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Messages - devvybabe ♥

Pages: 1 ... 50 [51] 52 ... 63
Mapping / Re: zs_technology jimonions super new awsome map (finished)
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:34:42 PM »
ok released v2 shud work properly nao

Played it for the first time 5 mins ago (Didn't know if its v2 or not, wasnt paying attention)
and doors got stuck. Most of them did.
Same situation with sanders.

Mapping / Re: ZS_Inversion PROGRESS
« on: March 10, 2010, 04:28:10 PM »
I played this in single player just now and the only way I can get big like sanders is to no clip D:
oh wellz :D was fun even playing it alone XD

Funny Stuffz / Re: Suicide? :O
« on: March 10, 2010, 04:26:38 PM »
Thank you! :D


I suppose I'm exaggerating my point. The thing is most of us don't don't display our gender as much as you seem to.

I don't try to display my gender. If I accidentally do, I honestly do not mean to.
I apologize if it seemed like so.

Well I mean sometimes I do poke around a little for some humor around that area. I go along with the jokes they come up with.
I know I'm rare so sometimes, I just like to joke around and be sexist towards myself and girls online to be funny.. But then again, I'm not a funny person and people take it the wrong way.. I need to stop to be honest -.-

I apologize if I seem like I'm emphasizing my womanhood to everyone. I just thought this thread would explain my point of reference. And I just thought I'd joke around as well. But those never seem to work out too well.

That's not true one of our early admins was a girl. Don't assume your the only girl on the internet simply because your one who displays it.

lol what? I wasn't trying to emphasize that I am the only girl on the internet. I was not saying that at all. I know me alone does not represent the entire girl-gamers out there. Nowhere near.
I don't understand. wth

I mean like, what's not true? I mean did I inadvertently assume I'm the only girl on the internet? D:
I mean like If I did, I apologize - by no means I made it that way.
I wasn't even aware I did so. D:

Ok, I see your point now. And yes, I really think like a stereotypical guy. I didn't read everything here and it seems as if I just misunderstood the intention of this thread.

At first I was like: omnomnom, +1 post

Then I was like: Did I piss off someone? Your awnser just looked TOO sarcastic in my eyes.


Maybe I should act like a woman on the internetz and troll some male nerds.

LOLZ no I apologize if it seems like its filled with sarcasm. I tried not to make it seem like it, It just seems uncanny you took my thread and response antagonistically.

But no you did not piss anyone off by any chance. Like I said in my original thread, I expected answers like yours. So no you did not. Sorry if I seem mad in my responses. I just look like an idiot sometimes when I try to be funny or ridicule, because - well being funny isn't really my personality. People take it the wrong way most of the time.

But meh  >:(

Do you have complexes about it? I really can't understand your point.
Gamer-Women are RARE, so all the male nerds here on RND and everywhere else see this as a "miracle". Maybe it's also different for them. It's in Haman's nature to make fun of persons, that are different.

I mean, it wasn't even meant as an offense. When you would have said, that you are an 50 year old, married man, they would also make jokes. And it would also be funny. It's not because you are a chick, it's because you a rare appearance on game servers.

So, yeah. Your prediction of our awnsers describes it properly. Get over it.

LOL I did not have a point with the comment I just said earlier, I was joking entirely. I know it was ironically not true and it gave me the opportunity to poke in satire with the situation hence the "LOL". I even stated it was funny.

I did not take any of the comments these "nerds" give me seriously. It does not matter to me at all since I get this everywhere online since I was 10. It does not bother me in anyway but I know everyone here can agree that this whole situation is a paradox.

I understand I'm rare, I'm not asking for a change or your affinity whatsoever. I just wanted you guys to know how its like in my frame of reference. But I see your vagueness shows with aloof comments which leads me to the question; Why are you posting in this thread?

I KNOW all the things you just told me. I don't mean to articulate my gender, or use it to rationalize every situation I'm in. Like I said, I just wanted RND (group entirely populated by guys) to understand how its like in my eyes. It's not something I need to get over. It's something I have been used to. I apologize if this thread or my comments pissed you off in some way.

No offence but your comment was your stereotypical guy answer, that's how I was able to predict it in my thread. No offence. I hope you don't take it as one.

Funny Stuffz / Re: The Worlds two Greates things... PUT TOGETHER!!!
« on: March 09, 2010, 04:25:29 PM »
Every post he made as a pic in it LOL
Spammerrr! D:

mhm. I remember that game, when everybody on zs_cave tried to sacrifice you.
It was funny though.

Yeah cuz I'm a chick. LOL it was funny

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Delete deathmaps
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:51:06 PM »
Pointing out a metaphor kinda makes me think you think we are dumb :P

No no, its not like that. Its just that sometimes people take them literally on purpose.
D: Besides, sometimes I make my own metaphors for the lulz

Games / Re: Scrabble...?
« on: March 09, 2010, 12:47:43 PM »
I would google it myself but I have no idea how to put it in small words without putting it in a big sentence...

Games / Scrabble...?
« on: March 08, 2010, 06:27:49 PM »
What game is it called where you shake a transparent box full of letters and set it down and attempt to make words out of it and whoever has the most words accumulated wins.

Is it scrabble? I was told differently.

They said scrabble is, a big board game where you lay letters on that you grab from a pile and attempt to create words with it.

Whats the difference?

Considering you made 7 pages off this topic it proves people care about you quite a bit. Ignore the assholes who talk shit to you.

lol I shall, most definitely.

« on: March 08, 2010, 04:10:42 PM »
lol yeah I photoshop my own stuff.

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