Author Topic: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man  (Read 746 times)

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Offline Stone Cold

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Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:04:19 AM »
This being banned is another problem with having immature idiots in charge of the games and how they are run.

I, F***in' Stone Cold, STEAM_0:1:40757497, am an honest player always.  I never break the rules intentionally. And this has nothing to do with what this is about.
     I was playing game as usual, along with an idiot that is a regular player. By regular I mean everyday. He is probably a "regular", but that not the point. Anyone who plays as often as I do in this one game knows who i'm talking about. First, this person often suicides when not T at start of round. Second, he tells everyone on a regular basis that he is T when he is one. And, on a regular basis, will help rdmers get their karma back by telling them he will help them, next round when he T he looks for them and either shows them knife to let them know so they will shoot him, or he will kill another inno in front of the rdmer that he is helping by doing this. This player gets upset when I, playing by rules, kill him. Then he either rdms me or baits me into shooting him when he inno. This is everyday thing and I can record it to prove easy cause this is his way of playing.
     Why spend so much time talking about an idiot, you wander?  Because he was the one talking to your dumbass admin about his opinion of me and helped nudge admin into banning me for reason that was not true. Admin "Nobody" shot at me during one round and may have hit me. That part i don't remember. But I remember game and round clearly because of what happened next.
     I was coming out of a building (can't remember name of map) when Nobody shot at me. I shot back killing him. I know from common sense that while I continued playing , one player in particular was feeding this admin a bunch of his opinions about me. At end of round this asshole player, not the admin was asking why i shot Nobody" . He said over and over, "Nobody shot first". That stupid son of a bitch ":Nobody" slayed me during round. then when I was telling him what I thought of that, he banned me. I SHOT AT THAT SON OF A BITCH BECAUSE HE SHOT AT ME FIRST. And that's the facts to anyone who gives a shit.
     Yes , as I type , i am getting more and more pissed about it. LISTEN TO THIS AND AGREE OR DISAGREE, I DON'T CARE.  I ALWAYS PLAY GAMES BY RULES. I DON'T HAVE TO WIN TO HAVE FUN AND ENJOY PLAYING. I ONLY PLAY THIS ONE GAME ON THIS ONE SERVER. THE HONEST REGULARS KNOW ME AND SOMETIMES GET MAD CAUSE I KILL THEM FIRST WHEN THEY ARE T. THAT'S BECAUSE THEY WILL DO THINGS THAT TELL ME SO. I ADD TO THE GAME, MEANING MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE FUN WHEN I'M THERE.  OTHER PLAYERS USE MY SAYINGS AND WILL PLAY THE WAY I DO A LOT BECAUSE I SAY THINGS TO GET A LAUGH. "Hold on a second while I reload." I will say while in battle. that's one. Others say that now. Or, if someone bursts into flames unexpectantly you will hear, "KOS Stone Cold!". That's my  thing.  I get in trouble when I joke about things while playing by rules, suggesting something different. Thou funny, it sometimes gets players mad at me. Sometimes I walk around a corner to a bunch of dead un-i d ed bodies and someone else shows up. That happens a lot. What happens next you can guess. "why didn't you i d the bodies? you cost me karma!" funny , but I don't get time to i d and if I did someone , most likely killer, would blow my head off.  Yes , sometmes i step over un ided bodies , because i'm in hot pursuit of killer. Others only see me running and shoot me in back and what comes next?"Stone cold why didn't you i d body?"
     I've cooled off a little. Nobody is an immature admin that can't handle the facts, and I was told by a regular that plays by rules that Nobody is just bored with game and doesn't really care.  Whoever is in charge of this thing should know who are good players and who aren't. You don't because you don't play this game everyday.
     I play every chance I get. Only this one game on this one server. Why play another game if this one is fun?
     One more thing. I am a SUPER ADMIN on another and new server that is getting players. It's exactly the same rules and karma setting. I play it when this one here is full. Why don't I play it instead, you ask? I like what i'm used to and with who I know. Even if it's a few idiots, i know them and can deal with them. Trouble is dealing with bad VIP's and Admin. Please lift ban that i dont' deserve because I only state the facts. your friend , Stone Cold


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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2012, 07:32:01 AM »


And i got ban from this stupid reason too 15 DUP ACCOUNT IMPOSIBLE i have only 3 accounts
And snivy is not a friendly or nice admin he hates me alot for some reason

                                                                 [rebels against snivy]
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 07:44:31 AM by CaptainNoU »

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2012, 08:38:47 AM »
Take back everything  ::)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 10:21:19 AM by TehHank »

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2012, 08:45:23 AM »

I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions.

