn't make it right.. What your doing to me right now... Is THE SAME EXACT THING as me calling you a pussy because your younger sister beats you. Please. I didnt reply to your post to start a flame war or whos is bigger contest. I gave you some advice that has worked for me...

Final note : Beating the shit out of your children is bad.. Hitting them with a belt a few times on the butt is ok if they do something wrong.
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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2011, 03:24:28 PM »
If you took money from your parents wallet .. and they whipped your ass for it.. Are you gonna do it again?

doubt it.

so w.e -1 me all you want. I like how i am considered to be evil or a douche bag or irresponsible or whatever for posting my views and or opinions
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 03:28:27 PM by DrOctagonnapus »
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Re: How do I convince my stubborn mom?
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2011, 03:36:03 PM »
As for -1 you. . Is because you -1 my opinion. Why not? and its not ok to beat your children flat out. None of you were raised in the south where Respect reigns.. Its wrong to hit a woman. But as a parents standpoint im sorry but bullying between siblings is outright wrong. Both are causing the problems and i can solve it right quick.. So the points i was raised on Children are to be seen not heard and no backtalking.. yes sir no sir yes maam no maam. Step out of line you get a belt. Dont insult/ downtalk me for answering your post with my opinion on children and how to raise them. i got my ass beat every day from as long as i can remember untill i was 12. then my father sent me on an airplane across the usa by myself. Ok? I was raised diffrent.. You asked a question. i gave an answer.. And as for respect of a woman.. I am pleased to tell you i have never stricken a women ever.. in my entire life.. If i did i would get my ass beat my my mother... she is 40 years old.. and im afraid of her.. And it gets me to think .. And as for "its not ok to beat your children when they do wrong.. " .. Go down south.. Go see the elders there.. Talk back to them if your thier kid or not they gonna smack the shit out of you....

Another point.. I got my ass beat when i did wrong.. Not just because .. but i did wrong and got beat for it.. Let me tell you i never did it again.

But then again before you troll me for my own opinion.. regardless of whatever you think.. You got it easy..
 Both parents military
Divorced at age 6
Beat every day untill 12.
Hit with glass cups and cut up and scarred
picked on at school. i couldnt take my shirt off for awhile because of the bruises and scars....
DO you even have the slightest idea of what that does to you at that young of an age?
Dont troll me because i belive in violence or call me a douchebag when you dont even know me k?
I dont strike females. But at a sibling standpoint at YOUR age. I dont see much wrong with it because.. She beats your ass and does whatever the hell she wants..

If she didnt do what you stated in your FIRST post. Obviously  the reply would have been diffrent. Im sorry but everyone i know belive in hitting your children when they DO WRONG. There is a huge fucking diffrence in Abusing your children and punishing your children.. What happens if you hit a cop? they beat your ass and send you to jail.. Same concept... Dont critisize me and call me names because my views are different than yours..

Like really your making me to be the bad guy here. When on a for real note you confronted me about my views... granted i responced in an aggressive way that doesn't make it right.. What your doing to me right now... Is THE SAME EXACT THING as me calling you a pussy because your younger sister beats you. Please. I didnt reply to your post to start a flame war or whos is bigger contest. I gave you some advice that has worked for me...

Final note : Beating the shit out of your children is bad.. Hitting them with a belt a few times on the butt is ok if they do something wrong.
I read half way, got the point and TL;DR'd.

It's stupid to -1 based off a difference of opinion, as I already said, it's juvenile.
As for you trying to prove that you had a rougher childhood, you clearly missed the point.

I wasn't posting that to try and get sympathy for you to pity me... I just wanted you to understand that your thinking doesn't work so well, at least not for me.

And you saying that you had it so rough because you were beaten...

You clearly despise it so much, because it made it really rough for you, or by what you said sounds like it, SO WHY DO YOU WANT THAT FOR OTHER PEOPLE? It doesn't make any sense...

I also don't care if the people in your community beat all their children for the shits and giggles or not, for me, that would just encourage me to be even less violent.

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