You begin walking down the corridor to try another room, when you begin getting more faint memories.
...large room....a lobby of some sort?....
...loud ringing...
...a strange figure in front of you...what is it?.... remember feeling a suffocating sensation...
...Is the looks like---
Your trail of thought was interrupted by a hard thonk on the back of your head.
Something grabbed the pipe you were holding and hit you with it.
Your vision fades, and fall unconscious.
You wake up in a room, your left arm is bound by a leather restraint on a cold pipe.
You still have iodine tablets in your pocket, and you can see the rusty pipe that knocked you unconscious across the room.
You quickly look around the room

Maybe there's some sort of cutting tool in those lockets to rip the leather restraint, or a knife on the shelf. It's too far to see, and frankly, your head hurts too much to try focusing.