This report is going to be denied.  You literally have zero evidence of anything. At least TRY to make a decent appeal.

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 10:03:16 AM »
I'd just like to add here that I have banned and kicked you plenty of times for RDMing and then karma farming by going into spectator mode. I don't care what your excuse is here, doing it every single time you play is a bit too obvious.

Also, calling someone a son of a bitch as well as an immature bitch just because they banned you is sily.

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2012, 01:02:29 PM »

I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions.

This report is going to be denied.  You literally have zero evidence of anything. At least TRY to make a decent appeal.

I think the ban reason was malicious implications.


Maybe I should reply to this seriously.

You've been a constant problem with almost everyone who plays. You've had countless reports on you, and you're probably one of the most aggressive players ever.

The ban wasn't for the first-blood RDM to me, oh no. The slay was enough for that.

It was whenever you started calling me shit like "cunt fucker" "dipshit dumbass" and even shown in this thread, "stupid son of a bitch" that I decided a ban was a nicer resolution.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 01:14:30 PM by Snivy M.D. »

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Offline Dark Pacifist

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2012, 02:54:47 PM »
Thanks for the love stone.   :abuse:
Anyhow you were banned due to numerous complaints against you not just me. I do love that your appeal passively targets me and that anybody as you said above knows me and or knows my actions better than you.

As for "captain nou" you were initially banned for ghosting than rebanned repeatedly for trying to bypass your ban with a new account... at this point It's between "you" "Snivy" and the admin that you claim unbanned you.
If I'm wrong about the events sorry Orel but thats exactly what it looks like

P.S Orel you know the forums well please do not repost your appeal inside of someone elses.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 02:58:51 PM by Dark Pacifist »
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Offline Stone Cold

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2012, 03:10:46 PM »
The words "cunt, fucker , or dipshit has never come from me. Not in type or verbally. Those words are not in my vocabulary. Someone is confusing me with someone else. Check your records.  I get tired of defending myself to young, immature idiots. And I have to everyday. Players when they are T will follow me into room they know is empty. Some close the door. Most will look around room a few times to see no one is around to witness what is about to happen next. It doesn't take a genious to know what is going to happen next in these situations. And then there are the times that assholes that ruin part of the game get on. They admit so often that they are T that regular players know it's true. They say they will help some rdmers with low karma. Everyday players know this means that when they are T that they will show low karma players they choose to help. Low karma players then shoot them for karma boost. Sometimes players will bait others into shooting them so to lower that players karma. All this happens a lot. Hardly ever is their a VIP or admin that gives a shit playing this particular game. Not picking on VIPs or admins. Most choose to play other games , and there are a lot to choose from.  The ones on when this happens don't do anything unless it affects them personally. I have had admin to come and do something about players that don't play by rules , but only few times has this happened.
     I get tired of arguing with these players and VIP's , trying to point out that when time is about over in a round, all T's are alive , and one keeps following me for few minutes, then decides to look around room  before shooting.  I've played this one game almost everyday for last 8 or 9 months. This one game. I know the regulars, I know how they act, I know what they say, and I know what it means because I've heard it everyday. I'm up all night and all day. I live on naps at different times. Look at times that I'm on. I know these children that I play with. I know when they are selling a load of crap to other players to get away with killing. And, yes, some of them could sell the surgeon general a carton of cigarettes. I know all this because this is the other life I have lived from since I purchased game. Even before. I got hooked on free, or "cracked version". then server went down and I thought I was loosing my new friends that I made playing this one game so I quickly, and with money I couldn't afford to spend, bought the game thinking something was changed so I couldn't play free version anymore. And , not that anyone cares, I always play by rules. It's not a game , nor fun , if there are no rules. Again, after so much time with people you get to know them and know how they act and why.
     Well, that's it. I said my peace. Now, I guess Stone Cold will be moving on. To my friends, it was fun. Sorry it ended.

