Back on topics, folks.
OP is actually saying something very much true at the moment. All servers are overpopulated by a massive amount of trolls who strangely all appear to have Regular. Because it's handed out like respected used to.
inb4hurritcantbeabused because YES, IT FUCKING CAN.
How do you think VIPs kick? By insta kicking? We RELY on Regulars for our powers to be worth a damn. The solution isn't to "make more VIPs", it's to be much stricter with the Regular system in my opinion. If there are 3 people trolling and two of them have Regular, that's already enough to render the VIP's power absolutely useless. But whatever.
Or, to put this into a different perspective.
We have 21 VIPs and 9 active Admins.
RND has 7 servers (not including Plain and Flood).
This makes an average of 1 admin and 3 VIPs per server.
On the other hand, there are 241 Regulars (probably more) spread out on 7 servers.
Don't blame us VIPs for not taking care of the servers - we do our best, but we aren't gods.
And yes, I have just talked about a completely different subject after saying how much I agree with OP's topic. Problem?
It's mostly because of the imposing standards one has to meet for getting VIP. There are alot of responsible candidates that don't get approved because not enough people know them, or some people don't know them well enough.
Honestly the only ones that truly meet all the criterias required for VIP right now would be Deacon and Yomo.
Others aren't active enough, only play one server, just don't fit VIP, and so on.