Our TTT is fucking horrific.
First things first, the karma system.
I was just playing a game right now, when a Detective gets sniped. There's an ensuing gunfight that leaves one dead. I DNA the body and it leads to Snivy, so I pump a magazine into him (I have 500 karma) and he tells me, "Lose karma. Do it." Just then, there was another gunfight and he helps shoot down two Ts. Two knives are picked up, and people are running around with them. Shit happens and they both end up stabbing somebody they though were Ts, and were wrong both times and now had less health because I shot them. After this happens, I kill a traitor. I lost two hundred karma, from 524 to 324. This is horsedick and shouldn't happen, as it is totally unfair. It needs a fix, and bad.
There are plenty of shooty guns, but not anything creative for Detectives or Traitors to use. I don't know, give traitors something fun. A low-power RPG that only does 75 damage max. A headcrab launcher. A suicide bomb that needs to charge for ten seconds. Those are great ideas.
TTT needs a fix.