Ok so here is what I think about the new ZS
What I dislike,
Only 6 waves, completely fucked up time based maps.
Fast head crabs can keep jumping and jumping without some sort of noticeable delay, and somewhat hard to kill them so they deal like 40-60 of your health....
Headcrabs seem a bit to powerful
Fast Zombies.... Fucking way too OP, not only do they hit while they walk, but it's like you collide into them so you can't move, usually they rape you as soon as they touch you...
Weapon buying and point system.- I liked how before you just had to worry about not getting raped, now you have to fucking pause, and buy weapons, which I know you might say "BUY IN-BETWEEN WAVES!!", well zombies are still around in mid-Waves, so they can still rape you.
A battery for your flashlight
No armor or ammo crates.
What I like about ZS
Your screen shifts left when you turn left and same with right, I just think that looks really good, keep that..
A ghoul Zombie, finally something different from regular zombie
Animation Fixes
New weapons.
The assist system, now people can't really complain about "kill steals" and stuff
Now where am I going with this?
Well as deacon mentioned we should try to make this like the older ZS, as I liked that...
Just that moment when to get grenades instead of cade kit and your like "FFFUUUUUUUUUUU" I miss that, when you humans ACTUALLY lived....