I pissed myself in the computer lab once. I really couldn't hold it. ._.Trust me... that wasn't only awkward for you.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Oh also that time I left skype on and muted it while talking to Sabb and Jman, and when I left, it unmuted itself when the internet when off momentarily, and my mom decided to come into my room and play with my dog and fart all over the place while I was gone. LOL
Woke up with a huge boner at science camp in 6th grade and didn't realize it until others. Ahem. Pointed it outLOL
i had to do a speech for english once, but i was so nervous when i came up, barely anything understandable came out except for bits of letters and mumbling...Know that feel man.
im not good at public speaking...
LOLare you jealous of my massive cock?
Don't worry, it was probably hardly recognizable.
I accidentally walked into the girl's bathroom my first day of my new school.
there's more that i'll recall late
are you jealous of my massive cock?We're not talking about chickens.
We're not talking about chickens.who says i'm not a chicken
One time I left during a skype call, went to the bathroom, came back and ate lunch, did some other stuff, then sat back down at my computer to have a fap.dropped your pants on skype?
I forgot that I put on my headset by force of habit, and the call was still open.
I eventually noticed when they pointed it out, and I made up a bullshit excuse.
It's even worse if you know who I'm talking about.
One time I left during a skype call, went to the bathroom, came back and ate lunch, did some other stuff, then sat back down at my computer to have a fap.
I forgot that I put on my headset by force of habit, and the call was still open.
I eventually noticed when they pointed it out, and I made up a bullshit excuse.
It's even worse if you know who I'm talking about.
dropped your pants on skype?
-I wanted to join a talent show and sing. I picked out a song, gave it to the coordinator, and never practiced. When it came time, all I did was stand there and mumble stuff. They ended up cutting it half-way and clapping me off the stage. I never really felt too embarrassed from this, but it's there none the less.
-Was taking a dump in school and a kid just throws the door open. I didn't see who it was because it was like a bright light, all I could see was the shadow. Haven't taken a dump in school since then.
-I wasn't exactly the stylish kid on the block. One day, I thought it would be cool to where my belt hanging on my waist. I wore a shirt over the belt however. Later with an encounter in the bathroom, I lift up my shirt and a couple guys point out that only women do that. So I learned that the hard way,
-We were all crowding in front of the building, just getting off out buss' when this really rude black chick just pushes her way through everyone. I don't know why to this day, but I pushed her back. She turned around and slapped me in front of the whole crowd. Surprised and shocked, all I could do was do that movement that usually involves the saying, "what man? you wanna fight?" Thankfully, she left me be and went on her own way.
You definatley learn a lot from school -_-
One time I left during a skype call, went to the bathroom, came back and ate lunch, did some other stuff, then sat back down at my computer to have a fap.At least you didn't leave your webcam on. Can't say the same for Danny.
I forgot that I put on my headset by force of habit, and the call was still open.
I eventually noticed when they pointed it out, and I made up a bullshit excuse.
It's even worse if you know who I'm talking about.
Kept falling today at school...
Turns out, hobnails + tile = bad.
Had to get some shoes from the school's storage.
Now my chest hurts from having the wind repeatedly knocked out of me.
why the fuck would you wear boots to schoolDon't worry, I don't.
please don't tell me you don't go in your nazi garb because that'd be all kinds of awesome and stupid at the same time
Those awkward moments when you touch someone/someone else touches you accidentally.
And of course I mean more than the average bump of the shoulder.
I... can't remember the the name of the video but someone posted one about it a while ago... I'm sure someone else will find it.
Those awkward moments when you touch someone/someone else touches you accidentally.
And of course I mean more than the average bump of the shoulder.
I... can't remember the the name of the video but someone posted one about it a while ago... I'm sure someone else will find it.
Awkward Physical Contacts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EF_tdH0nBE#ws)
Admit it. There has to be at least one that happened in our lives.nope, most of the things in that video only happen to guys anyway, I don't have many guy friends irl, and even if those things did happen with a girl (except for that last one) It wouldn't be as awkward :3
and there is that story about a year ago I told almost everyone on my list that my extremely religious mom walked in on me fapping and took my laptop away for two months.
never ever fap with people home LOL.this makes me glad to be a male
Your walking backwards story reminded me of mine. Good God.
It was freshman year in high school and i had leaked out of my fucking pants when I was on my period. I was sitting down and I got up and saw that there was blood on the seat (easily wipable) and my friend was like "dude stop getting chocolate all over the place" since he thought it did look like chocolate. Anyway I knew for a fact that there was a huge stain on my god damn pants. It was lunch time and I knew when it was over - I had to walk back to class which was upstairs - and people can easily see my ass walking upstairs. I had to think fast.
LUCKILY I had a jacket with me and i tied it around my waist like it was "cool" in the 90s and walked back upstairs. THEN luckily I had my scrubs uniform with me in my bag. I went to the bathroom and wore that. Shit no one saw thank god. Replaced my bloody pants with it. lol.
never ever fap with people home LOL.
Your walking backwards story reminded me of mine. Good God.
