Tech Lounge => Mapping => Topic started by: Retroactive on March 04, 2010, 02:49:03 AM
Hi there.
I don't usually start a map thread before I'm halfway through with the map, but this being my first ZS map, I want it to be as good as possible. I really want to make a map that people enjoy and vote for regularly. As such, I've decided to instead post a layout designed in paint (note: I used paint. it's not proportionatley exact, work with me here).
With this layout, I hope to gain your input and suggestions before I even look at Hammer. I understand everybody has different tastes and desires as to what should be in a ZS map, so I won't add the one-time-entry room with a window nobody can get through 20 feet in the air with a box of grenades below it. That would be nice, though. Even if it's adding an entire level to the damn thing, I'd still like to hear it.
This map will eventually be put into production regardless of whether anyone has responded or not, but if you see something that looks shitty - please tell me :)
So, anyways, here is the layout as I've imagined it so far, based on a single, long hallway inside of a building.
http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/78/hallwaylayoutv1.png (http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/78/hallwaylayoutv1.png)
Layout: 15%
Texturing: 10%
Lighting: 10%
Scripting: 10%
Models: not sure how many will be released in the final version, currently have: 2
Sounds: 35%
Detail: 0%
Overall: 5% (estimation)
I'm not a texture genius, so if anybody wants to help out with the texturing I'd be happy to put them in the map. They need not be dirty, just futuristic. I'm hoping to use 100% custom textures for a unique look.
First screenshot: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9185/zshallwaydefense0001.jpg (http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9185/zshallwaydefense0001.jpg)
it lookslike a chem rape map, make a couple of places where you can fend them off in someway
this actually looks pretty awesomeness
you have my luck :D
this actually looks pretty awesomeness
you have my luck :D
And you have my bow
And you have my bow
and my quilted northern
Thank you for the comments :P I had not considered chem zombies, so I'm reworking the design a little bit. In the meantime, here's the very first rendering of FatBot 1.0. He will be helping you on your journey through the high tech installation (hallway) to fend off the zombie infestation. How, you ask? That's a super secret! (will not be unbalanced, I promise)
I haven't UV mapped him yet, so the textures are stretched and out of place, nor is his body complete. Oh, if you haven't noticed, the theme of the map is futuristic space station or base on a planet.
http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/1175/fatbot1.jpg (http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/1175/fatbot1.jpg)
Sounds innovative! Any idea when you will release it?
When it's ready is all I can say. Right now Dark Skies takes up most of my time, and there's no telling when that will be completed.
I've begun testing on FatBot and trying to get him implemented, since that is something I've never done before and I want to get it out of the way. He won't play a huge role, in fact, none at all if you don't mess with him.
No spoilers!
Use Propper On That ;P
Been a few days, so I thought I'd post the little progress I've made.
http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9185/zshallwaydefense0001.jpg (http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9185/zshallwaydefense0001.jpg)
Fatbot will dominate you.
this map looks really nice, clean. what exactly is fatbot there for ?
Awesome.I hope u can get it done asap. (not rushing you though)
Fatbot will help you unlock areas in the map, assuming you can get him online.
it sure is.
Updated main post. On to a dilemma:
Props. Unfortunately, the props for HL2 weren't designed to fit into a clean, space station environment. I'm faced with either settling for them, or completely redesigning and implementing new props to be used. The obvious upside is that the map would be more awesome and cool, with the downside being filesize and download times. I want to know whether you would all mind having a possibly 60-70mb (guesstimation, really no clue how big it would be) map hosted on your server. I've never made a ZS map before, and I'm no coder, so I'm not sure if the props must have health set in the code or if their health is related to weight or what is going on.
In the meantime, I'm going to begin modeling everything anyways, and if worse comes to worse I'll simply release two versions of the map. One with, one without. If anybody has any information about this, please let me know as I won't be compiling the models until I find out.
Just a bump to let you know that this project isn't dead, there are several side projects IRL that are taking up my free time at the moment.