Too many people here MISSING the fucking point.
The problem is NOT with PERMA karma but with the penalties incurred, they ARE inconsistent, and frankly, in need of tweaking - in some cases maybe increased, a lot of cases, reduced considerably.
For example, somebody accidentally shooting a barrel - that blows up a barrel, and THAT second barrel killing ONE person could incur a 630 point loss - excessive much?
We don't go to other TTT servers perma/abandon this one because, *duh*, WE LIKE this server - thinking changes are needed / demonstrating a necessity IMO does not negate one's devotion to the server, or liking the game mode / server, it just means that said person is one of MANY to say, "wow, we got a serious fucking problem here" - and as frequent players, yeah, they have that right IMO.
And Deacon, please gimmie a break, YOU think nothing will change, YOU think nothing SHOULD change, but that doesn't mean we should not have an opinion on the matter, nor should it mean that we should just shut up or not play when it comes to a very fixable problem that is obviously enough of a problem to be brought up by many people OVER and OVER. Sweeping it under the rug hurts a lot more than, I dunno, letting people talk about it / suggest changes? If it bugs you so much, don't pay attention to it, sure will be more effective than pissing off people by telling them that if they don't like X problem to go to another server instead of pushing to resolve it / make the server they LIKE [and thus are STAYING ON] BETTER.
My suggestions:
- Fix some noticeable bugs when possible, including the ability to buy nothing in the detective or Traitor's context menu, thus wasting a credit, and a player's mic button getting stuck when the player dies, if he/she is talking... and please, Xrain, PLEASE FIX the bug that was fixed on the real server before it went down where somebody can txtchat and get a comment out after they've already died [NOT as last word either] - it has emerged here, and can be a real pisser. I mean, somebody dies, and - not as last words [as evident by the lack of "LAST WORDS:" and "--*SPLUT*"]- "[so-and-so] is a Traitor!" appears on the screen - T dies, but from information made available because of a system bug that shouldn't.
- Modify the karma system reductions [T killing T, D killing I or D, I killing I or D, etc]/ gains [between round, for each Tater killed/shot at, or surviving the round, etc].
- There is a BUILT IN cheat to force the player who entered it to be forced inno, forced detective, or forced traitor. Find a way to make it so an admin can do that for a target player, if one doesn't already exists - it would be cool if somebody properly screwed out of a T round, who politely makes his/her case, could be given a new T round [same for inno, det, etc]
- Make it so admins can dynamically modify karma to fix karma from dealing with RDMers, etc.