It was freshman year in high school and i had leaked out of my fucking pants when I was on my period. I was sitting down and I got up and saw that there was blood on the seat (easily wipable) and my friend was like "dude stop getting chocolate all over the place" since he thought it did look like chocolate. Anyway I knew for a fact that there was a huge stain on my god damn pants. It was lunch time and I knew when it was over - I had to walk back to class which was upstairs - and people can easily see my ass walking upstairs. I had to think fast.
LUCKILY I had a jacket with me and i tied it around my waist like it was "cool" in the 90s and walked back upstairs. THEN luckily I had my scrubs uniform with me in my bag. I went to the bathroom and wore that. Shit no one saw thank god. Replaced my bloody pants with it. lol.
This one time I was like taking a test in reading about this book we were reading called "Bud not Buddy" and when it came to question 39 it said "Why did Bud check out a book at the library" Since it was multiple choices I had to circle one of them, But answer D was " Because he wanted to become a janitor in the public schools" and I just shouted out loud "What type of fucking question is that?" After that I got sent to the principle's office for swearing and he gave me this 20 minute lecture on not to swear, Afterwords I was Called Captain. Packer because I swore so much.This bitch at my school cussed out the guidance counsellor, VP and principal and probably got less of a punishment than you LOL.
TL;DR I cussed at a stupid answer and got in trouble.
I wish I were your friend. You have many interesting storiesNo you don't.
Okay, I just had another one.. I was discussing taking a piss with sabb just now and I realized I have a story.Good job, Chip.
Proudly and I were friends back when we were kids. His mom was friends with my parents. Over time we moved etc and was separated until middle school. Anyway, we were both around 5-6 years old. We were having a playdate at his house and he decided to pee. Well I was watching him pee and he was standing up. I didn't understand this back then, but I was so curious as to HOW he's able to do that. Anyway, I asked him how he's doing that and he said his dad taught him how to hold it. So he offered to teach me. He told me to stand by the toilet and hold it --- I pinched the living fuck out of my thing to try to aim at the toilet..
Didn't work. I peed all over myself.
His mom saw it and screamed.
Then I started crying.
Okay, I just had another one.. I was discussing taking a piss with sabb just now and I realized I have a story.That sounds a lot like a rage comic I read a few days ago.
Proudly and I were friends back when we were kids. His mom was friends with my parents. Over time we moved etc and was separated until middle school. Anyway, we were both around 5-6 years old. We were having a playdate at his house and he decided to pee. Well I was watching him pee and he was standing up. I didn't understand this back then, but I was so curious as to HOW he's able to do that. Anyway, I asked him how he's doing that and he said his dad taught him how to hold it. So he offered to teach me. He told me to stand by the toilet and hold it --- I pinched the living fuck out of my thing to try to aim at the toilet..
Didn't work. I peed all over myself.
His mom saw it and screamed.
Then I started crying.
Once, I was like 11 or something don't know exactly anymore. But I did go to the teacher and said ''I feel sick can I go home?''. Teacher said ''No Thomas don't lie to me.'' The next moment I felt something coming up and puked over her shoes. Shit was funny eventought I was feeling sick like hell. She always believed me after that when I said I was sick. Good times.
Most recent embarassing story:poor babby
New years eve 2011. Holy shit it was such a fun night..
Have you ever remembered your dream? It was like I was dreaming but I was in real life, blurry vision, everything was like fish eye lens.
I threw up everywhere that night.
I was crying and throwing up at the same time.
I threw up in the hallway of my friends bathroom. I also told proudly to pull over - I opened the door and I just hurled - this went on for about ... the whole night LOL.
sigh. Everyone talked about it...
This wasn't really embarrassing but I thought it was funny as fuck... well, do now at least.
Any ways, when I was really young, like 6 maybe, I was digging in the dirt for like worms and stuff... I think for my grandpa to use as bait for fishing. So I showed my mom every worm I would get, and then put it in a bucket or w.e. Then I eventually came back with a salamander and literally couldn't tell the different LOL. And I can't believe I remember that...
but salamanders have like 4 legs and stuff :oShe freaked out lol. I didn't understand why obviously, but she hates salamanders, and I put it right into her hands lmao.
how did your mom react xD
She freaked out lol. I didn't understand why obviously, but she hates salamanders, and I put it right into her hands lmao.
My mom hates smelling foreign smells and when I was a kid I always asked her to smell my hand. LOL. she always freaks when I ask her and she yells "WHY WOULD I WANT TO SMELL IT IF IT SMELLS BAD?! I ALREADY BELIEVE YOU"GOD YOU FUCKED UP CHILD
I usually play with dirt and concrete powder/sand and ocassionally touch raw meat/fish from the fridge and make her smell it. I would make her smell my poop but I didn't wipe myself back then. LOL.
My mom hates smelling foreign smells and when I was a kid I always asked her to smell my hand. LOL. she always freaks when I ask her and she yells "WHY WOULD I WANT TO SMELL IT IF IT SMELLS BAD?! I ALREADY BELIEVE YOU"
I usually play with dirt and concrete powder/sand and ocassionally touch raw meat/fish from the fridge and make her smell it. I would make her smell my poop but I didn't wipe myself back then. LOL.
DEVIE, HYGIENE PLSI second this.