Hi there.
I don't usually start a map thread before I'm halfway through with the map, but this being my first ZS map, I want it to be as good as possible. I really want to make a map that people enjoy and vote for regularly. As such, I've decided to instead post a layout designed in paint (note: I used paint. it's not proportionatley exact, work with me here).
With this layout, I hope to gain your input and suggestions before I even look at Hammer. I understand everybody has different tastes and desires as to what should be in a ZS map, so I won't add the one-time-entry room with a window nobody can get through 20 feet in the air with a box of grenades below it. That would be nice, though. Even if it's adding an entire level to the damn thing, I'd still like to hear it.
This map will eventually be put into production regardless of whether anyone has responded or not, but if you see something that looks shitty - please tell me

So, anyways, here is the layout as I've imagined it so far, based on a single, long hallway inside of a building.
Layout: 15%
Texturing: 10%
Lighting: 10%
Scripting: 10%
Models: not sure how many will be released in the final version, currently have: 2
Sounds: 35%
Detail: 0%
Overall: 5% (estimation)
I'm not a texture genius, so if anybody wants to help out with the texturing I'd be happy to put them in the map. They need not be dirty, just futuristic. I'm hoping to use 100% custom textures for a unique look.
First screenshot: