Saying this is OP is like complaining the knife is a one-hit kill.
It costs the same as a knife, and is almost worthless if not used strategically.
As Shockah said, revisions would be made if it didn't exactly have a "balanced" effect on the game.
It's not going to have infinite ammo and you're not going to be able to use it with no delay. All of us can see that.
If you DID remove the ammo, they would have to act fast and try to retaliate, requiring STRATEGY from the traitor. You're assuming that if the traitor gets a few bullets into the innocent first, they're instantly going to kill them. I've seen MANY occasions when the innocent does not have any ammo in their primary and a traitor is shooting at them. Out of nowhere the innocent would pull out a deagle, miss twice, and get a headshot killing the traitor. This isn't a instant kill weapon and this weapon doesn't render the innocent completely useless. It simply gives a traitor the upper hand in a few occasions. If a traitor removed someone's ammo, they would see that the traitor would be holstered (or model if we decide to use it IF we give this a chance) This ALSO means the traitor would have to switch HIS weapons. The innocent, if quick enough, could easily switch their weapons the same time the traitor does.
Also, I've seen someone with a pistol fuck a guy with the ak47 up before, it all depends on the player's skill and quick-thinking.
Alright, what sabb just said is the same thing what I said up above and it is pretty much balanced out from ammo only being removed from the current weapon being held out and not just the whole weapon.
There would most of the time be large groups of players wondering around which means you don't have much uses to remove all weapon ammo from everybody to kill them but instead the target who lost their weapon ammo can just use their secondary weapon to guard/protect themselves. And besides 2 uses for the ammo remover isn't overpowered at all and the cooldown for the ammo remover would be 3-5 seconds.
How exactly is this overpowered? TWO uses, THREE TO FIVE SECOND COOLDOWN, and the traitor STILL has to switch his weapons after taking away the ammo. If it was the AK47 that got drained, the innocent could easily reload before the traitor did too much damage to them considering the fact he still has to SWITCH OUT FROM THE REMOVER.
First of all: What if it's in closed-quarters, such as a Traitor Tester? If the range is too large then they will all be defence less.
Secondly: What if it's a map with hardly any weapons? I have gone entire maps (6 rounds) without ever having both a pistol and a main weapon (excluding non-standard weapons).
Finaly: Does it affect the HUGE?
I wasn't talkiing about a cool down period, I was talking about how long it takes to use the item. If nothing stops them from immediately using it then it broadens it's effectiveness far too much. Just walk with a crowd, stop for a split second, use it, then quite a few players are defeceless.
This is also a gold mine for headshotters, as they will have a longer delay before they began to lose accuracy by being shot. I realy think that this is a weapon that will be too over powered and is just plain unbalanced. I don't see how you don't.
Since Photo's posts sounded a bit weird, and from what you're assuming, you're saying you think it would remove the ammo from all the people in the area.
How exactly would a group of innocents be killed by one traitor when they just have ONE empty clip? Yeah, sure, maybe the traitor will kill one or two people, but the others would switch their weapon or reload their current one and fuck the traitor up. BUT, from what I read, this isn't suppose to be an area-of-effect weapon....It's only suppose to affect the target of the weapon....