its hard to explain lol but i will try
it saids you get 10 points for killing 300 zombies that takes a long time and the expectations are high.
you should make it so
you get 10 points for killing 5 zombies xD
its easy and no body gets fustrated ^^
1 point could be one hat, and 10/300 = 30
i think being able to buy a hat every 30 kills is fair.
and those cool hats, that only pros have could be 2 or 3 points.
and the 1337 hats 6 or 7.
anyways, hope you understand my point of, if you win 1 point for killing 30 zombies, the ugliest hat will be 1 point... and if you make you win 300 points for killing 30 zombies, the hat will be 300 points. (just an example ofc)