Since summers coming up, we going to pick this back up again?

Was never abandoned, just worked on slowly
anybody got DB in the team, PM email
It's possible to do it.
To travel from map-to-map, all you'd have to do is rig up a trigger (like at the entrance of the Hyrule Market) that sends the command "connect", along with a possible password to the clients console .-.
Ready to be implemented, just need Cheez to finish Hyrule market after 1 whole year >O //Just saw his post
Maybe, but I'll have to see what Magic wants.
Child-link market
I'm still down to compose music, as long as we actually make progress.
And I guess I can map now too.
How doth Gerudo Valley sound?
<shiz about entry to market>
And one more thing, (You don't have to do this if you don't want to.) The Project Legends textures for map making are mixed in with default HL2 textures.. Plus they don't have any specific names. Most of them are just named "zelda_000numberhere" or something like that. This makes finding appropriate textures a gigantic pain in the ass. So, if you have the time, could you organize these textures and send them to me?
Add them to CStrike, find the textures you want to use and PakRat will automatically detect and add them to the bsp later on
For the entry, have the drawbridge in the upright position with a trigger teleport outlining it