evil james xD
so il post a small idea/my synopsis here too??
if yes the
After the incident near the helicopter, Gordon wakes up in a helicopter over the Arctic Ocean,
the course? Borealis, or the last known location of it.
Little do they know that the combine have been carefully observing them nearing to the Borealis
Near the edge of the island where Borealis was supposed to be, the group encounters a large
group of combine helicopters, which are escorting 4 combine dropships to the island. Curious
why the combine are there they decide to follow them, but something dark happens, a small
pulse from the middle of the island shuts down their systems and the helicopter makes a crash
landing. As soon as Gordon regains consciousness, and tries to observe his surroundings he
finds out that he has been imprisoned by the combine, and stripped of all his weaponry, even
the Gravity Gun. Gordon finds a small stash in the middle of the wall which contains a crowbar
and a headcrab. After defeating the small headcrab Gordon breaks out of the cell he was
appointed to and decides to find Alyx, because Alyx has got sensitive information about the
workings of the resistance. After travelling through countless jail blocks he finally finds her,
tortured, tired, beaten up and tied into an integorriation chair in a room. Gordon breaks her free,
hides her into an old service room and heads out to find some medical supplies to cure her.
After attending to the most immediate need of curing Alyx they head out to find an emergency
control room to get some information about why the combine are here, how many of them are
here and where they all are located. Sadly the emergency control room is out of power and
Gordon has to find the power generator and fix it. After that being taken care of Gordon
encounters a combine assasin sent to kill him. Escaping by ventilation shafts Gordon returns to
Alyx to tell her about the encounter. Alyx in the meantime has had the oppurtunity to
communicate with the white forest. Or whats left of it that is, it seems that the combine have
found a way to access the sattelites and ordered an orbital strike on The White Forest.
The race against time has begun, to save the world.
Alyx thinks up a crazy plan, which includes Gordon infiltrating the hq, finding the power source
and blowing it all up, while Alyx stays behind to coordinate. During the trip to the HQ Gordon
encounters the female assasin again,and thistime defeats her. To successfully infiltrate the HQ
Gordon has to disguise himself as a combine trooper.In the HQ Gordon eavesdrops on a
combine general talking to an advisor who calls himself BREEN. They are talking about a
Combine fleet arriving via a huge portal which is going to be opened with the Borealis, the fleets
purpose? Destroy mankind, and to stripmine the planet.
Now Gordon is headed to the Borealis, fighting through hordes of Combine troopers and a few
occasional Gunships.
When Gordon enters the Borealis he is teleported to an Aperture Lab underground where he
discovers the ruins of GLaDOS. To get back to the Borealis Gordon has to complete a set of
trials in the facility. After completing the first trial Gordon recieves a strange gun.. The PORTAL
gun. Sadly the Portal Gun is a precessor and needs Crystals to operate. With it Gordon opens a
portal to the Borealis where he changes a few parametres in the superportal activation
sequence. On the way back to Alyx Gordon finds a prototype Combine jet which he uses to get
back to Alyx and to get back to the White Forest.
On the way back they suddenly hear a large boom, and when they watch back they see a giant
portal half-way being open pulsing. In the portal they see a large combine fleet and a planet
being sucked away to a singularity. Luckily the singularity does not affect Gordons side of the
portal. After the portal closes the island on which the borealis was suddenly starts vapourising.
When they have returned to the White Forest they find out that all combine activity suddenly
stopped. Everyone who was a combine soldier suddenly turns back to a normal citizen.
After touching down suddenly GMAN appears in front of everyone and starts talking to Gordon,
and eventually taking Gordon with him.
If no then mod delete