I think there are some big gameplay things that need tweaking - and one is the fucking hitboxes.
A number of players here have been having issues where they - with more than enough karma - headshot people with either a deagle, or a shotgun - and it doesn't register, either missing them, or just damaging them instead of one-shot-killing.
It... is... a... royal pain in the ass to lose your T round when somebody doesn't die because the hitboxes are messed up, and don't register a properly executed one shot kill.
Also, I do think we need to have VIPs on more often, lately it seems a number of idiot newcomers are coming in per week making it hard to enjoy TTT [and many more players who stay, and contribute to a good game ./ gaming atmosphere as well - don't want to leave them out

Also, can we please stop all the randomly-calling-out-people things, the as-detective-destrying-another-detective's-health-station-while-he's-using-it, and all that migning bullshit? It makes it very hard to actually enjoy the game.