This might just be me, but I feel that when coolz had to stop hosting and other people took over, losing some of the other servers made them lose their purpose for playing and they reluctantly switched over to the other rNd servers that they did not enjoy very much for various reasons (i.e. trolls, TTT traitor bait leading to major karma loss, etc.) and they have started to try and tolerate it; when they do, however, they lose their patience and start to get pissed off because they are not used to the type of stuff like other server specific regulars. One example might be me on TTT not losin' karma to a traitor bait, like a proven inno suddenly pulling a knife, unlike a person who might have just started.
TL;DR-Losing certain servers made them switch over reluctantly to the other available (mostly TTT) and they try to put up with it, can't, and get pissy.