and i put him in a mingecage for less than 8 seconds..
This is the statement I have the largest issue with.
Lets see, there seems to be a small drama fest that goes on between Sirs, prsn and a few others who inhabit the wire-build server.
The thing is, I have talked about the minge-cage issue before. In a few reports that involve you sirs in fact.
I have told you, as well as everyone else on the server in no uncertain terms, you are never in any circumstance to Mingecage someone.
I have also explained in great detail the reason why you don't do this.
Instead, hit the console button (aka ~)
Type "record asdf" (or whatever else you want to call it)
now go to C:/Program files/Steam/Steamapps/Account@sadf.pingaz/garrysmod/garrysmod/asdf.dem and take the demo you recorded.
Then you come here, and you upload your demo. Problem solved, I or another admin looks at it, and the person gets banned. Simple.
HoweverIf you ever spawn a mingecage in retalition to anything again.I'm not going to demote you, nor am I going to ban you for a few days.
I'm going to permanently ban you. From both the servers, and the forums.
I don't care if the person simultaneously insulted every member of your family in 14 different languages, while exploding your stuff 100,000 times a second.
You are not to retaliate towards them.
Instead record a demo.
But oh noes Xrain is going to perma ban me!!1!1!adasdadiowjao
No, it's simple to not get banned.
Just don't mingecage people, even if its for such a short period of time that its imperceptible to the human eye.
Even if the person could just suicide and get out.
Don't Do it.
Questions anyone?