That is the point, get active or face removal, [/quote]
First, some people have lives and can't be active 24/7
Seconded does it really make any difference if someone is a VIP that isn't active 24/7?
i have no clue what half you post means...
"new and old players play the server to enjoy it, this why rNd has the VIP rank so they'll check if everything is okay and not reports section on the forums always.
That should be the point of the VIP rank."
Are you trying to say the more active we are the less reports admins have to check? if that is the case then that would be false since VIPS also have to make reports to get people perma banned/ couple days since we can only ban for an hour.
And or you also trying to say VIP rank ties into "You're been active for a long time you deserve VIP"
if so i think not, I always felt its not about how long/active you are but how you control yourself and use the rank to make proper calls when you are online to ban/kick properly IMHO its more or a sign of respect to say "We trust you to follow the rules and enforce them"
"If you're not "good" enough"
Really? now your trying to insult my integrity? WOW I'm not even going to comment on that
I will say I don't play as much as i use to or as much i like to but i do try to atleast get 30mins to an hour a night in SH or Fretta (never can get in TTT its always full

) BUT I am usually always available if people need to message me to come kick/ban someone.