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2012, 03:16:00 PM »
The words "cunt, fucker , or dipshit has never come from me. Not in type or verbally. Those words are not in my vocabulary. Someone is confusing me with someone else. Check your records.  I get tired of defending myself to young, immature idiots.

>Those words are not in my vocabulary

>young, immature idiots

Your logic is impeccable.

Offline Dale Feles

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2012, 03:55:04 PM »

I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions.

This report is going to be denied.  You literally have zero evidence of anything. At least TRY to make a decent appeal.

Thank you Marie for the sprite.

Offline Dark Pacifist

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2012, 08:41:08 PM »
This is cute stone I just took the time to fully read your posts.
1. You constantly use those terms whenever you here certain peoples names or see that they died.
2. I've got you being a complete ass to several players then arguing/or ingnoring anyone that questioned you as to why you did it on record.
3. I pushed for you to just get kicked because you were getting a tad out of control when being questioned as to why you killed.
4. I'd be happy to supply any evidence wanted to verify over half the communities complaints against stone.
I'm sorry my ex-friend but it's not just a few against your actions.

If you can name me any time that you weren't a complete ass in the past 4 weeks other than when you were afk prove it and I'll see about helping you get your ban shortened. Otherwise enjoy any other community that accepts you.
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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2012, 10:07:23 PM »
Was gonna defend stone..... then realized no matter what I say clearly there's no swaying the bulk of you as you clearly disagree with stones attitude and play-style.

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2012, 10:23:18 PM »
To me, Stone is a good guy. I have been playing regularly with him nearly every day for months now. Whenever anyone plays with Stone, he brings more difficulty to the game. And now that he's gone the game will be a lot easier. And with no challenge, there is no fun. Stone has been playing for god knows how long, and most of you who are against this have hardly played with him at all! And no, I have never heard Stone say things such as "cunt" or "fucker" to me that is just incorrect, Stone hardly uses his microphone and when he does, is to say some funny jokes like "Can't we talk this out." And about his "RDMing" No. Isn't it ovious that someone is a Traitor if they follow you into a room, check their surroundings if anyone is there and probaly buy a knife "click." After playing so long even I would do what he does, though I would get swarmed with shit about it. And so I choose to basically let the Traitor kill me. Most of you should know what I mean. Allthough I know that my attempt is pointless I would much rather that Stone's ban is shortened. After all, he does play VERY regularly.

Offline Tec

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2012, 10:48:16 PM »
In my opinion a permanent ban is far too harsh.  If anything Stone Cold has earned a 2-3 day ban at the most.  And most people know that I am not Stone Cold's biggest fan but I think he deserves a second chance as long as he tones down his rdm.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 10:50:19 PM by Tec »

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Re: Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2012, 11:57:46 PM »
In my opinion a permanent ban is far too harsh.  If anything Stone Cold has earned a 2-3 day ban at the most.  And most people know that I am not Stone Cold's biggest fan but I think he deserves a second chance as long as he tones down his rdm.

I wasn't even aware the ban was permanent, well that's just absurd stone is one of my favorite player personalities though playing with him can be difficult at times he is truly a good guy. I'd much rather have someone who kills on suspicion then 99% of the other ttt population, he tends to kill for a pretty logical reasons. Saying hey I didn't shoot him but locked myself in a room with him and looked around then ran at him so he killed me is first blood is just about as absurd as saying I bought a knife and ran at him so he first blood rdm'd me with no proof. Stone is one of the players you need to learn to deal with, to work around, if that's an issue then there's at least 3 people I can think of who should be perma'd right now I truly doubt he said what he's been accussed of, I have no desire to question anyone's character maybe some exaggeration was used or maybe a generic insult I have no goddamn clue, but I have never heard stone use the word cunt (and he does cuss a ton) and even so, if a person is kicked every time the cuss someone out then I myself can recall a time or two I was deserving of a kick, I'm sure most of us can.